
The Champion's Wine System

“You know we don’t have to battle” A woman with dark color eyes a fair skin said . Her skin was covered in full suit of armor and her weapon a beautiful crafted Azure spear. Meredith in her pure blue and white hoop sleeved robes. Nod while say “I know” her voice uncaring about her soon to be opponent. "Then why make it difficult for me” the woman sighed she was so close now she has to face this devil of a woman. “ Its not my fault you decided to go against the worlds Will”. “Your presence here isn't even alined with Fath , you took an unassuming path “. ‘Pitty’ merdith shook her head as she spoke inernally. "Futhermore Your presence here threaten the last soul existence, leave or I’ll have to kill you . " “Make a choice, do it quickly.” A bit impatient about the matter. “I have Wine’s to make!”merdith futher exclaimed making it seem as if she woman exitence was not worth her taking time off from her refining. Seeing her opponent gritted her teeth , she knew the out come of her question. Just as she was ready to summon her weapon. A voice in her head. ‘Let me have the fool, you gotten soft since coming here!. ' Chuckling “I just focus more on making wines nowadays “ Meredith replied. ‘Yeah , yeah , yeah just make sure I get my blood wine’. ‘I already have it’ 'Bloody Hell you been hold out on your home girl!.' 'Time have changed Remi lamented. When had she ever suffers such.' ‘You know why Remi, you been drink beyond cultivation, having trouble at home ‘ ‘Shut it!’ ‘I’ll take that as a yes. Chuckling’ While bickering 5 seconds have passed . 'I’ll let you have just don’t burn my stamina too much I got work it do after .' ‘Tsk , looks like see won’t be able to use the '.Empyean Blood Art! .’ Meredith demeanor change after Remi too over previous she was clam and general uncaring. Now not only dress in Blood red Battle armor , but had her favorite weapons summoned. Crimson Queen you never had the change to taste the blood of an immortal yet have you . ‘No master’Her halberd glowed in response. “Then let's get you a drink!!” said a undulating excitement ....... Meredith Walker former Federation general and know by those in the shadows are Madam Widow her presence and her organization was feared Having died at 86 she was sent to a world were spiritual Energy was possible to cultivate. Watch her climb realms and destroy them , along with her slightly crazier half Remi. All her journey at the end fight for the chance to be come a God all while taking a swig of Wine!. Come Read the Champions Wine System ! Read her Journey to God Hood!.

Dark_Alpha · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Reason for Death & Mother's Message

Looking over at her daughter whose face was covered, opening her mouth a bit she could still see the light purple vapor.

Internally she smiled she had taken something before she left to suppress the poison, but she can't help but lament her fate of not begin able to see her intelligent daughter grow up maybe even have a new bigger family.

"Amera I, I stated showing symptoms earlier yesterday morning, I was weak and seat so much the sheets were soaked, I didn't manage to keep anything down. this was pretty much unknow to anyone as were preparing to leave the clans compound. I managed to feel better after taking a few hunger pills, energy wise of was ok but I was still sick initial I was worried I contracted something last week when I deliver a message to one of clan under the control clan Greenwood."

"Even took a few low-grade ranks 1 healing pills I had kept incase of emergency the only thing they did was help ease my suffering along with the hunger pills."

"It was when I woke up the seeing time int the middle of the night dry heaving, I saw my breath its was deathly purple very deep the vapor it self seem to freeze the air itself."

Making eyes contact with her daughter she took a deep breath however finding it a bit hard to do so and continue

"I left the clan compound and quickly grabbed one of the carriages, heading to Grandmas' Nell herb store, when I arrive you were already asleep."

Seeing her daughter eyes widen a small smile appeared on her lips.

She continued "Grandma Nell expanding me and found out I was poison by Purple Haze a peak rank 2 herbs its grade was unique it was capable of killing a rank 3 cultivators in 2 days without sufficient treatment and was very hard to find in this day and age, most alchemist never encountered it in there entire lives ." hearing her diagnosis , I wondered who would use such a valuable ingredients as poison for some one like me after all my life in general wasn't worth much .

"If it was so rare, who could afford it that knows and who would have it in supply for sale and why would they use it on you?" a simple question and luckily one she knew all the answers too or else she would be so calm.

"Apparent she had sold it to another herb store suppler that she owed a favor too when she was younger."

"After selling it for a hefty sum even though it was for a favor the value of the essence extract was worth 10 times as much because it was already processed and extremely potent. She figured an alchemist wanted it to use in a concoction never though that it would comeback and hunt her so quickly."

Her daughter head dips as if contemplating what she just herd, she looked up a few seconds later her eye watery.

"If you already went to grandma Nell it means she was unable to help why did you come all the why here?"

With a deep but seems shallow breath "While grandma Nell was unable to cure be she devised a way to by some time it was all she could do , making the antidote for a rank 2 Unique grade herb was out of her skill level she could suppress the physical aspect of the herb essence on her body it would take away the discomfort but that was all she could do.

"Why knowing grandma Nell, she would have study that unique essence extract over the years and develop pills to counter it." Her daughter snapped back a little bit of hope could be heard in her voice.

Hearing it she pursed her lips, know her answer would disappoint her

"I ask a similar question" her mother took two shallow breaths.

Apparently what made this rank 2 herb extract so unique is that it target the soul of its victims , fist weakening the body while it slowly infects the soul the effects on the body aren't crippling but with out someone knowledge about soul based herbs and the requires skill set it would leave bronze rank 1-3 alchemist puzzled , the time it infects it host was short as well , only maybe able to get rid of the poison from the body , but at that time it would have already infected the soul, soul eating it away."

"It's why it the herbs was classified as 'Unique' it's the only one with that characteristic on that grade with the state of the world it was even harder to be found "

"What you do mean by the state of the word" that seem lime valuable importation she knew this was regarding to cultivators as for how valuable it would have to wait until she becomes a cultivator her self in a couple of weeks.

She had been waiting her the Members of the different Secular Palaces to appear as they did 3 years ago, she remember how bustling the city was when testing of spiritual roots, even those in the slums had bright smiles and the atmosphere was more cheerful

'Fourteen she would be turning 14 in few weeks around the same time they would have recruiting new members she had hope she had spirit roots or at east talent in body cultivation so she could cultivation.'

'Even more so now, looking at her mother base on how thing worked she didn't think she would make it that long, even she could cultivate takes time at least that what Grandma Nell told her when she asked could her mother hold out until then' its not fair why could she keep at least one parent, she held back the urge to cry.

Trying to seem as calm as possible she didn't know how much time her mother had but she had been much worse since she came back.

"Grandma Nell said it was common knowledge amount rank 2 cultivator as their method of cultivation required them to draw spiritual energy from the surrounding, minuscules amount of energy means it hard for them to progress in cultivation and also herb and other assortments of resources, after she said this, I realized it serve no purpose for me but perhaps it would do you some good."

Nodding her head, she would remember it in the future.

"Over the years she had study the essence extract testing it on animals after countless failures, she manages to find one, at first when all symptoms dissipate, she had though that it had cured the animal, but who would have though that the herb characteristics were so hard to expel.

Within a few hours the symptoms were back and much stronger, this time not only was the animas breath out purple vapor they lip and eyes turned purple.

She tried a few more experiments unsuccessful, but as time when back she was able to perfect her formula used to suppressed it.

"Grandma Nell had given me a dose but it could only delay the enviable a short while "

"How long?" by this time her daughter legs were hooked close, with the cloth and her head down her voice was barely audible, she could not blame her daughter when she lost her husband it was her that kept her ground trough the pain, now she won't have anyone perhaps grandmas Nell but that would be her choice, after she passed.

"As for who, I have an idea, it's the only cause that way big enough for someone to poison me "

Her daughter was attentive.

"The patriarch had offered to take me as a concubine, shocked at first but after a few days I accepted during that time, ponder what could have cause him to have such thoughts of marrying me, I had already given myself to him after working here" looking at her daughter before continuing.

"All the female maid her would have taken fancy at least once before moving on, those who though such action were usually dealt with by his wife"

My daughter eyes widen the prospects of her mother giving herself away to someone who wasn't her father or at least she was married too, but she was completely with out knowledge she would hear stories, some bad some good.

For instance, the patriarch after sleeping with a maid her would take as concubine removing her low status in society becoming a madam of a clan, this was generally the highest point one could reach without talent in cultivation.

"Mom do you have spirit roots? "

She knew where her daughter was getting at perhaps if she had though about such thing before she would be in such a situation now, how it was too late.

"I don't know but with the information I had gotten previously perhaps if I had gotten tested perhaps you wouldn't have even been born."

What? Ignoring her daughter small outburst, she continued.

"A few months ago, the Great Azure Moon had appeared, it was once in a life time event as it only came every five hundred years.

I was in the servant court years beside small pool watching the magnificent event. I was captivated I could almost feel a magnetic like pull. I was so absorbed in the event that I didn't hear the patriarch call, her had to shake me to get my attention."

When I had come though I was nothing be surprising in his eyes, I may self was surprised that her suddenly showed up I stood up and bowed apologizing immediately"

He said nothing but mumbled

"Beautiful "I head it I wonder if her was drunk again after drink his troubles away.

Seeing her almost hypnotic expression, I turned to the reflection on the moon on the small pond, moving in closing I saw my once black color eyes, Crystalized blue, even my hair in some parts were almost glowing pure silver.

She when she stood up from the side of the patriarch was still in his mesmeric state, and only awoken at he had called out this him repeatedly, I figure what had happened to me earlier was also affecting him.

I had had tried to find some information, about it but know such, looking for person with glowing hair in libraries just got her weird look.

She continued looking for a while she had found something not much but it was enough to go off from, apparent I had shown characteristics of someone possessing a bloodline.

However what kind and how to use was not something a little non-cultivator would find , as a matter of fact , Grandma nell was the one who had told me that it was I but rather madam had asked me to check finding external sources it , while I didn't tell her the reason why she may have gotten some clue some clues , after I had gotten poison she may have gotten it wrong think it was because of the information I had asked earlier was off importance that much to warrant my death"

"My baby girl it seems were had ancestry with great cultivators, while it isn't always a guarantee that descendants inherited the parent or parent's bloodline there is a change."

"I made preparations for you" Slow opening her robe, she pulled her husband's spatial pouch, it possible the most valuable and sentiment thing she had other than this home her husband had build with his hand while she was with her daughter.

"Take care not letting anyone finding out what you possess it; the heart of humans without a doubt at times beyond comprehension."

A few weeks form now pay for a private both to activate your spirt root, I am not sure if there will be a phenomenon whether large or small, any could possibility attract unwanted attention.

Even if a secular force seen your talent you may still be targeted with it be beauty and cultivation potential, simply because you have taken their other attention, or you been here no longer make him or her a genius, couples in relationship male and female, after seeing your wished to pursue you and in turn you made an enemy.

Last but not east trust yourself and only yourself, at the end of the day all else fall you can only rely on yourself as you would want what's best for you, though sometimes it may not be the best, I won't be here to give my opinion and guide you along the way.

"My message now may not fit all the pieces to the puzzles you may encounter in the future just remember the heart of humans with out a doubt at times are beyond comprehension."

"Before I go, I would like to see your wear a clothing I bought for you inside the pouch I gave you."

"Opening it is simple just untie the knot this pouch is special as other of its kind needs Spiritual energy to operate this one comes with a rune capable of drawing spiritual energy form the surroundings as such it can be use with or without, only can be opened twice per day so be mindful until you have Energy to operate it at will."

Looking at the pouch she followed her mother's instructions, after unfolding the knot she saw picture of the contents appear in her mind. In awe she looked though the contents, seeing a wrapped parchment paper,

She looked to her mother for conformation then removes it.

Quickly unwrapping then she found a cloak with a hood, a silver and white robe like one she saw the cultivators wear, she knew this must have cost a lot,

With a giddy expression she quickly went to get change.

Seeing her daughter seem to have forget everything for a moment, she knew it would be awhile until she smiled again.

She could feel her self-slipping knowing that she wont last much longer a few more minutes was all she needed.

Shortly her daughter came back wearing a beautiful robe she had on the veil use to cover her face as well.

"My Baby looks like a real cultivator "her now blackish purple lips tremble her voice an octave lower it seem like speaking took a lot out of her.

Looking at her mother though the veil, unsure what to say, what do you say to your mother whose life was slipping from her very hands.

I love you mom" was really the only this she could say out loud everything else was just jumble and didn't seem right to say in this moment.

"I love you too Amera, I'll always be here with you" hugging her daughter tightly with every ounce of her remaining strength.

Laying back down she took one last look at her daughter

Good bye love "soon after a heave feeling came over her, as if to force her to sleep.

Standing there the room was quiet, other than the occasional wind the surrounding were quite too, perhaps they could feel her loneliness?

…. Flash back ends.

After passing all her current wealth 10 gold coin and a warning that not to trust anyone and to live a good life, her mother pale lips took their last breath.

After the warning she deiced not to say at the house and hide, it would be bad if they came looking for here, it would be best if she was there, she had already packed everything in her father partial pouch

That he had received when he entered the martial school and left to work as a guard. for a small clan however, he didn't like his employer, and since the benefit of the bag was a used to draw young labor over, one would have to leave it when they left.

With it containing her entire wealth clothes and some fresh food she picked up and bread, soon drifted off to sleep.

Suddenly in the middle of the night something happened, while still asleep, a strange energy washed over Amera, strengthen her body and increasing her potential, it also natured her energy seed in advance, opening with opening her heaven eyes,

However, Amera who was a sleep never realized her change, no one bit, her sprit roots were all so simulated, leaving a profound arura.

This changed alerted in cultivation in the city nearby but with the light suppressed and only the arura could be felt tracking down the source was difficult.

However, news of a treasure ben born would soon spread though the city soon after the kingdom, which everyone with their story, many saying it was the birth a unique best, or an old forgotten tree bore fruit, a unique metal, was formed.

The rumor speed south the city, and Amera the young girl hiding in the cave was the cause for all however she was sleeping soundly.