

She bit onto her lips not wanting to scream out loud and let Beth and the kids hear her. That was her number one list of worries that someday they might hear them and catch in action and she would not be able to face them ever again. 

When they were alone, no kids and nothing to be worried about. They used to often wear nothing at all and still be not bothered about it because there was no one around. 

When Kian lined his cock against her small entrance, she moaned out. She could not control herself as she found it to be too much...too much sensation all the same time.

And as Kian lapped his cock with all her overflowing juices, she was getting so impatient as he was taking too much time.

It always had been like that. He always took his time and it always drove her crazy with need.

As he slowly slid his cock inside her opening, she held onto the ends of her table trying to stay in one position.