
The Chains Of Urutoum

Who am I? Am i [Creator of Wars] or Am i Mike Reethur Did I get reincarnated or did I inherit the memories of another person. I don't know. Why am I here? I don't know. Why did I get reincarnated or got someone's memories? I don't know. But What I know is I am destined to Live my life now Both the [Creator of Wars] and Mike didn't live their life to the fullest. So i will live my life for them. But I should be alive to live.

TimeSpacer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Ariana Granhuan

"Did Mike die?"

I never thought that a single question can make a person so tensed.

"What do you mean by that? Stop talking nonsense"

I replied with a shaky tone.I wanted to be calm but this was frightening.

I suddenly felt something cold on my neck.What I saw when I looked down was a beautiful silver sword threatening to cut my neck down.

'Where did she take the sword out from? I didn't see any scabard or something to hold the sword.'

"The mike I knew didn't like me and he would scrown his face whenever he saw me. But you were different and it felt like I was meeting a new person"

She spoke with a cold tone and chilling gaze in her eyes.

"Let me speak.Dont kill me yet." I pleaded.

"I don't know how I got into Mike's body or if my past life memories are real but I can guarantee that I will not harm you or anyone."

"That isn't possible. I gotta eliminate all possible threats."She replied while gripping her sword tightly.

She suddenly put her strength to cut my head off with her blade.

I moved my hand as fast as possible towards my neck while moving my head in the opposite direction of her sword.

Due to my insane reflexes from my past life. I avoided the sword to my neck. But I lost my hand during that process.

While her sword was moving towards my neck I used my bare hands to block her sword but my hand could only slow it down before the sword cut it off.

I could feel nothing in the place of my left hand.I felt something drip down from my neck and when I touched my neck I realised that my hand wasn't enough.

My neck was cut too but it wasn't fatal as the cut was only on the left and not ge middle part of the neck.

"You have good reflexes. You can become a potential weapon for me to use" Ariana spoke with a slight intrest in her voice.

"Do you have expirence in fighting from your past life? Well that isn't important"

Before I could say something she spoke again.

"Join me and live or Die"

"I will join" I instantly replied as I needed something to heal my hand or I might die.

I don't care about being used. I just want to live for now.

"Good choice" Ariana spoke and she threw me a glass bottle with some kind of red liquid in it.

"It's a healing potion. Use it to reattack your hand"

"Meet me in my room after cleaning yourself"

She left after saying those words.

I applied the healing potion to my chopped off hand and reattached it.

Healing potions were common everywhere and most of them are used by drinking but some special types of healing potions can reattach body parts when applied.

Many other types of potions can be made and all of them are made from herbs and monster raw materials.

Humans can use mana and are classified into 8 ranks.









And this fucking piece of shit called Mike didn't even have a mana core of E-Rank!!!!!!.This stupid fuck of a human was always fucking chasing that fucking woman called Michela Druytani!!!!!!!.

If this dumb fuck had cultivated even a little I could have used mana to fight against Ariana.

And this woman Ariana left without cleaning the blood stains.

I had to clean it all using water from the bathroom in Mike's room to not make anyone suspicious.

I changed my clothes and wore a Blue t-shirt with Black jeans.

I looked at myself in the mirror to just be entranced by myself.

Sheeeeeesh I am too Handsome.

I came out of my room and started walking down the corridor.

'But where should I go!?'

During my predicment Just like an angel a maid was walking towards me.

She had green hair with yellow eyes.If my memory is correct then she is Mike's personal maid, Alexa.

"My lord is your health fine now?"

She asked with worry in her voice

"It's fine and can you take me to Ari's room"I replied and asked with a smile on my face.

"Yes,Please follow me" She started walking in the opposite direction to where I was walking. If I didn't find her then I would have been roaming all day.