
The CEO's unexpected love

This story is about a young girl who unexpectedly lost her job but a friend is there to help. She then gets a new job but she also gains something extra to. I'll let you figure out what that is ;)

V3NOM2FYE · Fantasy
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Your having a what?! Pt.1

Its Monday, Nov 29, time check: 5:38. ¨What do you want for dinner¨,says Tusbasa. ¨Can I have a some waffles with cheese on them and pickles dipped in barbecue sauce¨,says Chika happily. Tusbasa looks at Chika with a weirded out expression. ¨Oh and some ice cream with soba on the side¨,says Chika. ¨Um babe are you sure¨,says Tusbasa. ¨What do you mean yeah I´m sure¨,says Chika confused. ¨So you wanna eat pancakes with cheese, pickles dipped in barbecue sauce, and ice cream with soda¨,says Tusbasa disgusted with the combinations. ¨Yep¨,says Chika with a smile. ¨Okay..¨,says Tusbasa. Tusbasa doesn't question it any further and goes into the kitchen to prepare her food.

With Ayano and Ejiro~

¨Okay so what about this outfit¨,says Ayano with a big grin. ¨It shows to much¨,says Ejiro twitching his nose up at the outfit. ¨But you said that about all the clothes I showed you!¨,says Ayano annoyed. ¨Yeah and they all showed to much¨,says Ejiro folding his arms. ¨Ugh you never let me wear what I want and I´m sick of it!¨,says Ayano upset with Ejiro. ¨Babe-¨,says Ejiro not able to finish his sentence. ¨No forget I don´t wanna go anymore¨,says Ayano. Ejiro stands up and walks to Ayano. ¨But..¨,says Ejiro. Ayano rushes out of the room and into her bathroom. ¨Ayano come onnn¨,says Ejiro as he starts to follow her. Ayano locks the door behind her. Ejiro knocks on the door. ¨Cmon lets talk, how about you just pick another outfit and we can go¨,says Ejiro upset. Ayano doesn't respond. After a couple moments Ejiro get worried. ¨Babe just come out please¨,says Ejiro. Still no response.

Ejiro then decides to ask Tusbasa for help so he calls him and ask to come over, Tusbasa says yes and Ejiro goes to his house. Ejiro knocks on Tusbasa´s door. ¨Someones at the door Tus¨,says Chika. ¨Can you get it for me i´m frying the pancakes at the moment¨,says Tusbasa. Chika groans ¨Sure¨,says Chika lazily. She gets and opens the door. ¨Ejiro?¨,says Chika. ¨Hey Chi I need to talk to Ootori¨,says Ejiro with a frown. (if you don´t remember Ootori is Tusbasa´s first name) ¨Oh okay is everything okay¨,says Chika as she gesture Ejiro to come in. ¨I don´t really know¨,says Ejiro. ¨Oh.. well hopefully Tus can help you he´s in the kitchen¨,says Chika. ¨Yeah..¨,says Ejiro.

¨Hey man! Everything good you sounded worried on the phone¨,says Tusabasa worriedly. ¨Hey.. well Ayano is mad at me¨,says Ejiro as he sits on the kitchen stool. ¨Okay well tell me what happend¨,says Tusabsa. Ejiro then explains to Tusabasa the situation. ¨Oh I see¨,says Tusbasa. ¨What should I do¨,says Ejiro feeling helpless. ¨First of all you should apologies and then you to need to come up with a agreement on what to wear¨,says Tusbasa. ¨But I don´t like what she´s wearing its to showy!¨,says Ejiro with a frown. ¨Look you need to see from her point of view, she likes that outfit and feels comfortable in it, shes happy she don´t want to be covered up and you have to respect that!¨,says Tusbasa sternly.

¨I get that but I just don´t want others looking at her ya know¨,says Ejiro. ¨I say let em look show them the amazing lady that YOU have no one else but you she loves you and you love her a relationship is built on trust, shes your girlfriend and if anyone looks then let them and laugh because shes yours and not theirs¨,says Tusbasa. Ejiro smiles. ¨Thanks man you really helped I feel much better now¨,says Ejiro happily. ¨Good! Now go get your girl!¨,says Tusbasa. ¨Um are you putting cheese on that¨,says Ejiro confused. ¨Yeah Chika has been wanting to eat some weird stuff¨,says Tusabsa. Ejiro grins and chuckles. ¨What¨,says Tusbasa. ¨Sounds like cravings to me better start planning that baby shower¨,says Ejiro with a big smirk. ¨What you dip shit!!¨,says Tusabasa. And with that Ejiro says goodbye to Tusbasa and Chika then leaves. Chika walk into the kitchen. ¨Is the food done im starving¨,says Chika. ¨Yeah Im just plating it now¨,says Tusbasa. ¨Okay¨,says Chika.

Tusabasa sits the plate next chika. ¨Um enjoy I guess..¨,says Tusbasa. ¨Is she really gonna eat this..gross¨,says Tusbasa in his mind. Chika licks her lips and digs in. Tusbasa stands there watching her in shock. ¨Its impolite to stare¨,says Chika teasingly. ¨I just dont get how thats good to you¨,says Tusbasa. ¨Well its good to me¨,says Chika taking her last bite. ¨I guess¨,says Tusbasa. ¨Can I have some more¨,says Chika with a smile. ¨Your not full yet?¨,says Tusbasa surprised. ¨Nope¨,says Chika. ¨so will you fix me some more¨,says Chika. ¨Yeah but there´s no more pancake mix¨,says Tusbasa. ¨Dang thats fine¨,says Chika sadly.

*Okay yall imma make the pt.2 soon so hope yall enjoyed this one and sorry not updating in so long.*

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