
The CEO desires me

Christina is the CEO of Will's Enterprises and her company has a rivalry with Black Cooperation. But one day her life takes a turn for the worse when her parents plane crashes. Will Christina be able to find the murder and still have a happy ending? Stay tuned to find out!

Ishita_Sharma_9380 · Urban
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3 Chs



I woke up with a start as the same dream came to haunt me again. My girlfriend had left me for seven years now but the memory still was as sore as a knife stab. My eyes fell on the clock and I got up to get ready for a meeting at the Dalton hotel.

I opted for a Stuart Hughe black suit with a tie and headed to my Porsche SUV. I was standing at signal when I caught sight of her. She was no less than an angel. She had gorgeous brown hair and lively blue eyes. I was bemused by her beauty. Her attire showed she was affluent as well. She had her eyebrows knitted together in a frown.

Before I even knew what I was doing I got off my car and headed straight towards her. She gazed directly at me and I was caught off guard by her virtuous and innocent face.

I asked her, "Miss, do you need a lift?" She replied, "Yes."

I inquired, "Where do you have to go?" She retorted, "Dalton hotel."

I was inept to hold my happiness within and decided to give her a lift .To my astonishment she concurred.

As I was driving I asked her, "Why are you heading there?"

Precipitously, her face lit up and I couldn't help but gape at her innocence. She elatedly tells me, "Today is my parents 25th Anniversary and I have prepared a surprise for them."

Before I even knew it I was pulling in front of the hotel. My conscience told me to grab hold of her and never let her go but instead I lightly took hold of her arm and asked, "What is your name?"

"Christina. Christina Wills." she replied and got off.

I closed my eyes and smiled sheepishly as I let her name sink in.

I handed over my car in the valet parking and went in. Being the CEO of Black Enterprises was an arduous job. Firstly, because of the vastness of its empire and secondly, our rivalry with Wills Enterprises. I entered the conference room and took my respective seat at the head of the table. After everybody had settled down I ordered the meeting to be commenced. The meeting persisted but my train of thought had derailed towards Christina and her twinkling blue eyes and innocent smile. Damn that smile.

The meeting concluded. I could not resist anymore and decided to steal a glimpse of Christina if I could. Damn, what had I become. I set off towards the hall and halted when I saw Christina in the lobby. She picked up her phone and out of the blue tears started making their way down her face. I was shocked and felt a deep pang of pain as I saw her slump to the floor. I could bear to see her in a state like this and reached out to grab her. At that moment she needed someone and that had to be me .

I softly asked her, "What is the matter?" and she replied, " My parents passed away in an accident."

My heart filled up with sympathy for her. What wrong had such an innocent girl done to face such an impediment in her life ? I clutched her tighter against me and she started sobbing again. This was the first time in seven years I was holding a girl. But, I did not give a damn; it did not matter. All I wanted was to comfort my sweet, innocent angel.

When Christina had gained composure I helped her up and she said, "I am really sorry for dragging you into this mess. I genuinely apologise."

I was taken aback by the fact that at a time like this she did not fail to remember her courtesies. She went up to the restroom to tidy up.

As I awaited in the lobby a young lady came rushing up to me and asked me with a perplexed look, "Excuse me sir. Have you by any chance seen a beautiful lady with a pink dress on?"

I figured out she was one of Christina's friends so I elucidated the situation to her. She covered her mouth in horror and dashed to the restroom.

After a while, she reappeared with Christina. Christina looked like she would collapse any second which did not come as a surprise considering the recent mishap. Christina's friend led her to the hall and I decided to follow them. As Christina entered the hall a wave of silence fell upon its occupants.

She grabbed the mic, " My dear friends and family. I bring to you sad tidings involving my parents. They are no longer here with us." There is a sudden gasp as Christina continues, "Their plane met with an accident and they did not make it . I request everyone present here to observe a few minutes of silence in their memory."

My heart broke as I saw her breakdown again. As I looked at this innocent girl whose feeling of ecstasy was robbed from her, I prayed to the Almighty to give her strength and light so she could continue to be the innocent and sweet angel she is.