
The CEO Is the Daddy to Triplets

Li An'An was labeled a murderer's daughter as a child, abused and tormented endlessly in the family of her adopted parents. Four years later, she made a grand return with three daughters. Top car models, gourmet bloggers, and CEO daughters were all blinded by her magnificence. Still, the worst was the CEO of an empire of commerce who could bewitch any woman was constantly tagging along wherever she went!

Xing Bi · Urban
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493 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At the supermarket downstairs.

The three children selected a load of snacks but had trouble at the checkout.

"Little kids, are you here alone? Where are your parents?" the lady boss asked. The three children's temperaments were too outstanding. There was no doubt that they were children of a rich family, but still, it didn't mean she could just casually swipe their card.

"Mommy is on a business trip and Daddy is busy. We're here on our own to buy candies. This is Daddy's card. Daddy said we may use it." Li Baobao's tone was so adorable that the lady boss's heart melted.

However, she was still very cautious. After all, there were no adults accompanying them.

"In this case will you use Auntie's phone to call your Daddy to confirm?"

Li Baobao took the phone from the lady boss. She had memorized Daddy's number.

Chu Yichen had gone home and taken a shower. Just as he was getting ready for bed, his phone rang.