
The Challenger's Return: Rebirth of the Rainbow Mage

In his past life, he climbed to the 69th floor, and reached the limit of his potential. Now, reborn, he has returned to the past, when the almighty Tower first summoned him. He will work his way up again, step by careful step. This time, he will climb to the top. ************************************************************ Join Our Official Discord! https://discord.gg/jNf9NZdT2B

NightWind · Games
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150 Chs

The Pantheon (1)

Otto had no words to say.

Though he was used to seeing his status screen by now, looking at the numbers laid bare before him gave him a chance to reflect.

On how far he'd come.

In only two floors.

These were numbers far beyond where he should be at this moment.

Far beyond Area 1, even.

It wouldn't be rare to see these types of numbers in Area 3.

He even idly asked himself if the <Tower> could truly pose a challenge to him like this.

Of course, he knew that it wasn't possible for the <Tower> to let him walk all over it so easily.

But Otto did feel proud of himself for gaining so much...

The last reward was something that had nothing to do with his actual performance on the 1st floor.

In fact, as long as he'd passed the first floor at all, he was entitled to this reward.

As it was something he'd received in the <Tutorial>.

He took a look around the gray room, and his eyes fell on the equipment.

It lay on the grey floor in a heap.