
The CEO and a High-Schooler

Alexander Martinez, the CEO of Skyland Corporation never had fallen flat in his proposals, never let his organization collapse, never gleamed, never utter unnecessarily to anyone until it's business, never let anyone pat him got rewritten when his car accidentally strike on a girl called Isabella Garcia, a senior high schooler. The night they spend together makes him realise something interesting. Alexander made a contract with Isabella with a set of rules to follow in exchange for money. With the poor background, she signed the contract with him. After the scandal of a high schooler having affair with The CEO being released by some people beside Mr Martinez, Isabella runs off away from him without worrying about the contract. After 2 years, The CEO locates her and abducts her back to him saying that she breached the contract and should lend 10 million dollars as compensation. The love & hate relationship between them made them fall in love with each other without their awareness.

Hellan_White · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Can you tell me what time the meeting is tomorrow?"

"Sir, because Mr Jones missed his flight, he requested that we move the meeting from tomorrow to the day after tomorrow. Sir, how should I respond?"

"Cancel Mr Jones's meeting."


"And find another firm for this project and schedule the meeting as soon as possible tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir."

I ended the call with Mr Johnson and looked outside to check the weather after hearing rain on the roof of the car I was in. When I peered out the window, it appeared that there was a strong downpour outside.

The car abruptly halted, and I was dragged to the front before returning to my seat.

I inquired of the driver, "Why did you abruptly halt the car? Did you forget to look at the traffic lights?"

"S-Sir, someone arrived, and I-I..."

"Did you hit someone?"

"I-I'm not sure, Sir..."

"How will you know whether you're still in the car? Get your a** off and check."

I sighed and took out my phone to check the time. It's 8.35 pm.

The driver said something as he tapped on the window. To hear him, I lowered the window slightly.

"It's a girl, sir. She has no wounds and appears to have fainted from shock."

"Do you work as a doctor?"

"No, Sir."

"Call an ambulance and get back in the car."

"Sir, yes."

I raised the window to close it after he left.

He tapped the window again after a while.

"What is it?" I asked as I lowered the window.

"Sir, the line is busy since it is raining fiercely. I couldn't get through to anyone on the phone. Sir, what should we do now?"

"Get her in the car and drive to the hospital."

The driver hauled her up and forced her to sit in the front before closing the door on her side, getting into the driver's seat, and starting the car.

When I answered the phone from Mr Johnson, who's my assistant, "What?"

"Mr Miller of the GHY company contacted me and expressed interest in this idea, Sir. I also did the background check on them, it seems like they're sincere and punctual in their work. Can I schedule the project with them, Sir?"

"Yes, go ahead."

"Yes, Sir."

I slid my phone back into my pocket and looked around. I had completely forgotten that there was a girl inside the car. I noticed she was drenched in the rain when I looked at her. Her clothing is completely inappropriate for her. Because she's dressed like a club girl, but her face doesn't match her outfits because she's too young for that.

The car slowed down. We were already in front of the hospital when I turned to peek through the window. The driver got down, opened the door on the girl's side, lifted her up, and drove away.

The sound of rain on the roof came to a halt. It appears that the rain has stopped.

When I heard the knocking on the window, I looked up. "What is it?" I asked as I lowered the window.

"Sir, the girl is OK. The doctor examined and treated her, concluding that the fainting was caused by alcohol in her blood. They're asking us to bring the girl with us because I said I didn't know anything about her."

"Did you look through her wallet or something?"

"There were none, Sir. What do we do now?"

I exhaled a breath and replied, "Take her to the car. Let's head over to the house."

"Sir, yes."

The driver dropped her to sit in the front beside him and began driving.

We arrived at the residence after several hours of driving.

I signalled the butler to pick up the girl in the front when he opened the car door for me.

"Where shall I bring her, Sir?" the butler inquired upon entering the house.

"The guest room. Also, change her into some dry clothes." Said as I walked upstairs to my room.

I entered my room, shut the door behind me, removed my coat and hung it on the rack, walked to the mirror, stood in front of it, and gazed at myself. I took off my gloves and set them on the table. I heard sounds from downstairs as I was about to take the mask from my face. I ignored it and tried to remove the mask again, but I kept hearing the sound.

I exited the room and exclaimed, "Butler! What's that commotion down there?"

"Sir, it's... the girl you bought... she awoke, Sir..."

"Is she the one making all the noise?"

"Sir, yes. Sir, she appears to be inebriated. The maids are attempting to restrain her, but she has begun flinging objects, Sir."

I took the stairs down and moved in the direction of the sound. It sounds like it's coming from the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen, the butler and a maid were preventing her from throwing things around.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as I approached her.

After hearing my voice, the girl dropped the vessel in her hand on the floor and walked to me, prompting me to take a step back while saying, "Don't get too close to me. Stop right now." That's when I realised I hadn't put my gloves on.

"I just wanted to have a closer look at you because you're wearing a mask," she joked.

I motioned for the Butler and maid to return to their rooms and asked the girl, "Are you sober now?"

"I believe so. What am I doing here? You did hit me, right?"

"It's not my fault, it's the driver's."

"So, why am I at your house? Don't you think you should take me to the hospital?"

"You're not wounded, you're drunk."

"Really? How did you find out? Did you strip me naked to look for wounds?"

"You don't appear to be sober yet. Go back to bed," I said after handing her a glass of water.

After turning off the lights, I walked to my room, removed my mask, changed into a robe, and went to bed.

Something moved in my bed while I was laying on the bed. I lifted the sheets to check... it's the girl!!!

I jumped out of bed and said, "What brought you here? That is no longer relevant. Get out of here!"

She didn't listen to me and slept on my bed like it was her own.

"What exactly are you doing? Get out of my bed, now!"

She turned to face me and inquired, "You have a nice face. Why are you hiding behind the mask?"

When I checked my face and saw I wasn't wearing the mask, I opened the cabinet behind me, took the mask, and ordered, "Stop spouting nonsense and get out of my bed!"

She grabbed my hands and said, "Why are you evicting me?... Why are you hiding behind a mask?" She leaned out to take my mask.

"S-Stop touching me!" I said as I pulled away.

She blabbered again and fell on the bed, "Can I sleep in this room? I'm afraid to sleep alone. I'd like to sleep here…"

I couldn't do anything so I sat next to her as she fell asleep while holding my bare hands.

Wait… We're clasping hands. Hands? How did she manage to keep my hand? Why didn't I react? I wasn't terrified when she touched my hand. How is this even possible?

I, Alexander Martinez, the CEO of Skyland Corporation, am afflicted with haphephobia ( fearing of touching or being touched). I avoid physical contact with people because it makes me feel disgusted. Shaking hands, sharing a hug, kissing... all of these things make me feel disgusted. My lifestyle was never an issue for me in the beginning, but as I began travelling on business trips and attending meetings, it became an issue in everything I do.

When I decided to transform myself, the doctor advised me to locate someone with whom I am comfortable, but I have yet to discover anyone. So I always wear gloves when I leave my room to distance myself from everyone.

When I looked at her, she was peacefully sleeping on my bed, holding my hand. Her eyes were shut tight, hair is a mess and I can hear the light snores coming from her, but the peacefulness is still present in them. She had that expression which meant nothing but peace and security. I look down at our intertwined hands as I gently press my thumb against the soft skin of her hand.
