
CHAPTER 28: Drunk (2)

Charlie frowns as Eve keeps calling him sir; "call me by my name when we are alone" he said firmly; "ok sir..oh sorry... Charlie" Eve hurries and corrected herself; she hurries to her seat.

The rest of the day went smoothly and before she knew it was the end of the day.


Eve hurries and rounds up with her work and waves Charlie goodbye; Charlie hummed and Eve opens the door and leaves the office; she removes her phone from her bag and call Sue to tell her that she and Nars should meet at the front of the company.

She gets into an elevator, the elevator closes and press the button to go down and waits;

She gets to the ground floor of the building; as she gets close to the revolving front door she sights Sue and Nars and she hurried her steps to catch up with them; as she gets closer to the both of them, Sue looks back and sees her; "hey! Over here" Sue signals Eve to join them.

"Are you guys ready?" Eve asked; "yeah girl we are!" Sue said while her and Nars were giggling happy about them hanging out together because since they became friends they haven't gone out to enjoy themselves; 

"Alright let's go" said Eve; the trio left the company obviously excited.


They got to the club and they enter the club; already inside, they settle down on one side of the club; they order for drinks and while waiting they decided to chat.

"So Eve how is it going with Charlie?" Sue asked; "we are fine" Eve said; Sue and Nars looked at each other and back at Eve; Eve is surprised how her friends are looking at her and she is confused why; "why are you guys looking at me like that?, Is anything on my face?" She asks touching her face; "I meant have you both like....you know?" Sue asks not completing her sentence instead using her hands to demonstrate what she meant to ask;

"No way, we haven't done that" Eve said shaking her hands; their drinks arrived and they started drinking; "why?" Sue asked; Eve blinked thrice, "why would that happen?" Eve asked clueless why her friends are asking her that;

"Aren't you guys dating?" Sue asked; "Yes we are but we having gotten to that extent" Eve said;

"But have you both like eeh...kissed?" Asked Nars; as Nars asked this question, Sue also looks at Eve, waiting anxiously for Eve's answer;

"Well..we have" Eve said; Sue and Nars started giggling; Eve changes the topic and they continue to drink;

They were becoming drunk; Eve stands up, "guys am going to the rest room, I will be back in a minute" Eve said; "okay but hurry up" Sue said but her words were not clear because she is drunk;

Immediately Eve left her phone rings; Sue and Nars looks at the caller ID and sees that it's their boss calling Eve.