
The CEO's unexpected love

This story is about a young girl who unexpectedly lost her job but a friend is there to help. She then gets a new job but she also gains something extra to. I'll let you figure out what that is ;)

V3NOM2FYE · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chi and Tus update

Chika gets released from the hospital and they are currently at the beach house. "Did you two take your medicine the doctors gave yall?",says Ayano. "I did!",says Chika. "I didn't",says Tusbasa. Chika frowns. "You need to take it then",says Ayano. "Yeah dude, your health is important!",says Ejiro. "Fine fine",says Tusbasa. Tusbasa goes to take his medicine. "Guys I think imma go lay down for a nap",says Chika. "Okay!",says Ejiro and Ayano. Chika goes into Tusbasa's room. "Chi?",says Tusbasa. "Hmm?",says Chika tiredly. "You never go in your room",says Tusbasa as he chuckles. "Well I just like being with you",says Chika with a smile. Tusbasa gives Chika a kiss. "You about to take a nap?",says Tusbasa. "Yep",says Chika getting under the bed covers. "Well I'll leave you be then",says Tusbasa as he's about to leave the room. "Wait!",says Chika. Tusbasa turns around. "yeah",says Tusbasa. "Stay..",says Chika. Tusbasa smiles then lye beside Chika.

It's been a while now and Ayano and Ejiro are eating. "Ya know Chika or Tusbasa never came back",says Ayano. "Yea they just can't stay away from each other",says Ejiro. They both laugh. "Gimmie some of your Katsudon",says Ejiro. "Only if you give me some of your ramen",says Ayano. "Bet",says Ejiro. Ayano smirks. "After this you wanna go to the beach?",says Ayano. "Yea and lets invite Chi and Tus too",says Ejiro happily. "Okay!",says Ayano.

*Okay I know this was short but I was in a rush to upload something. The next Chapter will be longer*