

The morning sun was shining brightly outside and the momma bird was feeding her little baby birds, sitting on the branch of the tree so peacefully as the baby birds would chirp, opening their beaks for more food.

"Tinsley, the coffee is getting cold."

That made her turn her head from watching the bird family back to her husband, who was staring at her, concerned.


She did not catch what he just said. He sipped on his coffee from the mug, reading the news from the iPad.

"Your coffee... it's getting cold."

He pointed to her again. She nodded understanding. She picked the mug up from the kitchen counter and started sipping slowly.

Kian could see how lost she had been all these days. It had been more than three days and still, the circumstances were no better.

When they were done, she collected the plates and mugs and walked towards the sink to wash them clean.