
The CEO of love and punishment

Cho Lee is a 23 year old unemployed lady looking for jobs but can’t get one due to her past job incident that she hates talking about. As she goes to her interviews they all end up not taking her in. She starts to lose faith but then a sudden note comes in her mail saying she has an opportunity to do a 30 day internship in the big company “link” a fashion company as the CEO’s personal assistant. She goes to a club with her friends to celebrate and has the night of her life but she wakes up in her new CEOs bed the next day completely naked. But she’s to frightened to do anything so she just runs out. the next day she’s at her first day of her internship she’s to scared her boss will see her and for the whole day she acts crazy then suddenly gets called in the CEO’s office. Anyways, Mr.CEO or kyong Kim is a kind hearted man (at least he used to be) in the inside but looks scary but also very handsome on the outside so people (mostly girls) would usually stay away from him but while also wanting to do him but he didn’t really care since he had his own girlfriend. But suddenly she broke up with him so he goes to the club to drink through his sorrows but he is responsible so he didn’t drink a lot since he was going to drive. Then he meets Cho Lee she acted nice and looked like a goddess and one that had such an amazing body that would make any guy fall and any girl envy just by looking she suddenly approaches him. Even though she looked like that she didn’t care about his face and actually approached him he was shook. Since all the girls that looked even half as good as her would try to subdue him. He then noticed she was drunk so he thought it was probably cause of that so he just kept drinking. Then he went insane he asked if she wanted to sleep with him and of course she said yes,she was drunk and wasn’t in her right mind and he knew that, that’s the only reason he asked. The next day he wakes up he sees her there,naked he thought it was ok to do what he wanted with her since they already did it and starts to touching her. Then he realizes that she’s waking up so he pretends to be asleep. She suddenly acts crazy and then runs out and that’s when he then realizes what he ACTUALLY just did he starts to hit himself acting crazy like her then remembers that he had a whole company to run and runs out. when he gets there he immediately spots her not knowing why she was there and was still in shock so he runs to his office which is sound proof and starts yelling then starts remembering things from that night and starts getting ideas. Like touching her everywhere and to live last night all over again then asks his retiring assistant to call her in. Who knows what will happen next...wait I do cause I’m the author anyways this is the start of his adventure with touching her whenever and wherever he wants to but then starts to get feelings for her even though he thought that he would never feel anything for anyone after the big breakup. And she goes crazy with all this harassment but she lets it go on since she need this job and since she starts liking his touch and taste. But what happens next well I don’t know this one, we’ll just have to find out together.

Haliyah_Banire · Teen
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

It’s as beautiful as you

She put on the beautiful dress then she remembers that what Jin Ae said the first time she put it on and starts to wonder it she actually does look good in it. She then stops fantasizing about her in the dress and try's to go to the room to change her clothes but then Jin Ae, her boyfriend Chin Hae, Dong hyun, his girlfriend Lin Aera, Areum Hee and her boyfriend Ji Hoon they all were dating but she wasn't. She sometimes got jealous since her friends were all dating each other and she just felt like all their third wheel to all of them.

She then yelled while covering herself in embarrassment "guys what's wrong with you I was about to change all the boys leave get out...NOW! Guys why would you just barge in and when you have the guys with you I could have been naked you know. Jin Ae hand over the spare key I don't trust you anymore."

"But i-" "hand it over" Cho Lee said angrily. So Jin Ae just gave up and handed it over , "thank you" Cho Lee said. "Ok now to talk about this dress I told you not to buy it seriously " all the girls looked at her and thought "beauty" Lin Aera said out loud. "What?" "that's the word to describe you in this dress with you look amazing Jin you were so right about her looking good in it." Jin Ae replied " I know right I thought so too that's why I bought it but she didn't want it and now look at her in it it's as beautiful as beautiful as you Cho oh and I saw you looking at yourself like that when I came in. You can't deny it you like the dress huh huh huh do you you don't lie now." Cho Lee replied " Ok fine maybe I do like the dress." Jin Ae said "I knew it the day you wore it you had that look in your eye that I found the right one look yes I saw it" Cho Lee replied " ugh whatever but I need to look through my mail then we can discuss why you all can here barging in."

Cho Lee picks up her mail and goes to her room inside her room she goes through het mail. She took the first one and see's a coupon from her favorite cafe and passed it aside as she was happy it was a coupon since she hasn't been working lately so she didn't have that much money to buy anything lately.

The next was the rent that she hadn't paid yet she looked very upset since she wasn't rich like her other friends and she had no money to pay the rent with and it said if she doesn't pay it in two months she would be evicted she thought it was nice that they let her pay it in two months time usually it would be in a week or a month. She cast it aside because she didn't want to think about it any longer.

The next was just nonsense so she ripped it and threw it away. The last one left her mouth open, it was an invitation for her to have a 30 day internship test which means she has a chance to show her skills in the internship and if they don't like how she is she won't get the job and be eliminated from the group of people only 15 people got this chance and she was one of those people. While she's naked from attempting to take a shower she yells from excitement and the boys come in and head to her room with the girls thinking she just got injured.

They came barging in and what they see is a beautiful young lady with an amazing body on the floor naked with a big smile on her face the boys look away. But while still wanting to see her white flare skin that was shining when the sun light hit on her the boys leave the house and the girls pick her up and ask "what's wrong we heard screaming so we came in, and uh sorry the boys saw...well everything."

Cho Lee replied while being dazed by her mail "yeah yeah wha-whatever." She had a big smirk on her face they thought she went to bad Cho Lee. See we'll ever since the incident two months ago she gained the dissociative identity disorder so she now has two identities. The girls always preferred the sweet and innocent normal Cho Lee so whenever this happens they try to make her change back faster. "Uh you sure cause the boys just saw you with nothing on and your ok with it? Aarem Hee said while after getting what's going on. After that she went back to normal and said "Yes yes I'm ok with it, it doesn't matter we've known each other forever now right and we all have been taking showers together since we were kids they are like brothers to me so what's the difference also they have you guys so they wouldn't be worried or thinking about me and my body."

"Yeah well that was before you developed body parts Cho Lee have you seen yourself lately you look like a goddess" Lin Aera said but she went bad again and said

"If that's so then shouldn't you be worried if you're saying this. Don't you think the boys will fall for me and my "hot body" internship."

They thought that could be true and they could actually fall for her but they trusted their boyfriends and thought nothing of it then they paused and remembered she said internship and they all yelled "WHAT?"

That's when she snapped out of it and said "guys I got a 30 day internship in the big fashion company link." Jin Ae yells "that's amazing, I'm so happy for you omg I could almost cry but you know I have makeup on so I won't be doing that but anyways,omg."

Lin Aera said excitingly "Yes so how are we going to" well Lin Aera is a party person so of course she would want to party doesn't matter what the occasion was she would party if she had the chance to.

Cho Lee "Well ok just this once since It's a really big thing. Oh yeah I have a coupon for my favorite cafe isn't that awesome ok let me go take my sho-."

"NO" they all yelled

Then Areum Hee said "like you said this is a big thing we can't just go to a cafe you can go there anytime but not tonight we need to go somewhere fun"

"Yeah somewhere you haven't gone yet, somewhere we always go to but you hate the thought of going even though it's an amazing place to party we all know what it is." Lin Aera said.

The girls all yelled out their thoughts at the same time " The Night Club" Cho Lee yelled "The Zoo?" Cho Lee replied to their thought and said" HELL NO!"

Jin Ae said"But why?"

Cho Lee replied angrily "why you ask WHY well one there are a lot of pervs in there. one moment your in the dance floor dancing peacefully by yourself or with some friends and the next moment your dancing on top of some random guy. And don't get me started about the guys that take advantage of the girls that are drunk. Oh and cause I have to wake up early because my first day is on Monday as in like tomorrow so I can't be late."

Areum Hee Replied "And you won't be late we'll take you back home at 12:00."

Cho Lee replied "That's still kinda late you know." Jin Ae replied " yeah well it's the best we can do the club opens at 8 and it's far away from here by the time we get there it would already be 9 so we will spend 3hr there and then we will take you home"

Cho Lee replied "Ok fine but only this once cause I'm in a good mood" Lin Aera said "yay go get ready girl it's time for your first night at the club."