
The Champion's Wine System

“You know we don’t have to battle” A woman with dark color eyes a fair skin said . Her skin was covered in full suit of armor and her weapon a beautiful crafted Azure spear. Meredith in her pure blue and white hoop sleeved robes. Nod while say “I know” her voice uncaring about her soon to be opponent. "Then why make it difficult for me” the woman sighed she was so close now she has to face this devil of a woman. “ Its not my fault you decided to go against the worlds Will”. “Your presence here isn't even alined with Fath , you took an unassuming path “. ‘Pitty’ merdith shook her head as she spoke inernally. "Futhermore Your presence here threaten the last soul existence, leave or I’ll have to kill you . " “Make a choice, do it quickly.” A bit impatient about the matter. “I have Wine’s to make!”merdith futher exclaimed making it seem as if she woman exitence was not worth her taking time off from her refining. Seeing her opponent gritted her teeth , she knew the out come of her question. Just as she was ready to summon her weapon. A voice in her head. ‘Let me have the fool, you gotten soft since coming here!. ' Chuckling “I just focus more on making wines nowadays “ Meredith replied. ‘Yeah , yeah , yeah just make sure I get my blood wine’. ‘I already have it’ 'Bloody Hell you been hold out on your home girl!.' 'Time have changed Remi lamented. When had she ever suffers such.' ‘You know why Remi, you been drink beyond cultivation, having trouble at home ‘ ‘Shut it!’ ‘I’ll take that as a yes. Chuckling’ While bickering 5 seconds have passed . 'I’ll let you have just don’t burn my stamina too much I got work it do after .' ‘Tsk , looks like see won’t be able to use the '.Empyean Blood Art! .’ Meredith demeanor change after Remi too over previous she was clam and general uncaring. Now not only dress in Blood red Battle armor , but had her favorite weapons summoned. Crimson Queen you never had the change to taste the blood of an immortal yet have you . ‘No master’Her halberd glowed in response. “Then let's get you a drink!!” said a undulating excitement ....... Meredith Walker former Federation general and know by those in the shadows are Madam Widow her presence and her organization was feared Having died at 86 she was sent to a world were spiritual Energy was possible to cultivate. Watch her climb realms and destroy them , along with her slightly crazier half Remi. All her journey at the end fight for the chance to be come a God all while taking a swig of Wine!. Come Read the Champions Wine System ! Read her Journey to God Hood!.

Dark_Alpha · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Edith's Log, 3 Days.

Three-days past meditate have yet to leave the cave, which was so dark that most would not even see their hand inches from their faces if any at all.

Mediate had undergo great changes after completing the body tempering realm.

However, she was enamored with Spiritual Energy and getting elementary mastery of it she has yet to noticed.

In the dark cave periodically, you could see a concentrated speck of light

Every time she drew out her Spiritual Energy it would light up her surrounding a chocolate color skin elderly lady with black and grey hair pepper who seem to have age well, the wrinkles were minimal only around her eyes and mouth, clearly, they person smiled a lot.

Meredith hair which had grown flowed in soft curls along her back in a long braid, eyes clam and clear but deep within a hint of excitement couldn't help being showed.

Six tiny specks of Tri Color light could be seen, was able to split a single strand of Spiritual Energy five smaller portions, while preventing them for dissipating then absorbing them back after a few seconds.

The longer they were out the harder they were to control, pervious its was just a second or two but after a few days those few second increased, she is unaware how long it would normally take to get to such a level but was content with her current progress.

After some time Meredith decided to check out the changes in her body after she achieved rank 2 initial cultivation, she really did felt the changes her breast for one has grown back, she had to have them removed walking around with F cups tits at her age was beyond exhausting.

Getting up immediately stretching, hear her knees and hear much bone cracking, smiling after the initial embarrassment she grew fond on the sound after it is happening ever time, she climbed the stairs in her home on in public.

Feeling the weight of her chest it was lighter than she remembers, taking her hands fondling them they were lighter I wonder what they are made of here? With energy taking precedence an all.

Did she suddenly get energy tits?

Chuckles could be herd after she finished her though, she smiled as well, even though it sounds just as ridiculous to her as it too Remi.

But this who thing was beyond what one could dream.

Surprising soft and they kept their shape, wondering how's the sensitivity. She never really felt much although her husband like them a lot.

Squeezing gently a nipple she felt tingles, gosh she would have to test that out later.

The previous corset that fitted flat on her chest was complete filled, really comfy they didn't feel strained.

Felling the level of control, she had over her strength and how much she was consciously suppressing and with such ease her movement.

Feeling more energetic after cultivation, she could see how this could be come addicting.

Her physique in her last life was trained to the absolute of what a female humans could bare and even then it took 10 years of carful naturing to get it to duch and to think such level of fitness could be achieved after taking in some energy.

Feeling the Spiritual Energy inside her energy seed and was a though she could increase her power out with such ease was exhilarating to be able to operate on such a level was nothing short of astonishing.

Can't help but wonder…what else has changed?

Deciding to get more information on the matter.

{Edith how come the change was so drastic? I felt better than I was during my prime!}

[ Your body has undergone metamorphic like change its so drastic because you weren't born here.]

[ The infusion of external energy, caused changed on a cellular level I am feeling better than your prime in an understatement.]

{It seems she had indeed underestimated cultivation a bit if such a change happens to her in her old age those, who are younger should have an either greater change.}

She looked at her GUI remembered she has seen a notification a few days ago.

Before she looks at the still flashing notification, she notices a change in her cultivation status.

[Cultivation: 1st of the Spiritual Energy Accumulation Realm (38%)]

{Edith what the percentage addition on the cultivation status?}

[Mastery of Spiritual Energy manipulation on current reserves, the more you have the harder it is to manipulate, in other word increase in Spiritual Energy quality and volume without sufficient mastery would result is over or un usage resulting this could lead to disastrous consequences epically at higher stages in cultivation caution is advised.]

{What like muscle control?}

[ Yes, also if you should rise in cultivation quickly without out sufficient mastery in manipulation Accident can and will happen as your profession as a winemaker depends on it , this is the wine system after all]

{Alight got it mastery before increasing cultivation is best.}

She them when to check out the notification.

[ Internal Action log is a play by play record of internal status of the physical body.]

'Internal action log huh pretty use full. Let see what's it's all about.'

[Host of begun to draw spiritual Spiritual Energy, closing monitoring for status of Spiritual Energy poison.]

[ Day 1

[00:34 Few minutes since host a begun drawing spiritual Energy from the surroundings]

[01:57 Host physical body shows no signs of Spiritual Energy Poison or Spiritual Energy Rejection]

[04:44 Host has touched on the mental realm meditation clarity.]

[09:23 Adjusting weather elements wind, moisture, sound, heat and cold to entire barrier to allow host to be slowly introduced to the new environment

[12:15 Host status is stable, no abnormal vital signs.]

[13:43 Host has entered the first level of the Body Tempering Realm]

[15:57 Increasing spiritual Spiritual Energy concentration]

[18:33 host has entered the second level of the Body Tempering Stage]

[Day 2

[00:02 Host shows no sign of Spiritual Energy poison]

[ 5: 19 Host has entered the Third level of the body tempering Realm]

[5:53 Host has completed refine of the Skin]

[7:23 Host blood is being infused with spirit Spiritual Energy 4th level of the body temper realm achieved]

[7:23 Host body shows no signs of Spiritual Energy rejection]

[9:55 Increasing the concentration of Spiritual Energy by 3 and continue to monitor vitals]

[13:34 Host has entered the 5th level stage of the body tempering realm.]

[21:45 Host has entered the 6 level of the Body Tempering Realm.]

[Day 3

[00:00 Host has condensed Blood Spiritual Energy and has begun to repair major and rebuild minor organs]

[03:00 Host has entered the 7th level of the Body Tempering]

[09:55 Host status, normal, host Blood Spiritual Energy has increased after bone tempering]

[12:32 muscles have been strengthening and repaired, elasticity has been restored.]

[12:33Heart has been strengthened blood Spiritual Energy flows unhindered.]

[ 12:45 Increasing Spiritual Energy concentration by 4]

[15 Host has entered the 8th level]

[17: Host has entered the 9th level]

[20:23 Host blood has been saturated with Spiritual Energy after she had crossed the 6th level of body tempering increasing future at the 9th level]

[20:35 Host bones, bone marrow and ligament are currently undergoing rapid cellular change. ]

[21:00 Host showing signs of rapid de-aging after completing the 9th level.]

[21:22 Increasing Spiritual Energy Concentration by factor of 3]

[21:49 Host has Reached full body saturation, assisting with con]

[22:00 Saturating Energy Seed]

[22:12 Nurturing ...Nurturing ...Nurturing]

[22:33 Nurturing completed, direction flow of Spiritual Energy in blood,]

[22:33 Directing conscious to use opened meridian pathy ways instead.]

[23:07 Saturation completed]

[23:25 Opening Energy Sea]

[23:39 Condensing Spiritual Energy, droplet is being formed.]

[10, 50, 70, 90,100]

[23:54 1st stage of Spiritual Energy Accumulation realm Achieved.]

[23:55 Host environment is saturated 5 minutes remaining, condensation spiritual Spiritual Energy in to droplets and storing for later use.]

[80 drops]


[668 drops]

[987 drops]

[1550 drops condensed]

[1893 drops condensed]

[00:00 Protection period over, removing barrier.]

[ Awaking host]

So that the play by play the Edith help at lot she wasn't sure of the average concentration and how fast someone with her meridians and grade of spirit root would enter the first level of the Spiritual Energy Accumulation realm but she was thank full , she feels relieved , she missed this feeling she knew he physical body was holding her back , never really like feeling old now her body was no longer holding her back no that it seems to have been reborn and better.

Excited to see what this new world have in store but first she must raise he strength a bit more then after leaving her search for a human settlement to gather intel on current and past worldly affairs soon.

Her consumption over the past few day hasn't been much just sitting a mediating, revolve the cultivation art, circulating her Spiritual Energy sending Spiritual Energy to and from her limbs getting the reel then start all over again.

Intended on begin able to move it at will with out thinking as then there would be no lag between thoughts and action.

Starting out by controlling a single hair strand of Spiritual Energy, as the manual showed and move it along her limbs carefully , interrupted in the process and without sufficient control will result in backlash according to the manual after know this she didn't find it bother some to master her current energy pool before advance.

As it would be better than knowing how Spiritual Energy rampaging inside your pathways felt line, then after have to nurse the damage done. If it could be fixed at that.

After a week trying this she found her Spiritual Energy flowing though her path ways like water along a stream she would increase and decrease the momentum of her Spiritual Energy when needed , current she was moving 8 stands at a time fully concentrated , she found her pathway more accepting , assuming that they are like muscles it would naturally hurt of be difficult for the first times then after it would be easy.

'Agreed, it's like Sex' Remi interrupted her though process.

'Like you would know'.

'I had deep virtual dive experience' Remi chuckled after saying.

Dumbfounded Meredith almost lost control of the strands moving in her body, quickly calming her self-thanking she didn't increase the number today or else this would end differently .

'You watched without my permission!!'chastising Remi.

'Yeah why not?' Remi stated like it was the norm for here.

'I have Diamond Level VIP Access Pass!'.

Embarrassed, that the other hand, Remi possibly knows all her bedroom secret, Meredith rub her brown in frustration.

'I know everything hahaha' rubbing the fact in her face.

Meredith shook her head had tried to mediate but Remi incestuous laugher in her head because of her embarrassment continued.

Stopping as she had not intention to injure her self even it would heal, she decided to skim though some of the massive amount of information she received from Edith introduction package.

What she recalled shut Remi up immediately.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Dark_Alphacreators' thoughts