



"Hello" Charlie said as he picked the call when he was seated in his office.

"Hello Hun" Eve said.

"What's up?" Charlie asked Eve.

"Candice is on the move" Eve said. Just five words and Charlie understands what Eve meant.

"Okay I will get someone to investigate and follow her" Charlie said.

"Okay, I need to get back to work now, bye" Eve said.

"Bye" Charlie said. Immediately the call ends Charlie called Sazuki.

"Get someone to follow and investigate Candice Lee..." Charlie paused for a while and continued, "and I want to to send a gift to her house😏" Charlie smirked.

"Yes boss" Sazuki said and Charlie ends the call and started laughing and thought, "let's see who wins against the other.



As work for the day ended, Candice arranged her desk and left her cubicle. In front of the company, she waited for the taxi she ordered to arrive. She waited for 10 minutes when a taxi stopped in front of the company. She approached the taxi to confirm if it's the one she ordered for.

"Hello sir, are you Mr Fagor?" Candice asked the taxi man.

"Yes I am. Are you Miss Candice?" The taxi man asked.

"Yes" Candice answered the man and entered the car.

"Where to Miss Candice?" Mr Fagor asked.

"To 5th avenue sir, thanks" Candice said and relaxed herself on the chair. She was tired from today's work so she decided to rest a little.

"Sir when we are there let me know please, I need to rest because I am very tired" Candice said.

"Work must have been very stressful today, miss?" Mr Fagor asked.

"Hmm..." Candice said and slept off.

Thirty minutes later, Candice is woken up by the taxi man, Mr Fagor.

"Miss Candice! Miss Candice! We are here" Mr Fagor said to Candice.

Candice eyes fluttered for sometime before her eyes was able to get used to the light.

"Thank you sir" Candice said as she opens the door and comes down from the car.

"You are welcome Miss Candice. Don't forget to give me a five star rating!" Mr Fagor said.

"Okay I will" Candice said. She waved at him and climbs the stairs to her house. As she reached the door of her house, she puts her hand in her bag to search for her keys. When she found them, she opened and went inside.


Back in the taxi.... Mr Fagor brought out his phone dialed a number. It rang two times before it was answered.

"Hello" Sazuki said.

"Hello, she had gone inside her house" Richard said.

"Okay. Wait for any reaction, then when you are sure she has seen what we left for her, you can leave there" Sazuki said.

"Okay sir" Richard said.

Richard waited outside Candice's house for ten minutes before he heard a scream from Candice's house. He saw Candice run out of her house looking around (obviously she was looking around to see if she would find the person who left a note and a doll with blood on it's body.

Richard smirked and drove off.

Author>>> Note>>

1. Richard is not a taxi driver as he portrayed himself to be. He is actually working for Charlie and he was the one sent by Sazuki to follow Candice.

2. Candice saw a note "we are coming for you!" Written on it. And also the note was accompanied with a bloody scary looking baby doll.



Candice's house continuation~~~~~

"What is this?! Who is after my life? Could it be that Eve found out about me being the spy in the company? Just what is going on!!."

"I need to tell Adriana about this! Yes I need to call her and tell her about the threat so she can help me and also be careful.

Candice is terrified and she kept pacing around her bedroom because of what she just experienced. She picked up her phone and called Adriana to tell her about the threat she just received.

"Hello, what is it? Don't you see that it is late already!' Adriana said angrily.

"Believe me being angry at me now should be the last thing you should be doing now big sis Adriana" Candice said nervously.

"What do you mean by that Candice?" Adriana asked curious of why Candice is sounding strange. It was as if she was scared of something.

"My life is being threatened!" Candice shouted.

"What! How is that supposed to be possible?" Adriana asked shocked by what Candice just said.

"I don't know! I just got home this evening from work and a bloody scary doll with a note that says 'we are coming for you' in it. I am freaking out right now" Candice said still pacing round her bedroom biting on her fingers.

"Calm down Candice, calm down, I will get to the root of it, okay? You don't need to do anything. I will get someone to protect you" Adriana said assuringly.

"Don't you think that this is the handiwork of miss Eve?" Candice suddenly asked. There was silence at the other side of the line and Candice thought Adriana has hung up. She removed the phone from her ear and looked at the screen, 'but the call is still on' Candice thought.

"Hello? Are you there, big sis Adriana" Candice said again.

"Yes... Yes I am here" Adriana zoned out for some seconds. She was thinking of the possibility of Eve being behind the threat note and the bloody doll.

"Are you okay?" Candice asked.

"Yes and Eve can't be the culprit for this" Adriana said.

"Why do you say that?" Candice asked.

"Because she is too stupid and naive to come up with that idea" Adriana said.

"How are you sure?" Candice asked.

"Yes I am very sure of that" Adriana said affirmatively.

"Okay but I am scared of sleeping now" Candice said.

"Just try and relax. Watch a movie or something to distract yourself" Adriana said.

"Okay, I will try. Thank you big sis Adriana" Candice said.


"What are you planning, Eve?" Adriana thought.



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Random question for the day 😊:

Ice cream



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