
The CEO's Wife is a Contracted Serial Killer

This a story of a young girl only in her early twenties, her love life was one to wish for. From a humble background, she lived with the love of her life only to be cut short on their first anniversary. "Ma'am please move back!" one of the detectives ordered, nudging her back with his outstretched hand. Jing Yang moved back at a slow pace, as though computing the distance of the scene where her love lay still. Who had done this to her? With a vengeful glance, Jing Yang was prepared to embark on a spree to hunt down her husband's killer -if she could find whoever did it of course- 'Could it be one of her friends since they envied her, was it a stalker who'd been interested in her behind her back, or was she in a love triangle, and a crime of passion had just occurred?' ---- Stick around to find out what will transpire in Jing Yang's early age of terror and if she will fall in love again.

Alexeliaski12 · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

A Nice Person Someone Would Marry

"Dr. Bai and several investors dropped by at the company during our meeting, so a talk with Jing Yang was rather impossible." Jinhai's voice humbled as he walked to accompany him at the window.

"Dr Bai you said? Why would he suddenly show up when the previous meetings he used to send his assistants!?... Hmmm, that does not sound right but I'll take care of it." Wu Cheng grew with curiosity biting his lower lip.

"Make sure you find a suitor soon, and Besides, Jing Yang is a very kind and thoughtful girl, you should consider her rather than make irresponsible decisions like your brother Wu Jian."

"Why insist on Jing Yang? Is there anything I need to know or is it the normal fatherly instincts?" Jinhai countered, with his face always puzzled whenever the old man brought up her name.

"I'll think about it, now let me change my soup is getting cold."

"Think fast," Elder Wu said as he dawdled towards the door.

Jinhai sank on his mattress as he was clouded with thoughts. He certainly would consider Jing Yang as his wife, but was she thinking of the same? He certainly was not going to force her into marriage, was he?

On the other hand, his egoistic behavior could not allow him to marry his employee, not because of what people would say, but because it was his nature.

His face lit up gradually recalling the day's events; she definitely saved him, again! Twice in a span of less than a week. The first was the introduction to his father, and now at the company.

"She must have an inner power," Jinhai thought out loud, his mouth mumbling the exact words Jing Yang said before her presentation.

"Talking to yourself again!" nanny Ling interrupted; always at a time when Jing Yang is the center of attention in his mind.

Jinhai sat up, his tie dangling loosely on his neck. His face was filled with exhaustion; he could doze off in a wink of a second.

"How are you nanny Ling, I did not hear you coming in."

"I am well you are the one who seems to be distressed is everything okay at work, or it has something to do with the young girl who works at your office I suppose!" nanny Ling cared to ask as her second mother, not by blood, but from the connection they both had.

"Nanny Ling... —Jinhai wondered off as he was constructing his approach to the old nanny then he continued— what do think of Jing Yang, does she look like a nice person someone would marry?"

"Eerrrh... and by someone you mean yourself?"

"ye... yeees!" Jinhai hesitated, but his hands were tied, and he had to give out information to get a proper answer.

"Jing Yang is a nice girl, not that I have known her, it is just that small encounter we had the day she was here, that I can judge her with. On the other hand, don't get me wrong it is not that I am a fortune teller; if at all such things exist, but she seems to be lonely or lack a sense of being loved or maybe lost a loved one." Nanny Ling said, edging closer to the young man.

"Besides, you need to stay with someone to know them a little better," Nanny Ling winked at him, as though giving him the green light to persuade the young girl who had been clouding his thoughts for the past week or since the terms had been set by the investors.

"What about elder Wu, he seems to have something or things to hide from me. Sometimes he looks like a silly old man the next minute his mood changes to an arrogant freak and rather fierce." Nanny Ling did not expect to be asked about the elder of the family; he was still her employer, and her next answer was critical in either making or breaking the family to pieces and also keeping her on the job or getting fired.

"Hehe... the old man! Don't bother yourself with him, we old people sometimes do get like that. Sometimes we are grampy and other times we can be the sweetest things to be around with."

"But I have never seen you behave as he is behaving, neither have I seen Ming Fang in the same state. Or are you both not old people!?" Jinhai's questions started being intense and his gaze even grew stronger, shaking off his earlier sleeping appetite.

Contrastingly, Nanny Ling was beginning to soak up a sweat on her black housekeeping dress with white striped sleeves and a white apron tied on her waist. Her feet were fidgeting nervously, but she held her body in position so as not to sell out an impression.

"I'm sure he is alright, he loves you very much and I certainly believe at heart he has the best for you... I better be going or else I will get a scolding from him, you know how he gets, hehe." She took short quick steps as she hoped her lying had paid off, at least at that moment.

Jinhai still puzzled but hoping Nanny Ling had told him the truth, continued his undressing of his suit; which was taking ages because of distractions from the minute he set foot in his room. Privacy was certainly not their cup of tea, and Jing Yang certainly experienced it the minute she set foot in the Wu family residence with Ming Fang storming into the study room and the unexpected kiss which still remained a mystery.


At the dinner table, the old man was missing in action. His seat remained reserved with a fog of hot vegetable soup wafting in front of it.

Clank! Bang!

"And what is Elder Wu up to now?" Li Xiang wife to Wu Jian, asked, responding to the sound heard from one of the rooms upstairs.

"Who knows, he must be cleaning up the mess made by the carpenters earlier, and by the way what was he instructing be made in that already congested room?" Wu Jian did not sieve his words as always, blurting out words with no boundaries not exempting his parents' bedroom from his utterances.

Every eye turned on him as he sipped in more vegetable soup.

"What! I'm just asking," he grinned as he noticed the angry eyes concentrating on him.

"I will have a look at him."

"No, let me, you continue with your meal, earlier you were starving and most importantly you need much rest. You have a tournament coming up the day after tomorrow, or have you forgotten you two brothers have to participate in the CFFL ( Companies Football Friendly League)? Last time I checked The Bai's company put up a good fight in forcing a draw. You two better make us proud or there will be no food for you in this house for the next one week." Ming Fang said as she interrupted Jinhai, who was already on his feet, fully absorbing his mother's scolding with a smile on her face.

'Another encounter with Dr. Bai in the league, he must be coming for the throat on this one.' Jinhai thought as he sat slowly on his chair recalling the tournament he had long forgotten about just until then.