
The CEOS Wife

He is the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world while also being the leader of the Underworld. Maintaining his privacy is his highest priority. Few people know either identity and even fewer know both. He is just viewed as an outcast in his own family. While she is just a small time director at a failing company. Trying to make her days go by and live a simple life. Avoiding her family at all cost as she feels like an outcast from their rich chasing lifestyle. What happens when he inserts himself into her life? Is it fate or is there an alternative agenda that is trying to be filled? What secrets of each other do they uncover? What are their True identities? (No rape/major misunderstanding)

Wolfpac · Urban
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51 Chs

It’s a Date

After arriving to the office, Sara went straight to the meeting room to meet with the representative from Camilla Pharmaceuticals. "Sorry, my morning meeting ran late and no one talks me of your arrival." She said as soon as she entered then she froze. "Jack?" The man looking at reports froze when he heard his name immediately looked up. "Sara, you're the CEO? I'm sorry this is a waste of time." The man immediately gathered his things before walking out. John stunned immediately asked "what just happened"

Sara let out a sigh before answering, "That was my ex and we didn't exactly end on good terms. So now it seems he is taking it out on me." John shook his head before reaching for his phone, after sending a message he said to Sara, "Sit down, he'll be coming back shortly." Sara looked at John puzzled "How on earth can you be so sure." John looked at his phone that had buzzed "Ms. Camilla ordered this cooperation and Jack walking out makes her look bad. So naturally I informed her of the situation."

"Wait you have her phone number? Why did she want this cooperation?" John pulled out a document handing it to Sara, "She wants us to invest $40 million in their newest state of the art factory in exchange for 25% of the profit and 10% ownership in the company." Sara froze when she heard the numbers. "That seems too good to be true. Why on earth who she give money away like that?" John shook his head knowing that Sean had something to do with this deal. "Don't kick a gift horse in the mouth now." Sara chuckled at John "even still we need to find the money. We don't have that much." John looked at another report before handing it to Sara. "We actually have $430 million. The chairman invested $400 million and then his lawyers have been serving breach of contracts to companies for failure to pay the dividends." As soon as John finished, Miranda walked in. "We have an issue." Both John and Sara looked at Miranda waiting for her to continue. "We're out of meeting rooms." Miranda finally blurted out after realizing that the two were waiting for her to finish.

Sara looked at Miranda with a raised eyebrow "what do you mean." Miranda could hardly contain her excitement "so many CEOs and Presidents are here looking for investment that we've run out of rooms to hold all of them." John just smiled, realizing the scheme Emma had the night, before looking at Sara for instructions. "Alright then get everyone from the planning department and marketing and let's get all the proposals heard. Send Marcus down to HR to get the Deputy CEO office key and logins. John let's get an internal search for 2 new VPs and then let's have a meeting tomorrow afternoon to go over the proposals." John nodded, smiling at the quick response, as a knock was heard on the door. All 3 people turned to look at the door to see Jack standing there visibly pissed. Sara spoke first "I'm sorry Mr. Beauford but it seems that my plate is already full with proposals. If you'd like you can make an appointment with Miranda here and maybe we can get you in this month." Before walking past the man heading up to her office.

Sara walked towards her office to stop just outside of Sean's office. She entered after taking a breath and stopped and watched the man with one phone held by his shoulder, another in his left hand texting away and the other holding a report. 'How is a consultant so busy' Sara thought internally. Sean hung up the phone before he noticed Sara standing there. He looked at the woman waiting for her to speak. When Sara realized he was waiting for her she finally spoke "we seem to have an influx of companies wanting cooperation, I was wondering if you could help me with going through them as they come to my office." Sean set down both items in his hand before standing up and grabbing his jacket. "Let's go, but it'll cost you." Sara rolled her eyes before responding "name your price." Sean smiled "dinner, Swan, tonight." Sara looked at the man before smiling, "alright." As they walked to her office. Sean responded "it's a date then." Causing Sara to start blushing. However his words where in earshot of both Miranda and John. John had shock written on his face, while Miranda was over the moon someone was trying to woo her friend, even if it was that absolutely gorgeous man. Sara just chuckled before they began to get down to work spending the day looking at proposals and reports. The duo soon became a trio as Marcus had joined them.

When 5 o'clock hit, John walked in and stated. "Ms. Camilla is on line 3." Sean reached over the desk hitting speaker before speaking "what can we do for you Emma?" There was a brief pause then the berating began. "Sean is that you? So you finally remember your aunt Emma? So busy with work you can't call me? Well guess what, I'm going to call your mother. You know she is worried sick about you. When are you going to bring a nice girl home and settle down?" Sean just shook his head, while John was silently cheering for the lady on the phone, and Sara and Marcus where holding there laughter the best they could. Finally Sara broke first causing the phone to go silent. Everyone looked at the now silent speaker phone while Sean raised his eyebrow. Then the woman began again, " WAS THAT A WOMAN LAUGHING?!?!" She shouted over the phone. "Simon pinch me I must be dreaming Sean is with a woman and I called them." Sean coughed causing the line to go silent again. "Emma you called the CEO of Hughes Investment. So of course Sara just heard your entire spiel. She was the one laughing." The woman let out an audible sigh before responding, "ah I'm sorry I seemed to have messed up two things today." While she was talking Marcus and John excused themselves from the office. "You see Sara I sent Jack there to discuss an opportunity." Sara's face iced over hearing her ex's name and she coldly responded "I know. However my plate is very full at the moment and the treatment I was giving by your employee when he is here to attain my investment makes me really want to avoid this proposal. I'm sorry Emma but I have something on we can discuss this tomorrow. Maybe I'll be in a better mood then." Emma was stunned at Sara's response but responded," alright. I'll call tomorrow morning. I really hope to get you on board." After the phone was hung up Sean spoke up, "sign the proposal, Emma will take care of Jack for you." Sara looked at the man responding,"that's what I don't want. That man always looked down on me because when I graduated I took a job working here when I had an offer to work for Henson's and one from Mystycs. Then he cheated on me. So I want my own retribution."

Sean raised an eyebrow at the second company mention. He knew that the Henson's loved to snag Ivy League grads but what was his very first company, that he kept the smallest of all his companies, doing trying to hire one. Sean looked at his watch deciding that he would investigate tonight at dinner. "We should wrap up if you want to be on time to your date." Sean said standing up and heading for the door. Sara looked at the man who seemed to change his tone after she had mentioned the Henson's and made a note to avoid the subject again.