
The CEO's Wife is a Contracted Serial Killer

This a story of a young girl only in her early twenties, her love life was one to wish for. From a humble background, she lived with the love of her life only to be cut short on their first anniversary. "Ma'am please move back!" one of the detectives ordered, nudging her back with his outstretched hand. Jing Yang moved back at a slow pace, as though computing the distance of the scene where her love lay still. Who had done this to her? With a vengeful glance, Jing Yang was prepared to embark on a spree to hunt down her husband's killer -if she could find whoever did it of course- 'Could it be one of her friends since they envied her, was it a stalker who'd been interested in her behind her back, or was she in a love triangle, and a crime of passion had just occurred?' ---- Stick around to find out what will transpire in Jing Yang's early age of terror and if she will fall in love again.

Alexeliaski12 · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Elder Wu's Safe

"That arrogant freak, if he were not important to the company I would have moisturized his dry face with a glass of water until he drowned with embarrassment." Jing Yang said, facing herself in the washroom mirror with a piece of sexy stringy bralette.

Jia, on the other hand, was busy suspending the white blouse underneath the hand dryer, which detected the cold water and oozed out a dash of warm air like a smoke alarm sensing small particles of hot air caused by a fire.

"The mirror in our bathroom seems to be lying about our beauty don't you think? I am a Chinese girl with a normal body and big eyes, chubby cheeks, and long arms," Jing Yang said, frowning at whoever she was looking at in the mirror.

"At least you are not ugly in my eyes," the voice of the person standing next to her image in the mirror said, revealing its full appearance of a curvaceous body with an hourglass waist and acorn cup chin.

"Huang Min!!!"

Jing Yang widened her mouth in shock to see the member of the Wu family she had met over the weekend.

"What are you doing here?"

"Refreshing myself of course," Huang Min responded, smiling at her.

"Oh! Pardon my manners what a question to ask, I mean what brings you to the Wu company, at least I have never seen you around here." Jing Yang smiled back, embarrassed of her behavior and her exposing boobs as she grabbed the drying garment from her dear friend.

"I'm here with my uncle; I believe you have already met him in the boardroom. A tall man in his fifties, irritating long hair in his nostrils and a lordly nose, black loafers, earl grey hair with a marine cut, and a dapper military mustache!" As she described, Jing Yang's eyes widened like a wallet being scrapped its last cent.

"That scum... scumbag' is your uncle?!" Jing Yang exploded, as she felt apologetic for her choice of words to describe him, but yet salty.

"Sorry but he resembles nothing like you, he is the complete opposite." Her muttering continued, exposing her predatory gaze.

"No need to be sorry, I'm aware of his behavior besides, he has always been that way growing up, but if you get to know him he is actually caring with just a tiny winy of arrogance hehe..." Huang Min's smile was rather calm as she turned to have a look at little Jia.

Huang Min glanced at Jia like a vulture who had spotted its evening meal.


The bathroom faucet was leaking with clarity as the room came to a pin-drop silence. The two did not flinch as the leaking water grew in frequency and tension was building.

"Oops, I forgot to introduce to you my childhood friend and my roommate Jia. Jia this is Huang Min, a family friend to the boss and his family. Alsssooo ... Dr. Bai is her uncle." Jing Yang added the last part, biting her lower lip.

"I hope you are nothing like him, either way, it is hard to distinguish a cub from a hungry lion." Jia's sentiment had claws and was heading directly for Huang Min, who ignored her tantrums and responded rather swiftly; caressing her hair swooped over her swan's neck.

"Nice to meet you, Jia."

"Secondly what brought me here was to have a chat with you about a few things... unfortunately not now, uncle is calling. Have a nice day... You too Jia." Huang Min winked at them both as she shut the brown swinging door behind her.

'Talk about what!?.. That is strange.'

"let us get ourselves something to eat, I'm starving." Jing Yang said, wrapping her hands around Jia's waist as they matched to the cafeteria, which was on the first floor of the tall translucent glass-plated building.


At the Wu family residence that evening, the house was swarmed with the deafening noise of carpenters putting their machinery to work. The multipurpose concrete cutter pierced into the wall of Elder Wu Cheng's master bedroom wall.

"Make sure the dimensions are as written in the blueprints.

Hey you! No loitering around, get to work! This safe must be spectacular and cleared TODAY!!" Elder Wu was barking orders more than his German shepherd guarding the gate.

His help was minimal... close to no help as he sat on the puffy chair at the corner of his room with an umbrella-like lamp stand concentrating light on the thirty-six-inch Urban sniper bag resting on his lap.

His eyes were red-brown and his hands shaking unevenly; it must have been the booze. His addiction to his white wine was growing into a concern. At this time his face did not resemble the quiet old man with three children. He put on a roguish smile with his wrinkled iron muscles and biceps fitted in a swanky vintage pullover and tangled black and white hair.

It was only a matter of time before Jinhai came back home with his silver metal SUV. He had a broad smile on his face as he whistled at the German shepherd, whom he loved so much. Apart from his career, he valued his dog as his companion.

"As long as you don't come touching my fruits you can keep on stroking that pet of yours," Min Fang said with her body supported with her toes as she observed through the kitchen window.

"Come on Maa..."

Jinhai embraced a broad smile as he matched into the house with long strides. His hands stretched open as he quickly welcomed her mother, who clutched on him affectionately, allowing her space to breathe.

"My son, nice to have you back... now go and change from those sweaty clothes, you are brewing of fetid spare parts and manufactured tyres." Ming Fang said, with laughter echoing through the open-plan modern kitchen.

"Okay Maa no need to embarrass me I know I work at a car dealing company, I'll be back. Put lots of soup for me, I'm hungry," the young man said as he ran up the spiral stairs.


"Did you talk to her...?"

A voice emerged from the corner of Jinhai's room. His face was startled as he was about to release himself from the fitting office suit, which clung to him like a limpet.

"Oh shit! Elder Wu, you terrified me!" Jinhai said, pressing against his chest. His heart was beating beyond normal.

"Did you talk to her...?" elder Wu persisted as he faced the window watching the sunset; its rays slapping across his face in a pale tint of orange color.

"Who! Jing Yang!..?" He asked frantically.