
The Champion's Wine System

“You know we don’t have to battle” A woman with dark color eyes a fair skin said . Her skin was covered in full suit of armor and her weapon a beautiful crafted Azure spear. Meredith in her pure blue and white hoop sleeved robes. Nod while say “I know” her voice uncaring about her soon to be opponent. "Then why make it difficult for me” the woman sighed she was so close now she has to face this devil of a woman. “ Its not my fault you decided to go against the worlds Will”. “Your presence here isn't even alined with Fath , you took an unassuming path “. ‘Pitty’ merdith shook her head as she spoke inernally. "Futhermore Your presence here threaten the last soul existence, leave or I’ll have to kill you . " “Make a choice, do it quickly.” A bit impatient about the matter. “I have Wine’s to make!”merdith futher exclaimed making it seem as if she woman exitence was not worth her taking time off from her refining. Seeing her opponent gritted her teeth , she knew the out come of her question. Just as she was ready to summon her weapon. A voice in her head. ‘Let me have the fool, you gotten soft since coming here!. ' Chuckling “I just focus more on making wines nowadays “ Meredith replied. ‘Yeah , yeah , yeah just make sure I get my blood wine’. ‘I already have it’ 'Bloody Hell you been hold out on your home girl!.' 'Time have changed Remi lamented. When had she ever suffers such.' ‘You know why Remi, you been drink beyond cultivation, having trouble at home ‘ ‘Shut it!’ ‘I’ll take that as a yes. Chuckling’ While bickering 5 seconds have passed . 'I’ll let you have just don’t burn my stamina too much I got work it do after .' ‘Tsk , looks like see won’t be able to use the '.Empyean Blood Art! .’ Meredith demeanor change after Remi too over previous she was clam and general uncaring. Now not only dress in Blood red Battle armor , but had her favorite weapons summoned. Crimson Queen you never had the change to taste the blood of an immortal yet have you . ‘No master’Her halberd glowed in response. “Then let's get you a drink!!” said a undulating excitement ....... Meredith Walker former Federation general and know by those in the shadows are Madam Widow her presence and her organization was feared Having died at 86 she was sent to a world were spiritual Energy was possible to cultivate. Watch her climb realms and destroy them , along with her slightly crazier half Remi. All her journey at the end fight for the chance to be come a God all while taking a swig of Wine!. Come Read the Champions Wine System ! Read her Journey to God Hood!.

Dark_Alpha · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Reaction to the Comotion , Various Parties and Fources

Endless Forest, Outer Region

Meredith process of opening her soul gate or heavens gate was much more impaction full of another other person opening theirs.

The Forest cover in tree spanning hundreds of metes in height some ancient trees kilometers tall stretching beyond the lowest clouds, mountain ranges formed from one end or the forest to another.

Hills litter the land, lakes were like small droplets of water on this expansive landscape.

All of a sudden cloud covering one tenth of the area close to the inner area manifested.

Many notices the change from sect disciples to mercenaries traveling with supplies to the various out post where human settled.

Some who were strong enough to live here settled or some just came to get away for the struggles of and the deceptive heart humans.

With many of small establishments outpost were subordinates of Beast clans.

Many with the manifestation of heavenly tribulation wondered who in their right minds would choose to ascend here of all places.

Communication with each other many of these outposts realized the scale of the heavenly tribulation.

Others in the forest descended in chaos, trying to get to safety though many where hundred is not thousands of miles from such settlements.

After soon after the cloud formed an overwhelming aura form feel from the heavens, many who were old enough realized It was Ascension tribulation those entering the golden core realm.

But the scale of the commotion was one many of never seen or herd of before, many inhabitants of villages situated in the forest and those who occasion came to hunt beast tried to get away as they as what ever area was normally a no-go zone.

However, when the pressure stated no one could move many were still some flat on the ground, gritting the teeth because of the pressure.

Many who had ideas about leaving the area could no longer do so, the strength in the bodies were surpassed, proud beast and cultivation got a wakeup call that the heavens were always superior.

After a few hours, the pressure released, boundless treasure aura appeared, covering the same expanse the tribulation cloud had.

Many previous wet and mental drain from being pressured so much, found then selves breaking though, whether be Beast or humans, Herbs and fruits tress, quickly ripen and the grades increased rapidly, the forest was over.

Beast carrying cargo and cultivation had received a strand of aura increasing their strength.

However, there was one young master that had actually escaped before 'rewards' could be distributed.

Crushing a teleportation rune, he had left thinking something bad was going happen...

Let be honest who wouldn't

Not know even the spatial laws of the forest were spared even it was surpassed the rune was suppose to transfer one to a specific point, instead the transport happens but he was sent out of the area finding the situation weird but considering he was no longer suppressed he thought he was free and clear.

He didn't even give a though to his subordinates and the two female rogue cultivators he had met along the way, he had been trying to get them to be his woman pity such a thing happened.

Not long after, the pressure changed, the clouds that were previously dark grey and with suppressive properties, not long passed since the force had disappeared, then its appearance changed to color of a rainbow.

Color rain soaked the forest, nurturing the land, with times to come the birth Rae of beast and growing rate of herbs would increase multiple folds.


There were natural those who out looking in wanting the see what would happen, the too missed the opportunity.

However, when the aura clouds appeared, they all rushed hoping to get to the center to see which treasure had begun born.


Great river city

On the out skirts while a cave a similar thing happened just this there wasn't much in the place of visual phenomenon, but the profound aura resembling a treasure aura could be detected.

Many cultivators rush out of the city hope got grab a piece of whatever ever had been born.

An hour before the Treasured Aura appeared.


Blood Petal Pavilion.

One of the key trading supplies in the city responsible for the distribution and control of goods in the western part.

In a room deep with, an old greyed hair woman her eyes were blood ready skin was wrinkled and arms was thin.

This woman was the Matriarch of the Perseus were the owners of the Blood Petal Pavilion.

She has been in seclusion for the pass few decades being at the peak Core formation realm, it seems it was were her fate lie after decade siting trying to comprehend the blood element she could not. no matter what,

A sigh was heard.

Perhaps this is the end of the road for me, her family was secure and no longer needed her unless the offended someone influential from the other continents with its foundation and reputation she builds over the last 3 centuries, it should be fine.

She wonders of those old coots made a break though secretly, no she would have herd about conserving even thing perhaps they would even come about and brag.

With only having a few decades to live she deiced to visit her old friends.

Removing a token from her ring she sent a message and a meeting point if nothing happening the all would mean shortly.


In the study a middle looking age man was shifting though paper work and catching up on clan matter her had just gotten of his little enjoyment spree, it was time to work.

Sudden his door was opening, he looks to see his wife with an angry expression, her wonder what could be the matter now.


To what do I own the displeasure of greeting your angry scornful expression ". The middle age mad said to his wife.

Looking up and meeting her in the eyes, he remembers when his master had asked him to marry his troublesome daughter, he had already known she had a reputation back then in the Great Crystal Mountain Secular place.

He initials wanted to refused as he already had his eyes on a girl, with his father pushing it he finial accepted his crush married another living her life and he married his master daughter.

Even though she is already forty she behaves like she used to in the sect.


When were you going to tell me?" She asked

"Tell you what exactly?" looking doing continued sorting through her paper work.


That toy was going to make that woman, who spreading her legs for you that you told going to give her better status."

Initial her know what she was talking about then it clicked.


Who told you? "a hint of confusion in his voice.


Who told you?" he asked again his eyes narrowed.

"I had the woman regularly watched while she was on the compound.

"Just so happens that was the night you made your proposal she was being watch".

A though came one her really wish didn't would not happen, however there was history, there is a good chance she really had done it.

"You didn't do anything didn't you, did you?" his voice raised a bit.

She jumped at her husband raised voice, it was the first I yelled at hit really, never saw the reason too before.

"I, I did what so if it." seeing her reaction to his small outburst he apologized.

"Sorry, your father and I had plans for that girl you know, we were communicating about the matter recently.

"What so special about her all she did was spread her legs and in some way shape or form got you smitten with her enough for you to want to marry here, she was a treat more than any other before."

His chided displeased of the idea and someone appearing with similar status.

"Sight, ill in form you father that you kill a someone with a bloodline that had no clear ancestry".

"What !?" his wife shouted in shock, whore of a woman had a bloodline, clearly shock and

disbelief in her voice, how could someone so low possess something so precious, she knew that bloodlines were incredibly rare and were only found in a few clans on the continent.

Thinking to how she poisons that woman who could have produced, a decent wife and son to marry on of her children in the future change the importance of her clan and raising it power, she realized she made a massive error.

"Yes, that woman had a bloodline I wasn't sure of the grade of from which clan she was descendant from but I had yet to conformed it but she once showed some signs, and from the looks of it she knew nothing as well." biting her lips as her husband continued, the more her spoke the more she sees that she destroyed a good opportunity.

"I had alerted you father on the matter, and we were making accommodation to use her to increase the rank of the family." He even sent a bloodline testing formation gem for direct conformation.

"I was going to marry her under the guise of infatuation while keeping the issue a secret as long as possible, if I can if not, I would tell her about, in the mean time I was to have her birth a child with the Phelps name."

Hist wife sat doing takin in everything she had just heard.

"She is dead I poison her" as if confirming her husband thoughts.

"Well I guess this is my fault for not informing you, sill to have an opportunity land literal in my lap and could not take advantage of it"

"I am sorry."

The middle age man had a shocked expression on his face, wondering if this was his wife, he had known her since she was a child and his master brought her home stating her mortal mother had died due to complications at birth.

He watched how her father spoiled her rotten, with the status of an elder blood daughter she got away with most things, now hearing such a person apologize, not wonder he was shocked.

"I'll let your father know let's not make him wait too long".

"Wait I would have to disappoint father ".

The room went silent for a bit.

"Since she had a bloodline It's possible to pass it too descendant."

"Did she had a son or daughter, now that she is gone not one would care for them. they would be running right in your plans."

"Simple enough but it hinges on the fact she had a child, she told me she was a servant of a clan but in another city her husband and came here to settle down, after he died, she went."

"Why would she return" she knew that the general treatment of servant was bad and even abhorrent in some cases.

Not everyone treats the servant like her husband although he sleeps with them now and then her never 'Plays' with them like others.

"I guess she knew the benefits" she said without thinking it was then he froze narrow his eyes

She had a child" no one would put them selves in such danger without a reason, she didn't seem like the woman who take risk.

"Hum I guess you not so good after all" his wife taunts him

Ignoring her, he would have to check, as she was familiar with the ways of how clans operate, she would not have to child anywhere, I could find her easily, perhaps with the poisoning she would warn him or her of the fact that they may have a bloodline.

Clenching his first

'Think about having to deal the revenge of someone with a bloodline of an unknow grade, no while there is a chance, she might have figured out she had worth she would make the guess of who are wanted to harm her, when the time come…'

He ended his though there, thinking all of this went to sh't because some made was watching them when he asked her to marry him.


That girl where is she "if his though are correct he would be having the best and the worst luck imageable.

"She should be in my servant quarter …why?" unsure why her would ask her about that girl.

He smiled at her, her decided to tell her this time

As for the treat of that woman's child his hands were clean.


In side the Restaurant of one of the powers in the great rive city, it was widely known for its aquatic dished, many of which form the great rive a few hundred miles from the city its self.

Sitting on the height floor were 5 figures each control their respective domain within the Great River city.

Each were old but their eyes weren't dull have lived more than three hundred the aspect of death didn't faze them.

"Anything interesting happening over the last fifty years since we met?" Jennell was the first to speak.

"No, but having tried constantly to break though even though my spiritual energy in my body is at its peak, I just can see to find the opportunity to cross the threshold" Mark commented he had ordered a whole jug of wine just for himself.

Jennell nodded she has been trying too for the past few decades still no luck.

"I have been trying to source a core breaking pill from the Eastern empire no such luck appeared the ingredients are just that rare." Jason Responded in a calm and collected tone as he always has.

"We are so old what else do you expect to break though stages like when we were young, my ass is old and wrinkled, at least according to my granddaughter, I wonder how she figure that." Michael said

"If you face is anything to go by , I rather not imagine"Jessy snarked.

"Tsk! Michael you had always wanted a piece of this ass pity that handsome man I married took up the task." An old woman named Jessy in a flower paten robes with gold and skiver lining spoke.

"Hum you know if you gave me a chance back when I was pursuing you since out days together in the sect. Michael replied."

I just didn't want you thing anywhere near me after all the honey pots you open and dipped in. Jessy remarked back

Other in the room smirked at Michael and Jessy two have been going it for hundreds of years they wondered how they still do it.

Being the former head of the of one begin the head of a one of the top commerce in the city another being the head of entertainment in the city both friendships benefited form know each other so has any one else in the room.

However, Jessy fell for a commoner and both had a falling out until almost eight years later before they start talking, it was then we decided to hold this little meeting every now and then, just to keep up as the years tend to go by quickly.

Mark, Jennell and Jason all look at each other didn't say a word but that one glance spoke volumes.

Smiling the all too a sip of the wine enjoying their friends bickering.

Suddenly a profound arura appeared, their eyes napped to each other, with other a second though they vanish leaving this man name Mark he was the former city lord, he shook his head.

"What a bunch of waste leaving such good wine like that after pouting the wines from their cups back in their jug her vanished as well."

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