

"You had a wife?"

The question took Johnny by a bit of surprise. It had been three long decades since anybody had ever asked him of his wife.

"I did not mean to pry really...I just saw those pictures hanging on the wall..."

Tinsley pointed out to the wall. Johnny looked in her direction. Those photos were some bitter-sweet memories of his old heart.

"So I assumed she is your wife..."

"Was...she died a long time ago..."

Johnny interrupted Tin right away, parting his gazes from the wall. Tin noticed the change in his voice.

"Your child? Where is he or she now?"

And that question made Johnny furious. He looked at Tinsley with so much hurt that she could feel it emanating from his body.

"Dead...all are dead...so if you are done with your inquiry, Miss, I suggest you leave right now. I m tired of the day and want to retire. "

Johnny declared and looked away. All of a sudden, she felt unwelcomed in that small house.