
The CEOS Wife

He is the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world while also being the leader of the Underworld. Maintaining his privacy is his highest priority. Few people know either identity and even fewer know both. He is just viewed as an outcast in his own family. While she is just a small time director at a failing company. Trying to make her days go by and live a simple life. Avoiding her family at all cost as she feels like an outcast from their rich chasing lifestyle. What happens when he inserts himself into her life? Is it fate or is there an alternative agenda that is trying to be filled? What secrets of each other do they uncover? What are their True identities? (No rape/major misunderstanding)

Wolfpac · Urban
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51 Chs

Her sanctuary

Sean chuckled as he grabbed Sara and hugging her as they walked out to the car. Noticing that only one car was outside and it was Sara's car, Sean looked around puzzled. Sara smiled at his reaction, "I want to take you somewhere special to me. No staff allowed." Sean shook his head, "you were kidnapped yesterday and today you're saying no body guards. Why would you do that?" Sara smiled at the man, "I have you with me. Whatever happens you'll protect me."

"So sure of yourself, that I'll sacrifice my good looks for you?" Sean shot back as he got in the car. Sara smiled as she got in the car responding as she started the car, "Trust me even if I told you no body guards, you would still having them hide in the shadows, and apparently you have an army in this city at your beck and call. So what is there for me to worry about?" Sean chuckled as they drove out of the city.

After about an hour Sara parked the car at a park. Sean looked out of the car before asking, "you special place is this park." Sara laughed at his puzzled tone. "No silly grab the bag behind you let's go." Sara then led Sean through the trees past the park until they reached a small lake. Sean froze as he looked out at the hidden lake before smiling. Sara sat down on the shore and looked out over the water. She patted on the ground next to her and looked at Sean. He walked over and sat next to her before speaking, "your special place is this lake?" Sara nodded before responding, "it is, but this is the last time that I can come here."

"Why?" Sean asked puzzled. Sara sighed as she looked out over the water before pointing up at the mountain framing the far end of the lake. "This is actually private property and the land owner is building a fence around it. He's been building a house on that mountain overlooking this lake." Sean looked up to see the house on the mountain before smiling, "would you like to live in that house?" Sara turned and looked at the man who's face was serious as he laid down. Sara responded, "it would be nice too but I don't think the land owner would sell it." Sean chuckled before responding, "Silly woman. I was going to tell you later but this is in fact my lake. I'm building that home to move in permanently. This was the first property I bought when I was building Dearborn. I originally planned to develop it into a serene little living area." Sara was stunned at his words before responding, "what happened to those plans? You seem to always be growing, this development would've made you a lot of money." Sean looked out over the water before reaching in the bag and pulling out an orange. As he started to peel it he responded, "Life then when I returned from over seas I began building the house up there. It should be completed this month, we can move in then. For you I'll curb the further development and keep it as our oasis." Sara looked over at Sean as he handed her the orange. Her eyes grew soft at how he was always putting things aside to make her happy. She smiled before hearing Sean ask, "how did you even find this place? It's almost an hour out of the city and through a park that I built as a rest area. We didn't even have the road built to the house until a couple months ago."

"I enjoy hiking. So one day when I was in college I came home for break and found that mountain. After walking around for a bit I found this lake. Ever since then this has become my oasis from the bustle of the city. Anytime I need quiet I can come here and find peace to clear my thoughts." Sara said as she looked back over the water. "What were your plans for this area?" Sara finally asked after a long time. Sean opened his eyes as he sat up and looked at the woman. "Loch Dìomhair. Is old Scottish for hidden lake. It would house maybe 20-30 mansions hidden from each other but all having lake access. The plan was no house could see another house unless over the water. Large plots with lots of privacy."

Sara listened intently as this was truly the first time she had heard the man talk about something from his past. Shortly after her stomach rumbled causing Sean to break into laughter. Sara snorted before saying, "give me a sandwich from the bag." Sean still chuckling passed a sandwich, before Sara took a bite she stated, "when I first met you you were cold to everyone but me, why?" Sean looked at her, his brown eyes seemingly turning gold in the sunlight. His voice soft and gentle, "truthfully I don't know. I've been cold to everyone since Dearborn began, even my own parents. The only person I smiled around was my sister. She got to live a carefree life as no one ever viewed her as a threat to the Hensons. She only ever wanted to design things, never had a mind for business.I originally planned on using money from music to start my own record label. I guess that foresight scared Marcos enough to threaten me. Then when I started Dearborn I had to teach myself to not show any weakness to anyone. Then this woman I picked to be CEO of a company came crashing through my wall I had built up around me."

Sara looked out over the water listening to his words as she ate. When he stopped talking she looked at him, her blue eyes seeming to sparkle like the sun on the water. She smiled making him think that the sun had gotten dimmer somehow. "Sean you never told me, 4 months ago at Swan ..." Sean interrupted her, "That was me. At first you bumped into me in the hallway and I could tell something was off. Normally I would ignore it but something made me act." Sara nodded receiving the answer that she had been looking for. "Thank you, for everything." Sean smiled before embracing her, "Thats the last time I want to hear those words. I'm your husband now and it's my duty to protect you and let you shine." Sara smiled at his words before asking, "So we missed you telling me the history of Dearborn Industries." Sean chuckled knowing she wouldn't let this go. "Alright …"