
The CEO's Wife is a Contracted Serial Killer

This a story of a young girl only in her early twenties, her love life was one to wish for. From a humble background, she lived with the love of her life only to be cut short on their first anniversary. "Ma'am please move back!" one of the detectives ordered, nudging her back with his outstretched hand. Jing Yang moved back at a slow pace, as though computing the distance of the scene where her love lay still. Who had done this to her? With a vengeful glance, Jing Yang was prepared to embark on a spree to hunt down her husband's killer -if she could find whoever did it of course- 'Could it be one of her friends since they envied her, was it a stalker who'd been interested in her behind her back, or was she in a love triangle, and a crime of passion had just occurred?' ---- Stick around to find out what will transpire in Jing Yang's early age of terror and if she will fall in love again.

Alexeliaski12 · Urban
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16 Chs

The Trio

The door flew open, as the gentlemen walked in one by one and formed a group in front of the room. Everyone stayed calm in an upright posture to portray the best of themselves. Mr. Jinhai was met by both Jing Yang and Jia as he prepared himself to introduce the investors.

"Here with us are investors from various companies, led by Dr. Bai, they have come to witness some of your ideas that you have been planning going forward for the Wu company. In case an idea has potential for major profits then they might also consider putting their money to the idea and make it come to life."

"Gentlemen, this is my team which I'm so pleased to introduce to you, and next to me are my two secretaries who make meetings as this come to life."

Mr. Jinhai made the introduction with calmness as he directed the gentlemen to the empty seats just beside him.

"Jia! Jing Yang! ... May I have a word outside." The CEO reached out in a low tone as they all matched out.

"Yes sir, how may we be of help?" Jia asked as she leaned forward, showing her willingness to help her boss impress the men inside.

"Would you mind presenting for us, just a brief presentation that would portray a good impression to this company? You do love this company, don't you? Dr Bai has been eyeing this company for years now and his visit most certainly does not have anything to do with business but to find any flaws for him to pull out as an investor and most dangerously lure the rest of the investors to do the same."

Mr. Jinhai pleaded with the two as they both looked at each other as if waiting for whoever would utter the first word.

"I'll do it... I will do the presentation." Jing Yang stepped in, as she directly stared at her boss, smiling innocently but yet showing character in her boldness.

This was the first time Jinhai smiled back at her. She put on a contagious smile for him to resist. Her constellation of blue eyes was appealing as she blinked once as if to invite him over. Her sugar candy lips drooled with goodness.

"Are you sure of this Jing Yang," Jia cared to ask of her friend, interrupting Mr Jinhai's examination of her friend's appearance.

"You have little faith in me dear, let me show you my inner power." She said as they laughed frankly because, of course, she did not possess any supernatural power apart from her personality.

The trio matched back in, their faces glowing like a vicious battle, that had been won by soldiers at war.

Jing Yang took to the stage with only the company notepad on her left arm. The image she mirrored was a black Pesla new model with tinted passenger windows. So she began.

"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce to you Pesla's new model that will be operating as an all-wheel drive compared to most of our previous productions. My proposal is the model be allowed a long range of performance across all the productions that will be made. And what do I mean by, long range of performance?"

Jing Yang was eloquent and truly her inner power was paying off. Her choice of words and timorous personality was appreciated, with everyone taking turns to node whenever her statement made factual sense.

Through her presentation she wore a megawatt smile, pulling all the attention to her wafer-thin body, which was absorbed by her curvilinear waist. At the back, Jinhai couldn't be more proud as his attention was focused on her complete idea of what possibly was the next new model produced by the Wu company.

"By long-range performance I mean, the Pesla model will be fitted with autopilot as the basic model which will provide assistance to various drivers who will purchase the car; another will be the self-drive option which will be available as an upgrade at a cost of not less than $10,000. The self-drive will have a wide range including assessment of the traffic lights, automatic parking, self-drive in drive-through areas, and lastly emergency braking in unforeseen circumstances.

Lastly, as I come to a close of this presentation, my proposed sale of the car is $90,000, which should only be made available in designated areas; this is because the accessibility of spare parts of this particular model will prove to be challenging for countries located in far areas from out center.

Thank you for listening." Jing Yang smiled as she sighed a deep breath of relief. Thanks to her underarm roll-on deodorant she applied on her way to work, prevented her armpits from sweating. She was relieved as she took to her seat. They all clapped, appreciating her level of intelligence from the detailed layout she had just presented.

The gentlemen mumbled amongst themselves as they stood up to appreciate what they had seen. Jinhai dismissed the rest of the employees as they scattered towards the door. The cafeteria was their next stop as it was past their lunchtime. And as the saying goes a hungry man is an angry man. They quickly took their leave with rather pale faces and growling stomachs.

Jing Yang deeped her heart-shaped lips into the clear glass, which was half empty to quench her thirst.

"I loved the presentation, it reminded me of... Eeeerh uh huh! Yes, it reminded me of the first presentation I did in high school." Dr Bai startled, standing next to Jing Yang, who suddenly spilled the little water left in the glass onto her white blouse.

Jing Yang's face grew cold and agitated by his ill-mannered behavior. His character was nothing like her boss's. 'Is he trying to belittle my presentation regarding it as a high school level presentation, or is he trying to show that he was just as smart as I am in his high school period." Jing Yang thought as she took in the scent of the tall which was lacking apart from his breath of booze.

His nose was screaming for a shave as it revealed long hair in his nostrils which were slowly accumulating into a bush.

'I wish they grow and block his breathing to death,' Jing Yang extended her thoughts before Jia intervened.

"Sorry Jing Yang, let us go dry that up in the washroom hand dryer before it gets uncomfortable... Nice to meet you, sir." Jia said, bowing her head out of respect for the man who clearly did not deserve any.

She helped her friend from her seat as she deliberately stepped on Dr. Bai's reflecting well-polished black loafer shoes.

"You little...," Dr. Bai was boiling with rage and out of words to express his anger.

"Sorry, sorry sir, good day sir," Jia apologized as her face lit with delight on their way out of the room.