
Chapter 5

Mila pov ...

Stepping into my house all I could think about was Angel Harris, his chestnut brown eyes and his perfectly chiseled face were all around my head 

He has inscribed his image in my mind and there was nothing I could do about it 

Mila..... How was your first day working for your new boss?" my mom yelled from the living room 

Fine Mom.... nothing out of the ordinary happened, " I yelled back as my mind drifted back to the incident that happened with Angel 

My mom replied okay as I walked up to my room both tired and exhausted as the events of today flowed through my mind endlessly 

Working with him would be hell, you know, " my subconscious taunts me nonstop as I walked into my room 

Surprise!" I soon heard Maya scream as I got into the room

Maya...  What are you doing here at this time? " I asked her extremely shocked she was here 

What girl... Can't I spend time with my best friend anymore, " she asked smiling wide 

Rolling my eyes at her, I pulled her into a tight hug 

I needed this, " I whispered as I savored the comfort that it brought 

Hey Mila are you okay, " she asked pulling me back to look me in the eyes 

Taking in a deep breath, I mentally prepared myself to let out all my anger but before I could speak Maya said 

Is it about your new CEO, " she asked 

Yes Maya and he is a pain in the butt, I just couldn't  believe that he is Mr. Harris's son," I said sounding a bit frustrated 

So what's his name, " Maya asked as she picked up her phone 

Angel Harris... " I said out loud and even the sound of his name made me weak in my knees

Angel Harris right, " Maya asked as she typed none stop on her phone 

Maya what are you doing, " I asked unsure of what she was up to 

Darling I'm researching his sorry ass, if he is going to mess with you, I'm going to mess with him first," Maya said grinning devilishly 

Maya doesn't do anything like that OK, just let it be, "I tried to reason with her 

Oh, fine Mila has it your way... But thinking about it  god damn he is so cute," she said smiling at her phone 

Mila why don't you make him fall in love with you, with that you can control him and the company, "She said smirking 

  Maya No..... " I screamed in disgust as I blushed looking away 

Maya stared at me for while as if she was analyzing every feature of my body, as a playful smile came to play so casually on her face 

Oh my goodness..... you already like your new boss, " She screamed in amusement 

No ..... goodness no, I hate him that's all I feel for him.....  HATE..... So stop saying things like that, " I scolded her as I walked over to the closet to change my clothes with only one name in mind 

Angel Harris ...


I was so determined to prove myself to Mr. Harris by any means necessary 

So I woke up 3 hours before my call time, got ready quickly, and took the next train out 

" During the night, Maya's little outburst on the internet gave me the idea of finding out a few things about my new boss 

"so  I got his favorite coffee shop and his favorite takeout palace 

While on my way to the office, I stopped by  his favorite coffee shop to get him his morning coffee 

Please can I get Angel Harris usual," I asked the brunette barista and soon enough I had his coffee in my hand 

This was going well so far, " I smiled to myself as I hurried over to the company 

Mr. Harris should be here any moment from now, " I said to myself as I stood by his door awaiting his arrival 

And just like I predicted he walked in looking as breathtaking as ever, each step he took towards me caused a huge storm in my heart and I tried all I could to keep my eyes fixed on him

Sir your Coffee, " I said with the coffee straight out to him 

" He looked at me with those captivating eyes of his that made me bare and exposed to his gaze 

" The gaze was so intense that I look away, trying to calm the raging storm in my heart 

Look at me... " He commanded forcing me to look up at him again 

But looking at him this time,  there was something not right  ... He looked rather drunk or should I say hungover and there was something in his eyes he was trying so desperately  to hide 

Was that pain..... " I asked myself as I could feel a slight tightness in my chest 

I didn't know what to do or say as many questions ran endlessly through my mind 

Your coffee..." that was all I could say as I handed the coffee to him with shaky hands 

" Taking it he looked at it and his expression changed as a soft smile came out on his face 

I could see he was having an internal battle as his expression changed immediately to its normal intimidating demeanor 

Don't you have better things to do Miss Brown, " he spat out nonchalantly 

And next time I can buy my coffee," he said pouring the coffee out right in front of me 

" Mr. Harris soon walked into his office leaving me there in my misery 

His words can't get to me, " I reassured myself as I took a deep breath suppressing the feelings that churned deep within me as I walked over to my table 

" So many questions invaded my mind as I  thought of many reasons why Mr. Harris would be drunk on a weekday and the look of pain I saw in his eyes worried me the most 

" I was soon broken out of my wandering thoughts when I received a call from Mr. Harris 

Mila... I need you, " I heard him say through the phone 

I hurriedly went over to his office and I opened the door with shaky hands 

You called for me sir, " I replied trying my hardest to put a smile on my face 

"Still with that look, that put my whole world on a standstill 

Mr. Harris looked at me so intensely, with his eyes trailing down my body, as his eyes soon lingered on the  exposed skin beneath my dress, he unconsciously smirked never taking his eyes away from my body 

" Feeling so exposed and insecure under his gaze, as his eyes on me were currently making me feel things I shouldn't be feeling 

Mr. Harris....." I called out for him breaking the insatiable feeling that was threatening to choke me 

He soon looked back up at me as his eyes changed to their normal hooded form

Miss Brown where are the  files for the shareholder's meeting, " he asked with a stern expression on his face 

Already sent them to your email, " I replied 

And the invoice of the moon suite construction," he asked again 

Sent it also to your email as well, I also color-coded them so you can look through it easily," I said smiling loving I was doing a good job 

Mr. Harris wanted to say something, but he didn't as he looked at me his eyes showing unreadable expressions 

OK you may leave now, " he ordered me 

Smiling to myself happy I was having the upper hand, I was about to leave when he stopped me 

Miss Brown .....  Pack your bags we are going on a trip in a week 

He said and I froze in my tracks immediately 

A Trip with Angel Harris 

Why does the universe hate me... 

Another chapter my lovelies 

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