

"Why? What is wrong with flying with other people?

My parents never let me do so but could you not see, what not coming in contact with people made me like?"

Tinsley reasoned. She did not see the need of raising Ava like she was raised, rich, spoiled and with no common sense.

No wonder why she found it so hard to be independent. She liked the idea of Ava being carefree and raised just like any normal household child would be irrespective of bringing her wealthy status.

"If Kian wants to go then what is the problem?

It would be a healthy and much-needed family vacation for both of you."

Natalie tried to reason. Kian hopefully looked at her. Tinsley was not going with him anywhere that was for sure.

"I will go with my daughter. That is final."

And that was enough for Kian to storm outside of the room. She did not bother knowing typical of him to get upset when he could not get what he wanted.