

"So Kian is a Rutherford??"

Valeria could not help out in uttering out the first thought that came to her mind.

Natalie meekly shook her head in positive. She could not straight away look into the eyes of her son and her sister right away.

Age-old secrets and truths were revealed into the open air and it felt like a big weight had been lifted off of her body.

"Then does it not make Tinsley his half-sister?"

Valeria asked, internally hoping that it would be the reality and then banishing the matrimonial alliance between her nephew and that woman for good.

Even after the truth was out, she could not find it gullible for herself. It was just too much revelation in a day. Kian was silent as if he had gone mute.


Natalie furiously shook her head in negative. She could not get it why Valeria would question such a thing after listening to her entire narration.