
The CEO's vengeful wife

IT'S a manipulation tactic. I've imprinted on you a desire to see me and get flowers from me in spring. Later on when I don't send them, you will find that the spring time is long and lonely. But azaleas are everywhere and whenever you see them you will think of me. This is the last one you will receive from me." After spitting out such harsh words the woman was surprised at the reaction she recieved. A smirk? what was he up to? little did she know that she was about to walk down the aisle with the same man.

Savana_Twist · Urban
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2 Chs

Spring time flowers

In the huge green house filled with hundreds of flowers, stood a slender figure. A closer look reveals a beautiful body, perfectly sculpted, black hair, luscious curls hanging low, waist length hair - a beautiful back figure. A hand emerged, a slender wrist, tenderly holding a flower stalk. Beautiful brown eyes, a high nose bridge and a pair of plump pink lips, If nobility took on a human body this would be its face. The whole face could fit into a fist, the cheeks were ever slightly blushed and the earlobes fit right in with the other features. As the eyes stared at the flower in hand, the face carried an inexplicable expression, not ugly though, beautiful, very beautiful - so beautiful that it made no sense. God gave one person all this beauty, there's no hope for the rest of the world.

The serenity of the green house was interupted by the footsteps of the housekeeper. As he approached, his steps became louder, one could hear the panting and uneven breathing like he had sprinted over - no, like he was being chased.

"Madame, your husband is here." he said with a trembling voice. She had been quite prickly lately, the subject of her husband was a delicate one and even her parents were reluctant to bring it up, talk less of a butler. But what could he do the man who sent him running had quite the presence himself and an aggressive aura around him. He was indeed here and the butler had to report this matter.

" Well, then I should go out to meet him shouldn't I?" she said softly, placing the stalk gently on the counter. She turned around and the butler made a gesture to let her lead the way he then followed quietly behind her.

Stealthily they walked into the large living room and there he was sitted, lips parted , engaged in what seemed like a lively conversation. The scene in front of her made her stomach twist in to a knot . How she wished she could just walk over and punch him till his nose bled.

"But no, calm down Anna, we dont want to get Grandpa all riled up now do we?" she muttered to herself to herself as she attempted to calm herself down and after taking a deep breathe, she put on a big, bright, fake smile. Walking toward him with a sweet expression, she called out to him in the most loving voice, "Dean! I didnt know you where coming. I've missed you." " Me too. Terribly." Dean replied , in so much sync one would think they rehearsed it. Even she was slightly taken a back ,when he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight.

"eh heh . This kids are so attatched to each other . showing your affection in public like this are you not afraid of being scolded." Mrs Landor poked .

"Why would they be scolded? Its good to be affectionate. Ha, reminds of when my wife was alive. We were almost inseparable. Dean hasn't seen his wife for a while he must be eager to spend time with her. " He grand farther remarked. He slowly got off his sit and gestured to His daughter in law to go with him and leave the two alone . He took two steps before turning around to say, " Anna has been woried about my health and so she decided to stay herefor a while. The doctor says im not in danger anymore . I know that you are very understanding but we won't push it any farther. " To which Dean replied " I'm nof here to take her away. she can stay a few more days."

" No need child. Since you have made the trip here you shouldn't go back empty handed. Spend the night . you two can leave tomorrow. hehe we'll let you get settled in . Make sure to eat dinner with us later." the old man said before leaving, a wide smile covered his face, a sense of fulfillment. His son had a happy family and was doing well in the business. Now his granddaughter was happily married to a responsible young man. What more could he ask for? His life is truly good. now he could meet his wife with no regrets.

The atmosphere in the living room was not so bright however. As soon as her grandfather turned the corner she changed. The beautiful smile she had on turned to a sneer and the eyes that were full of love only seconds ago were now glaring at him with so much hatred. Anna got up to leave but was held back by a pairof powerfull hands , encircling her waist and huging her from the back. His head gently rested on her shoulder as he spoke the most bizaar words " i have missed you. Its been almost one year . You should have texted. I was woried sick at first. Don't be in a hurry to leave. lets talk okay? " She almost couldn't hold back the resentment in her heart. Was he mocking her? Well since he had taken the initiative to be nice she would not be the rude one. As she quietly contemplated how to reply, he said " Zee, i heard you tend to the green house here yourself. Since we're here why don't you give me a tour? " Upon hearing this, a wicked smile flashed across her face . Pulling herself out from his embrace she said " sure. i was there before you called me out. I'd be glad to go back . you can tag along. she said before marching forward. For a moment he could believe it this woman who spared no effort to turn him down was actually willing to let him go somewhere with her . Were pigs suddenly flying? When he snapped out of his daze he found that she had taken quite a few steps foward. In a few long strides he caught up with her and walked leisurely by his wife's side. No mater how one looked at it those two seemed to be perfect for each other in every possible way. So why are they so distant? The butler couldn't help sighing in his heart.