


Little bunny... little bunny.. wake up, it is already late" Charlie said chuckling seeing Eve reaction.

"What time is it?" Eve asked still in a sleepy state.

"It is 12 noon, silly" Charlie said.

Immediately Charlie said this Eve wakes up fully and shouted "What! Why didn't you wake me up in the morning!" Eve exclamated running her hands through her head.

"Well... You were sleeping peacefully and you looked happy while sleeping so I decided not to disturb you thinking you would wake up on your own but I waited till now you did not get up so I decided to wake you up myself, so get up your lazy ass little bunny, let us go have brunch because we practically missed breakfast." Charlie explained his reason for not waking her up.

"Okay.. wait.. what's with the nickname? I told you to stop calling me that!" Eve said.

Charlie began to laugh, "you can not force me to stop calling you that because you are adorable" he pinch her cheeks and walks out of the room.

Eve groans and drags herself out of the bed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Eve enters the dinning room and sees different kinds of delicious looking food on the dinning table, she looks at Charlie surprised, 

"Why all these food?" Eve asked.

"I asked to prepare all these food because of later" Charlie said.

"Later?" Eve asked confused.

"You have forgotten so soon that we were invited to a party hosted by your rivals" Charlie said.

"Okay, but what does that have to do with all these food?" Eve asked again.

"To give you energy to fight them of course!" Charlie said  as he stands up and pulls out a chair beside his and gestured Eve to sit.

Eve sits down and they have their brunch on high spirits.



At 4pm Charlie and Eve were watching a reality show when the butler came in;

"Sir your guests has arrived" the butler said.

"Mm, let them in" Charlie said and waved him signifying he can go and the butler bowed down his head and leaves to let the guests in.

"Heh.. we have guests?" Eve said looking at Charlie face confused because as far as she knows she isn't expecting any guestbut Charlie didn't tell her anything about expecting guests over in the house today.

"Yup" Charlie said smiling.

"Who are they?" Eve asked her eyes sparkling.

"You will know very soon" Charlie said his lips curved a little upwards. 

Before Eve could say anything, she was interrupted by a lively voice, she turns and was strucked by invisible lightning because of who she saw.

It is the world renowned fashion designer!

His name is Chuck!!/

He who is into makeup and other entertainment set up. He has numerous awards and usually only dress celebritiesand rich elites, "but is he doing here?" Eve faces Charlie and asked.

"Chuck is in charge of dressing you for the party" Charlie said

"Thank you" Eve said.