
First day of work

less running out of my house at 10:20 am ,i was fucking late on my first day at Mr Dillon's house. Mr Dillon was a very rice man my late Dad work for,after his death my mother fell ill and she fell onto coma for three years and l have been working on the farm for years and now I need money for my mom treatment .

knock knock knock

who's there? I heard a very delicate voice answer me, I as well as every one knew that Mr Dillon has a daughter who study at California ."is she back" he thought,"who's there "he heard again. hmm he cough lightly and said "I am Andrew" he said as the door slowly open as he saw a beautiful girl who looks like a goodness in a blue gown and black hair blue high heels and black small bag .He was dumfounded with her beauty mhm she coughed as she had noticed his dumfounded face .