
the chained swordmaster

What do you seek dear reader? Why do you read? Are you looking to find something to fill a void within? perhaps you are simply looking for entertainment. This webnovel tells a tale of a woman cursed by the very narrative that moves her. The chained swordmaster, a woman who was enslaved into a contract with a cruel god, is forced to do his wishes as she tries to rid herself of his power. Acompany her as she experiences fear, pain, and hope while hunting down in the frozen tundra that is hell. This is my first story, so please do tell me if there are any things i could do better or things that seem under utilized. Thank you!

Erik_Schebela · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 6: A hero

Lily lay in the warm snow, she couldn't move, some green creatures danced around a large stone tree. Its stone texture is highlighted by its warm green glow. All Lily could see was the naked stone branches of the enormous tree, and the red sky behind it. Lucky for her, it seemed like the forest kept itself warm thanks to the green energy flowing through.

However, how did she get herself in such a state?

Once she started exploring the stone forest, she was surprised by a bright white light. Once she saw the light she was unable to move, her sword left on her hip, the owner of such magic was a green, human-like demon, it had a large hook nose weird tusk teeth and yellow eyes.

It looked at her, and she looked at it, unable to move her sword or her body, the creature simply grabbed her and carried her to its territory where a few tinier green beings danced and played. At least that is what she thinks as she can't see much.

-turskpeck?- the larger green demon asks.

-what?- Lily questions, was the monster trying to talk with her? "Impossible" "They are savages!" She thought she had ensured herself that the god probably wanted this demon dead because they were a pest.

-lolopy- one of the smaller green creatures says as it approaches the larger one.

Lily simply observed. Simply waiting until the magic disappeared and she could kill them.

As the creatures began talking, she could see the smaller ones, they were uglier, more disgusting, their skins the colour of lime and mould. Were they discussing how to eat her? Or simply on how to kill her? She did not know, she simply waited.

-torpeckto!- the larger one says, he lifts the paralyzed Lily making her stand up. He then lifts his hand and a white light can be seen once again.

-terto!- he screams. Suddenly Lily could move once again. She quickly grabbed the sword that was left on her hip and stabbed the demon in the chest.

She locked eyes with him as he died. "It looks scary?" She thinks to herself. However, the creature tries to run, he looks at the miniature him and screams.

-tolokoto!- and so white light forms on his hand once again, however, Lily was not going to let that thing do its weird magic again, so she lifted her sword and swung down on his arm, cutting it.

The screams of the monster were defending, the little green creatures did not move, as if they were terrified. However, one jumps at Lily, she is not experienced enough to notice and is surprised by the little creature, maybe the size of her leg to weakly punch her knee.

-lolulet!- it screams desperately. Its high pitch is incredibly annoying for Lily so she simply kicks it away, they were no threat so she decided to turn again to the larger one.

-terket!- it screams as its other hand shoots a light beam on Lily's head. Just as quickly she cuts its head clean one with one swing. This time she did not fail.

"What was that light?" She thought to herself, it didn't seem that it stopped her from moving or anything else, perhaps she had stopped the monster from finishing the spell.

-Monster! Leave!- She hears a child's voice scream by the side. "English? Another human?" She thinks as she quickly moves her head to where the sound had come from.

-MONSTER! LEAVE OUR FATHER!- One of the green demons screamed in a pitch similar to that of a little child. It was the one she had kicked before.

-w_what?- Lily's red eyes were at full display as she opened them wide. "Did that thing just speak?" She was confused, they were savages, they said weird "lelo-something" before, and now they were speaking fluent English.

-LEAVE!- the little green child screamed as it threw a rock in her direction. The rock missed its trajectory and hit the dead body of the larger green monster.

Lily couldn't move, not because of a spell, but because of the situation, "wasn't that creature a monster?" "Why are they speaking" her mind was processing the situation.

She looked at the dead demon's corpse, did it create an illusion? Made it seem like the little demons around it are children so she would lower her guard? "Unbelievable," she said, her face looked sombre, she was reminded of the yeti from before, about its burial.

-Lies- she says out loud, the faces of the demons were of fear, like children who got themselves in trouble, they trembled. -I am not the monster- she says, gripping her sword tightly "I did not kill a father of three" she thinks and repeats like a mantra "I did not kill a father of three" "I killed a demon" "I killed a demon" "self-defence" these and many more thoughts governed her mind as she looked at the children.

The little green demons trembled, and one of them started running away, however, Lily would not allow it.

She jumps at a high speed easily outrunning the little coward, she then cuts its head off in front of the others. "It's obvious," she thinks, "this is an illusion, the demon made me think these are children, so they would call me what they are!"

-I am not a monster- her eyes glowed red, very similar to how the green demon's red blood dropped from the tip of her sword.

She jumps to where the two other children are, towering over them as if she is the sky itself.

She lifts her sword and swings down cutting one in half, the other looks at her.

-YOU ARE A MONSTER! A MONSTER! HELP HELP!- The last survivor goblin screams as he kicks her foot, uselessly trying to stop her.

Lily looks at him, how dare it think that she is the monster? They brought her here and they were trying to manipulate her. She once again lifted her sword.

-Cut me down then!!- the little last survivor said as if daring her like one dares a god to strike him with lightning.

"How dare it," she thinks, within a second she drops her sword, her arms trembling, for one second, she looks around her.

The big green demon she had stabbed and then executed, lay there unmoving sinking in the snow, the other one she executed had its head face down on the snow and body belly up into the sky. The one she dived in two simply lay there its red organs contrasting heavily with the white snow and the green skin of its last surviving brother.

Was she the monster? It had to be self-defence, right? They brought her there, they shot that magic before.

She then looks at its last survivor, as it daringly lifts its arms to the side, as if offering itself as a sacrifice to an angry god.

-GO ON MONSTER! KILL ME! KILL ME!- it screams, its child-like high-pitched voice defeats her ears. She jumps on top of the last survivor.

-I'M NOT A MONSTER, YOU ARE!- She says as she starts punching the green child -YOU ARE!- and so another punch befalls the goblin -YOU ARE!- and so another -You are!- And another -You... are- and another.

Its face was now paste, a smudge of red and green in the snow, like a broken Christmas decoration abandoned in a snowy field.

Lily's hands were trembling, her face, arms legs and chest were covered in red, very much like the sky and her eyes. Even her hair contained many stains of blood from the yeti and from the little green monsters.

-I'm not a monster- she says almost whimpering, like telling a sad secret -I'm not...- she says, looking down at her latest victim.

-All in the name of god- she says as a way to convince herself. She is not a monster. She had a mission, to kill all demons. To end them all. She was accomplishing this task. They were the monsters, the demons, she was the hero.

-I am... I am....- she couldn't bring herself to fully say it -I AM A HERO- she screamed as loud as she could to the uncaring forest. The warm snow surrounding her and the large tree glowing with green judgement.

She stands up and looks at the massacre, she grabs her dropped stained sword. In front of her there is a tiny hut, "probably were the little fam-" "were the monsters slept" she correct herself. She was tired the sky turned darker, although the temperature did not drop she simply considered the effect of the forest.

She walked to the little hut, there was only one large bed, a tiny book by its side.

"Better than a corpse" she thinks as she drops to the bed.

"I am a hero" she says to herself as she sleeps. "A hero sent by god" she says while further falling asleep.

And so, another day is finished.