
The CEOs Wanted Assistants

As she makes a move to get up from the big man's lap, she hears a groan and the weight on her hips increases as he presses her further on his huge bulge. "You are such a fu**ing tease Jasmine." he groans lowly in her ear. Being employed by the richest man in the World was not Jasmines definitely, but now she has to work all day under his strong gaze, and the more he looks at her the more she gets a crush on him To him she was just a baby till one night when he stumbled in on her in a towel, and after that she became the one thing he wanted but he wasn't sure he could get Contract marriage

Crystally_Amber · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 2 MRS NACHT?

Two months later...

She had lost the job, but for some reason the CEO Mr Natch had given her the position of Personal assistant, a position that was never there before.

Of course she took the job even though she was a little bit skeptical, she didn't want to be in his line of vision everyday, because his eyes were intense, but she had put that aside and taken the job.

For the past two months she had studied Mr Natch and even though other people say he is a tough nut to crack she realised he wasn't. He was a simple man with a lot of rules, rules she had learnt to adhere to.

He liked punctuality, quickness and most of all he thrived in silence. Which is why she hadn't said a word since they began their journey to a restaurant a little bit outside of town. They had business with the owner and as usual his presence demanded silence, so in order to not feel intimidated by the big man beside her, she buried her head in files, trying really hard to remember what to say so she doesn't mess up their chances.

He looked at her, really looked at her, he found out that he was always doing that whenever she was near him, he took her in slowly, from her red hair that was currently in a bun to her pretty green eyes that followed the lines on the paper, to her soft pink lips, he could feel his pants tighten a little when he stared for too long. And then his eyes moved downwards to the skin of her chest that was not covered, he could see her fair cleavage and he wanted nothing more than to trail a path down it. He tried not to think too much about her physique, but it was practically impossible, her thin waist always made him wonder what it would feel like in his hold, and her thighs.... the little he could see from her skirt made him almost run mad like a hungry dog.

For months he had been taming his hunger because he felt he was too old for her... she was just nineteen and he was twenty four, he did not wish to taint her in that way, but the more he caught a glimpse of her fair skin, the more he was tempted to take her for his own. He was a selfish man and if she didn't take it easy she would find out too early.

The sound of the car slowing down into a smooth glide, informs him that they have reached their destination, and that is enough for him to tear his eyes away from her thigh quickly before she could notice.

He comes down from the car first, offering his hands which she takes and then he helps her down, taking a whiff of her rosey scent.

He notices how as usual she has caught the eyes of the men, and it makes him angry that other men are looking at what he has proclaimed his. With a firm tug on her waist he brings her to his side, not taking his hands off her and just like he imagined her skin was soft and her waist small around his hand. He ignores her surprised look and begins their walk into the Restaurant.

Seeing who is coming his way, the young doorman is quick to open the door, a shocked look on his at the girl around his master's friends arm, nonetheless he bows in respect.

She notices how all eyes are on them, the minute they enter the restaurant, the place falling quite as people stare at her, not having anything else to do she pushes herself more into the man who has held her waist captive, only making the masses continue to stare at her in shock.

Everyone knew that the young billionaire never carries girls around, so who is his cute little girlfriend... some found her adorable with the way she looked, like she wanted to get under his jacket with him.... others stared in envy at the possessive grip he had on her waist.... she was clearly not a common woman, they thought.

Yet no one dared to say anything... it was Mr Natch we were talking about... no one wanted to be ruined by him.

Before she can utter a word to the receptionist, the owner of the store Mr Collins comes around the corner, bowing to Mr Natch first, before his gaze falls on her. She had to say that she was not expecting the owner of soo many luxurious restaurants to be this young and handsome, however before she can offer a greeting, he has her hands in his and is placing a soft peck on the back of it.

"It is so lovely to meet you Mrs Natch" he mumbles bowing to her. And a blush coats her face.

She wasn't Mrs Natch, she wasn't married to the grump behind her, she was just his assistant, but before she can once again clear the air, Mr Natch is quick to get the meeting going, commanding Mr Collins to get them a room where they can speak privately.

As they walk away however the whole restaurant is left in shock... wife? the beautiful lady was just called his wife and all he could do was smile, He did not deny it...

Could Mr Natch be having an affair with that woman?