
CHAPTER 23: An powerful enemy (1).

You are telling me to leave your office, Really?" Said Natasha surprised; she picks up her purse and turns to leave but was stopped by Charlie; "wait, on last thing don't you ever insult my fianceé again if you don't want to get on my bad side" Charlie said and faces the window while sitting on his swirling chair; Natasha fumes angrily, stares daggars at Eve and storms out of the office".


As soon as Natasha's left the office Eve breathe a sigh of relief and approached Charlie's desk; "that was intense" Eve said while massaging her chest.

Eve remembers something; "right what does she mean by the both of you would get married eventually?"; "She just said that because that's what most rich people do they marry off their children because of business" Charlie said;

"What do you mean?" Eve asked because she was confused; Charlie comes close so his elbows are resting on his desk; 

"Most rich people marry for mutual benefits in the sense that they marry base on the profits they can make"; Charlie looks at Eve who he notices doesn't seem to understand what he said; 

"Take for example, if me and Natasha marry it would definitely not be because of love but what the Holmes cooperation will gain from Powell group if we are married, do you get it now?";

"Yes" said Eve; "but why wouldn't people marry for benefits not love?" Eve asked; "well you see people are just greedy, the more they have, the more they want to acquire more" Charlie said;

"But don't you want to marry miss Natasha?, She is pretty, although her attitude sucks" Eve said squeezing her face as if she saw something irritating; 

"You said it yourself, that her attitude sucks and besides I am not the type of guy that is attracted to beauty only, I prefer beauty with brains and Natasha is obviously not that to me so I don't like her"; he smirks and shifts close to Eve; 

"Why would I need another woman when I already have a fianceé that possesses what I want in a woman?" Charlie said;

Eve chicks turns crimson red, she uses her hands to cover her cheeks to prevent Charlie from seeing it; "I would like to go to the restroom" said Eve; "mm.." said Charlie, who saw her blush and looks at her until she is out of the office.



Eve is in the restroom for ladies; she sits on the toilet in one of the toilet stalls replaying what happened when she overheard the conversation between two ladies outside;

"I heard that Miss Natasha left the office in anger" said the first lady; "yeah and I heard it's because of she insulted his fianceé and accused him of faking his engagement" said the second lady;

"Miss Natasha doesn't seem to like the boss's fianceé and it seems she is not ready to back down and wants to fight for our boss attention" the first lady said.