
The CEO Pursues His Ex-Wife

Emma was thrown into a whirlwind of troubles after finding herself in the bed of the CEO of an international colossal empire K, Daniel Kozlov. In order to protect herself and her parents, she decisively agreed to the terms of the cold man and married him. A mistake she came to regret dearly. "You are a conniving and shameless adulterer. I can't stay married to such a person. Sign it!" Staring at the divorce papers thrown at her and hearing the nasty words of his baseless accusations, Emma's heart which had begun to beat for Daniel turned cold. She signed the papers and left behind everything he ever gave her including the fancy cage he kept her locked in, promising herself a better future. But what happens when Daniel begins to have strange dreams of his ex-wife? The day before, she was an assassin and he was a cop. Yesterday she was a demon slayer and he was a demon. Today she was an empress and he was the emperor. But that wasn't even the point. The point was that in each of his dreams, they were so crazily in love that they could die for each other but Emma always left him in the end. He wanted answers and he had to get them! And so it began, the CEO began to chase his ex-wife everywhere. "Dear wife! I was wrong! You can punish me but please don't leave me again!" Looking up at the man standing next to her, dressed as an intern, Emma clenched her teeth and growled, "Daniel! Are you this shameless?!" The next second, Daniel grabbed Emma's waist and whispered into her ear, "Only for you my dear wife!" This heart and body stealer! Is it wrong that she really wanted to get a mallet and whack him?! **NOTE FROM AUTHOR** Hello, Story Stars. Thanks for making it this far! This story isn't your typical fast-paced novel and might take some time to build up but it isn't a slow-burn book either. I have other characters that I'd love to shed light on as their story kind of helps to create the future of the lead characters. Plus I just like to be detailed when doing things. Also, I write cute interactions between the characters, the readers, and the author in the Creator's thoughts box. So you can check them out if you like. I'd also encourage the readers to comment their responses to the interactions, just for fun!! Phew! That was one long note! Anyways, Thanks for reading TCPHEW (I still can't think of a better abbreviation *facepalms*) N.B: PLEASE, LEAVE ALL YOUR EXPECTATIONS OUTSIDE THE DOOR, THIS NOVEL IS NOT "NORMAL". *** Author's Discord: @daisy_t. Join my discord server: https://discord.com/invite/DjwRKgmbSv Follow me on Instagram!: @d.a.i.s.y_t

Daisy_T · Urban
Not enough ratings
162 Chs

Let's Get Married

Different people stood around him, wanting to have a discussion with him or stylishly pitch their business ideas to him to water his interest.

Although it was understandable, she couldn't help but feel slightly peeved. Who told Daniel to be so awesome, huh?!

After one huge group left, Emma didn't even get a chance to sigh in relief before another group of new faces came.

Slumping in her seat, Emma was just about to give up and leave the venue when she felt someone stand beside her.

Curiously, she turned her head only for her to almost black out in fright.

Standing beside her was THE Daniel Kozlov. 

'The Heavens have eyes! They've finally seen my efforts and answered my prayers!' Emma thought as she constantly thanked the Heavens.

Whipping herself up from her seat, she quickly approached the man who was already walking away after grabbing a bottle of water.

She couldn't let this golden opportunity slip from her fingers.

Although nervous, she briefly introduced herself to Daniel and skimmed over what her company was about.

Interestingly enough, Daniel was also looking for a legitimate charity organization and her company was just to his liking.

They sat at a table and discussed the different plans the charity organization was working on. Emma was over the moon and beamed cheerfully.

They were offered wine by the waiter and they absentmindedly picked up the glass and let the cold sparkling fluid gush down their throats as they both spoke about their passion for charity giving.

However, that one drink in that moment was like a spell that forked its way into their lives, shattering it into pieces.

Emma woke up the next day in an unfamiliar room. 

She surveyed her surroundings, her confusion growing.

'Where am I?' she wondered as her eyes darted around, taking in the room's structure and decor.

'Oh, a hotel.' She thought, realization hitting her like a freight train. 'Wait…A hotel?!' 

'But what am I doing in a hotel?!'

It was then that she properly observed her surroundings with panicked eyes.

Her body which was loosely covered by a thin piece of white cloth ached all over and was covered with red marks.

Her waist was cradled by a warm firm hand and a patch of blood stained the white cotton sheet which was wrinkled underneath her.

A thought fleeted through her mind but she quickly dismissed it. 

However, looking at the scattered pieces of clothing on the floor and the warm hand that pulled at her, the reality seemed to be screaming at Emma that she had indeed lost her virginity and to a random man at that.

Hot tears streamed down her cheeks as she covered her face and choked out sobs.

Her tears fell drop by drop and startled the man beside her awake who felt something hot drip onto his arm.

At first, she was afraid of acknowledging this man who had obviously taken advantage of her but when she heard his hoarse voice questioning her, she whipped her head toward him in shock.

'It couldn't be. Daniel?!'

She didn't react for a long time and just gazed at him in confusion.

This obviously irked him as he yelled, "I asked you what you're doing here, have you suddenly turned deaf?!"

"I... I don't know either. I just woke up." Emma whimpered as she grabbed and pulled the white sheet, trying to cover herself up.

Her actions caught the eye of Daniel who saw the red marks that starkly contrasted her pale skin and quickly retrieved his arm that was still wrapped around her waist.

Looking down at himself, he punched the bedding startling Emma so much she cowered to the side.

There was no way he didn't understand what had transpired between them.

Cursing, he grabbed his shirt which was carelessly tossed to the ground, and put it on. 

As he buttoned it up, he spat coldly, "Nothing happened between us. I believe you understand what I'm saying. Write down your contact details, I'll send you some money for compensation."

He picked up his pants which were hanging on the headboard of the bed and put them on as he continued, "Also I'll still sponsor your charity organization. You didn't have to go to such lengths to 'convince' me."

His brutal words shocked Emma so much she couldn't help but retort, "I didn't plan any of this! If anything, it was you who took advantage of a drunken woman!"

Daniel was just putting on his shoes when he heard her words, his sharp gaze locked onto her as sharp as a knife, making her feel a shiver run down her bare back.

"Is that really what you're going with? Daniel Kozlov took advantage of you?", he sneered, "It seems I underestimated you. Who sent you? At this point, I guess I can say that you never really worked in a charity organization. Am I right?"

"NO! I really work for Stardrops Charity Organization, you can check. Nobody sent me. I don't remember what happened but I'm the victim here." Emma defended, tears already swirling in her blue eyes.

'B to the S! Why on earth would she use her body to try to convince a potential sponsor for charity? Wouldn't that be too 'charitable?''

However, it was as if Daniel didn't hear her words as he stood and walked round the bed to grab his suit, "Miss Emma Moreau, do you know the consequences of going against me? I'll swallow you whole that even your bones would turn to dust so I advise you to start telling me everything you know." 

Emma started to feel helpless at this point, tears had begun to pour like torrential rain in the Amazon forest from her eyes.

She was taken advantage of and was still accused of conniving against the man who perpetrated the act. 

And it wasn't just any man but a man who could shake the industry with a lift of his finger. 

Although she initially wanted to rope Daniel into the charity organization that she was working in right now she regretted her actions so much she wanted to hit her head on the wall.

It was obvious that she was going to be buried without a corpse.

'I have indeed shot myself in the foot.' 

Clearly irritated by her crying, Daniel went ahead to pick up the hotel card on the bedside table and took a pen from his suit pocket gracefully.

He wrote down his assistant's contact information on the back of the card and dropped it as he glared at her disdainfully.

Daniel was just about to take his leave, when his eyes caught sight of the red patch on the bed sheet, halting his steps.

However before he could organize his thoughts, he received a phone call. 

The constant humming of the vibrating phone seemed to also pull Emma from her thoughts as she picked up her clothes and pulled them on.

Emma didn't know what Daniel heard on the phone call when he answered it but it was from that instant that the music being played in her life changed drastically.

Later on, she found out that some reporters caught wind of her secret tryst with Daniel and uploaded it onto the media and different news channels.

The internet was in an uproar at that time with so many people having different opinions. Some people were happy that they finally found out the lady who could make THE Daniel Kozlov bow at his knees.

Others cursed at her and called her a gold digger and even accused her of selling her body to climb the golden ladder of success.

A lot of 'unique' figurative expressions were used to define her too. She couldn't quite remember but there was something about a duck wanting to be a phoenix and a toad wanting to kiss a swan.

Emma didn't understand the thought process of these netizens.

Were they implying that Daniel Kozlov was a swan? 

Tsk…tsk…if only they knew that this man was nowhere near a swan but a beast through and through especially behind closed doors.

But that wasn't all. 

The reporters went as far as figuring out where she worked and kept watch. When they saw her coming into work, they immediately bombarded her with different questions, their camera flashes almost blinding her.

Of course that didn't end well, in less than 24 hours after the incident occurred she was issued an indefinite suspension letter from her workplace.

She had just walked out of her office, letter in hand when an expensive car pulled up in front of her. The driver alighted from the car and approached her.

It was Daniel.

The man behind all her ordeals.

Emma clenched the suspension letter in her hand tightly, she fumed in anger and walked away as fast as her legs could carry her but was blocked almost immediately by Daniel's form.

Before she could curse at the spiteful man, she heard,

"Let's get married."

Emma thought the flashes of the reporters' cameras had also 'blinded' her ears.


"I said, let's get married. The scandal has tarnished your reputation, and it's affecting your charity organization. Donors are hesitant to contribute, and your work is suffering." He said, his eyes scanning the crumpled letter in her hands.

"Mr. Kozlov, you sound like I'm the only one suffering. Isn't K suffering as well?" Emma sneered as she folded her arms and took a step back.

Daniel gaze dropped to the floor for a moment before he locked eyes with her and patiently explained, "I will not deny that K has gone through a lot of hurdles recently. My competitors obviously won't pass up such a juicy opportunity to tarnish my name and it is indeed affecting my company."

"But if we were to get married, it would quell the rumors. People would think we're just a couple in love, and they'd stop digging into our lives. It would save both our reputations and my company."

Emma's mind raced. It had always been about his company from the very beginning but she knew Daniel was right about the consequences of the scandal on her life. 

In all this she didn't inform her parents about her ordeal and tried to struggle her way through it but with how things were going now, it wouldn't be long before they would be whirled up in the course of the events.

Slowly, Emma nodded. "Alright, Mr. Kozlov, I'll do it."

A little backstory of how Emma and Daniel got involved in the first place.

Now, let the story officially begin!!


*clears throat*

Sorry about that.

Enjoy your reading!



Daisy_Tcreators' thoughts