
The CEO Pursues His Ex-Wife

Emma was thrown into a whirlwind of troubles after finding herself in the bed of the CEO of an international colossal empire K, Daniel Kozlov. In order to protect herself and her parents, she decisively agreed to the terms of the cold man and married him. A mistake she came to regret dearly. "You are a conniving and shameless adulterer. I can't stay married to such a person. Sign it!" Staring at the divorce papers thrown at her and hearing the nasty words of his baseless accusations, Emma's heart which had begun to beat for Daniel turned cold. She signed the papers and left behind everything he ever gave her including the fancy cage he kept her locked in, promising herself a better future. But what happens when Daniel begins to have strange dreams of his ex-wife? The day before, she was an assassin and he was a cop. Yesterday she was a demon slayer and he was a demon. Today she was an empress and he was the emperor. But that wasn't even the point. The point was that in each of his dreams, they were so crazily in love that they could die for each other but Emma always left him in the end. He wanted answers and he had to get them! And so it began, the CEO began to chase his ex-wife everywhere. "Dear wife! I was wrong! You can punish me but please don't leave me again!" Looking up at the man standing next to her, dressed as an intern, Emma clenched her teeth and growled, "Daniel! Are you this shameless?!" The next second, Daniel grabbed Emma's waist and whispered into her ear, "Only for you my dear wife!" This heart and body stealer! Is it wrong that she really wanted to get a mallet and whack him?! **NOTE FROM AUTHOR** Hello, Story Stars. Thanks for making it this far! This story isn't your typical fast-paced novel and might take some time to build up but it isn't a slow-burn book either. I have other characters that I'd love to shed light on as their story kind of helps to create the future of the lead characters. Plus I just like to be detailed when doing things. Also, I write cute interactions between the characters, the readers, and the author in the Creator's thoughts box. So you can check them out if you like. I'd also encourage the readers to comment their responses to the interactions, just for fun!! Phew! That was one long note! Anyways, Thanks for reading TCPHEW (I still can't think of a better abbreviation *facepalms*) N.B: PLEASE, LEAVE ALL YOUR EXPECTATIONS OUTSIDE THE DOOR, THIS NOVEL IS NOT "NORMAL". *** Author's Discord: @daisy_t. Join my discord server: https://discord.com/invite/DjwRKgmbSv Follow me on Instagram!: @d.a.i.s.y_t

Daisy_T · Urban
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162 Chs

Nine months later

Nine months later,

Donning a flowery pale blue dress, Emma sat on a lounge as she gazed at the sea, the soft salty breeze gently caressing her face as she sipped on her iced Americano.

It had been nine months since she had traveled far from the city she once called home, leaving behind the painful remnants of a marriage that had crumbled in humiliation and heartbreak.

The very day she spoke to her parents, they had all come to the conclusion that she needed a break and without wasting much time, her father had already booked a flight ticket for her to travel to Diadyn [Diamond Dynasty], a faraway city rising speedily in popularity for its creative talents and resources.

At first, she was resistant as she just couldn't bring herself to face the world so early but her mother's words changed her mind.

"You need to go Emma. I know you want to stay here with us and heal from your wounds and even I don't want to part from you so soon but think about it this way."

"This is a fresh start, a chance to rebuild your life and discover the woman you've always aspired to be. The woman young Emma always wanted to be."

"If you don't know where to start. Start from here…." Rosa said as she placed her palm on her chest. 

"Your inner child knows best my darling. It will guide you and never lead you astray."

Emma sighed as she tore her gaze away from the calming waves of the sea and glanced at her sketch of a ring with a sapphire gemstone in the middle. 

Around this centerpiece, a cluster of tiny diamonds formed, each marked by a distinct line, capturing their individual brilliance. These lines mimicked the facets of real diamonds, making them sparkle on the paper.

The sapphire and diamonds rested gracefully upon a band of precious metal, simple yet elegant in design. 

The sketch breathed life into the ring, making it seem almost tangible.

Right at the bottom of the paper, her signature which was just an E with a rose stood proudly with the words, 'Chase your childhood dreams' right below it.

Emma dropped the blue colored pencil onto the table, letting it roll to join the other coloring pencils lying by her bag.

Her eyes fixed on the words, 'childhood dreams'.

Although she loved marketing and even went to study it in college, she had always wanted to be a jewelry designer since she was a child but never got the chance to. 

When she was in high school, art was never seen as a serious subject. It was either you were studying to become a doctor, engineer, or lawyer or you were following another well-trodden path. 

Society's expectations were clear, and creativity was often pushed to the sidelines so she decided to opt for her second favorite course which was marketing.

Immediately after she graduated from college, she had to intern at Star Drops charity organization and the stipulated period for her stay in the organization wasn't over yet when she was pulled into a flash marriage with Daniel.

Emma smiled as she stretched, 'Mom and Dad were so right.'

Diadyn was definitely the best place for her to be right after such a tumultuous breakup as it was filled with art, friendly people, creative talents, good food, and most of all inspiration.

Take for instance, she had just wanted to come out for a bit of fresh air and she already sketched three different designs for three different sets of jewelry.

Emma sighed once more, throwing the thought of her past behind her as she gathered her thoughts as well as the coloring pencils from the table.

'I have to go develop this at home and add it to my portfolio.' She thought.

When she got here nine months ago, she didn't rest as her father and mother had suggested instead she had determinedly immersed herself in a world of jewelry design textbooks and online courses.

Her mother's words just before she packed her bags to leave for Diadyn had struck a chord within her and she really couldn't wait to get to work.

Emma took one last glance at the intricate jewelry design that was bursting with color on the page of the sketchbook. 

Her eyes trailed the meticulously detailed lines defining the sapphire, the cluster of tiny diamonds uniquely marked with precise lines surrounding it, and the sleek and elegant band supporting the gemstones.

She smiled proudly before closing the page.

One would never know that she navigated the intricate world of jewelry design all by herself.

The past months had been a journey of relentless self-improvement. Late nights were dedicated to pouring over the pages of academic notes, while early mornings just like today were reserved for practical training.

She packed her belongings and got up from her seat, her dress slightly fluttering from the breeze.

It was then that her phone beeped. She brought it out and saw a text from her good friend, Quiana.

[Hey, Empress! I have an idea that's perfect for your designs. Let's meet up. My place.] 

When she saw the text, Emma giggled with a shake of her head, her blond hair tickling the sides of her face as she did. 

Apart from being able to pursue her passion for jewelry designing, another thing that she was grateful for was the genuine friends she had come to make during her time in Diadyn.

They once again reminded her of the true meaning of love. 

Love, in its purest form, was unconditional. It gave without expecting anything in return, like a warm embrace on a chilly day.

Emma kept her thoughts to herself and sent a reply.

[I'll see you in ten, my Queen.]

Emma slid her phone into her black tote bag with a happy smile and walked to the side of the road to hail a cab.

Because rush hour was still a few hours away, it didn't take long before she got a cab and headed for Quiana's house.

Eleganza Manor,

As the cab drove through toward Quiana's house, Emma took in its features that never ceased to amaze her.

The streets were lined with towering trees, their branches forming a canopy that provided shade and serenity. Flowerbeds and well-kept lawns added splashes of color to the scene.

Everything about this place screamed nature and Emma couldn't help but take in a breath of fresh air.

'Once I make enough money, I'll bring Mom and Dad to live here together.'

When they got to the front of a massive black gate, the cab stopped and she alighted. 

An ivory mansion sat with a beacon of elegance and grace adorned with ornate columns surrounded by lush greenery. 

Flanked by a neighborhood of charming houses, each unique in its architecture, with steeply pitched roofs and colorful facades.

A peaceful garden with winding paths, statues, and a serene pond awaited at the back. Beyond this paradise, a wild and untouched forest stretched as far as the eye could see.

Emma sighed in reverence as her blue eyes gazed at the words, 'House of Kumar' engraved with black on the golden plaque at the entrance. 

'The world of old money is really glamorous.'

In no time, a butler quickly got to the gate and escorted her through the well-kept gardens which were a vibrant mix of flowers and exotic plants, and into the house.

Emma had just stepped foot onto the black and gold marble tiles placed intricately on the floors of the mansion when she was abruptly enveloped in an enthusiastic tight hug.

"Empress! Finally! I thought I'd wait forever!" exclaimed a melodious voice, filled with a hint of playful annoyance. "Didn't you say you'd be here in ten minutes?!" 

Still cocooned in the warmth of her hug, Emma furrowed her brows and raised her arm to glance at the watch adorning her wrist.

"I'm just two minutes late, Queen." She replied with a hint of exasperation, her fingers gently patting the girl's back.

The girl, Quiana with a dramatic flair only she possessed, whipped her head up from Emma's embrace and pouted. 

"You're still late either way."

Emma came face to face with a youthful and lovely face that radiated charm. 

Her eyes, shaped like almonds, were a deep, warm brown, filled with curiosity and her long, dark lashes framed them beautifully.

She had a rosy tint on her cheeks, giving her a radiant glow and her lips were a soft coral.

Her long, lustrous hair flowed down her back like a midnight river, adorned with fragrant jasmine flowers. 

Emma tilted her head in amusement, and couldn't help but chuckle at Quiana's theatrics. She was the daughter of Krishna Kumar the estate manager that owned the house she lived in and had become her closest companion since she had arrived in this foreign land.

"Quiana, you have the most exquisite talent for making two minutes feel like an eternity. I promise to make up for my 'lateness'. Now, shall we proceed with what you invited me here for?" Emma voiced as she adjusted the tote bag that had almost slipped off her shoulders from Quiana's hug.

Quiana's pout melted into a bright smile as she took Emma's hand, leading her up the stairs, "Alright. I'll let you off since you know you're wrong. Let's go to my room, I have something to show you."

"Uncle Arjun, please bring some snacks and drinks to my room. Thank you!"

The butler, Uncle Arjun bowed before retreating into the kitchen.

Once Quiana brought Emma into her room, she twirled and ran around as she tried to make her feel more at home.

Emma almost went dizzy.

Wearing a vibrant orange saree with intricate patterns and embroidery, Quiana's jewelry, like a delicate shimmer, added a touch of elegance, with a gold necklace and jhumka earrings.

Those earrings were one of her very first designs and Quiana had loved it at first sight. She bought the design, sent it to a jeweler, and had worn it ever since she could remember.

That was how she received her very first paycheck and her nickname, Empress which was derived from her name Emma.

  "Queen. You really don't need to stress yourself. Just sit down and relax…"

Queen was a nickname she gave to Quiana to reciprocate the friendly offer.

She had not yet completed her words when Quiana faced her seriously, "No that won't do. We treat our guests like gods so I have to put in effort to make sure you're happy."

Phew, Nine months already?! Why does it feel like Emma just got divorced yesterday?!

Our Emma seems to be doing well though.

Enjoy your reading!

Love, Daisy.

Daisy_Tcreators' thoughts