
You Did Everything You Shouldn't Have Done to Me

Douglas finally relaxed after having been nervous all night. He squatted down, reached out to touch her head, and moved the hair that were covering her face. His voice was slightly hoarse but the words were said clearly, "Nomsa, I have finally found you." Her hair was messy, her clothes were wrinkled, and her forehead was covered by a fine sheen of sweat. Fortunately, she was fine. Douglas reached out to pick her up. However, when he put his arms around her, she pushed it away.With tears in her eyes, she said feebly, "Get away from me..." Donardo, who had just looked less tense, resumed his gloomy look. He looked at Nomsa with a complicated look in his eyes. After a few seconds, he leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "I'm Douglas. I've come to take you home." Nomsa's resistance grew less intense, and then she tilted her head to his side. Douglas was already close to her ear, so now they were even closer, their heads touching. He could feel the excessive heat on her forehead. Douglas' expression turned cold. He quickly picked her up and strode out of the room. The woman in his arms was as hot as a small stove, heating him. She seemed to be in discomfort, frowning and breathing heavily. However, she was obedient, trusting him enough to lean again his chest, not making any noise. Douglas' face was gloomy as his anger rose. Someone had informed Carl and Tim. When Douglas took Nomsa to the living room, he met them. Noticing Douglas' expression, Tim did not dare to ask, but Carl was brave enough, "Is she all right?"

"She is fine," Douglas' voice was low. He turned to look at Tim and said, "Hospital."

"Yes," Tim respectfully replied and took out his phone to make a call. When he got in the car, Douglas seemed to remember something and asked Carl, "Where's your little star?" "I just called her. She's not here." Although Carl was still dissatisfied with the way Douglas addressed Jessica, he knew that now was not the time to worry about such a problem. Douglas did not say anything. He only looked up and instructed the driver, "Speed up." Although they were about to turnover, the driver did not dare to disobey. Fortunately, it was a little late now and there were fewer cars on the road. The group went to the nearest private hospital. The hospital was not big and there were just a few souls. The doctor on duty was a man. He was chatting with his girlfriend to kill time. The doctor looked up and saw Douglas and the others walking over. His expression changed slightly and he hung up the phone quickly. Douglas walked at the front with Nomsa in his arms. Tim and Carl walked behind him. His musclemen were also in the group, which at first glance, seemed troublesome. The doctor was so scared that his face turned pale. "Are...you here to see a doctor?" "Yes", Douglas answered and placed Nomsa on the hospital bed. Then, he stood at the side and stared at the doctor with a solemn expression. The doctor swallowed and examined Nomsa trembling with fear. His hand holding the stethoscope was no longer steady. Douglas coldly glanced at him, "Do you have epilepsy?" The doctor replied in a hurry, "No...No..." He was surrounded by a group of unfriendly people, who looked like they were about to finish him if he was ever to make a mistake. So, how could he not be afraid? However, the woman was drugged with something unusual. It seemed to be anesthetic and aphrodisiac... Although he couldn't tell which kind of drug it was, he felt it would be an easy treatment. He gave Nomsa an injection and put her on a drip.Then she was getting better. After returning to the villa, Douglas carried Nomsa into his room. Her face was covered in sweat , and it looked kind of dirty. Douglas got up and went to the bathroom for a hot towel to wipe her face. He moved her thick bangs and wiped her face with other hand. His hand stiffened as he wiped it. This was the first time he had done something like this, and he felt quite good about it... however, it seemed that there was something wrong with her face. The last time in the dinning room, he noticed that there was something wrong with her face. However, she was too wary of him, so he didn't have a chance to find out. Moreover, he didn't care much about the appearance of women. At a closer look, it was not something trivial. He narrowed his eyes as he wiped her face. Then, he retreated a little to have a different view. Not yellowish and with black spots as usual, her face looked healthy and fair. Under the lights, it was alabaster and shining.

Her lips were rosy, her nose was delicate , and her long and curly eyelashes were like a small fan, casting a gentle shadow over her eyes. Her forehead was smooth, and her hairline neat. Her facial features were beautiful on their own yet even more gorgeous when put together. Douglas looked at her and suddenly let out a low laugh. This woman, besides pretending to be stupid, also made herself ugly on purpose. It looked like she had been living a hard life.

When Nomsa woke up, she felt that every part of her body ached, and her throat was hellishly dry.

She turned her head and looked around in confusion. She realized that this was not her room. She rolled over and sat up. Her brain went blank, and she couldn't remember what had happened last night. The door was pushed open from outside. Douglas walked in with a glass of water. He reached the bedside and handed in to her, "Drink some." she took it and drank it all. Only then did she realize that the man in front of her was wearing a nightgown. She looked down at herself and found that she was wearing the same thing. "Douglas! You...I...last night...we ..." She was confused, with so many memories surfacing all at once. Douglas sat on the edge of the bed and put his arm beside her.He looked at her with passionate eyes and said in a low voice, "Last night, I went to the Violet Gold Club to save you. When we came back, you insisted on sleeping in my room and you took advantage of me. You did everything you should and should not have done to me." "What?" Nomsa looked so confused. She only remembered that she jumped down through the window, grabbed onto a railing on some floor, and hid behind the curtains. After that, everything was blank. However, she also remembered that apart from the desire to survive when she jumped off the building, she didn't  have much strength for the rest of the time. Since she didn't have the strength, how could she do something to Douglas that she shouldn't have done? "Don't lie to me! Although I don't remember what happened last night, I'm sure I didn't have the strength to do anything  to you!"

"Since you don't remember, how can you be sure that you didn't do anything to me? They drugged you with something novel, and its effects are great," Douglas got closer and closer, saying flirtatiously, "Besides, I've always liked you. If you think about it, I can't really refuse you... Isn't It Exciting? When Nomsa saw that "Douglas" was serious and did not seem to be lying at all, she became nervous. She really didn't remember last night. She had been drugged, so it was possible that she had something with him. Her mind went blank for a moment and she suddenly thought of Douglas. She couldn't stay in Douglas's room anymore. If Leonardo knew it... With a pale face, she lifted the blanket and was about to get out of the bed, but Douglas pushed her back down. "You are exhausted from last night. You should have a good rest. Just ask for it if you want to eat anything. "Douglas' hand on her shoulder looked weak, but she couldn't move. When Nomsa thought about what she and "Douglas"might have done last night, shame engulfed her. She was so angry that she trembled , "You're shameless!" "Shameless?  Then ...What about this? " As he spoke , he pushed her back onto the bed with a slight force from the hand on her shoulder. His tall body covered her and he lowered his head to kiss her lips. Nomsa was caught off guard when she was kissed, dumbfounded. This also gave Douglas the chance to contain her. He held her wrist and kissed her forcefully and tyrannically .

Nomsa's only kidding experience came from this man, but he hadn't kissed her this hard. The man's cold aura loomed around her, leaving her with no escape. After the kiss, Douglas gently pecked her lips before standing up, laying on her back on the bed, her beautiful eyes were misty. Her face was crimson as she panted, looking  vulnerable. Douglas'breath, which had slowed down, became a little heavier. He looked at her with passionate eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "I know something even more shameless. Do you want to try it?" Hearing that, Nomsa regained her senses. Her eyes clear again, she looked up and saw him leaning against her head. She held back her breath and slapped him fiercely.

However, Douglas quickly intercepted her palm. He smiled as he placed her hand on his lips, kissing it, "I like how agile you are." Nomsa didn't say anything. This man was utterly shameless! She could not retract her hand, completely contained by him. So, she could only suppress her anger and say, " I am your cousin-in-law!" Douglas didn't seem to recognize the anger in her tone and smiled harder, "Cousin has gone abroad. He won't be back in less than a dozen days. No one will come to the villa to disturb us. Isn't it exciting?"

Exciting? My a*s! She didn't have a predilection for fornicating with her cousin-in-law. Noticing that she was getting unhappier, Douglas stopped teasting her. He stood up, quit smiling and asked her seriously, "What do you want to eat? I'll  have someone cook for you." Nomsa said coldly, "I don't want to eat anything." She only hoped that he could leave quickly! Douglas ignored her indifference and said to himself, "Then porridge and some dishes." As soon as he went out, Nomsa jumped out of the bed and went to the bathroom. She want to make sure that she and Douglas had really done that kind of thing. Back pain would normally follow, but she wasn't feeling any.

On the other hand, although "Douglas" seemed bad, she inexplicably  believed that he would not take advantage of people. She locked the bathroom door and checked her body. She found no traces of s3x . She jumped a few times and did not feel any discomfort. She had known that Douglas had been lying to her. How childish! Was it funny for a grown man to lie to her like this? She heaved a sigh of relief and walked to the washstand to wash her face. However, when she saw herself in mirror, she was surprised. The ugly makeup on her face had been removed... Perhaps because to many things had happened last night, she looked a little haggard, but she was young, so she didn't become ugly because of it. On the contrary, she would evoke pity looking this way. So she became nervous again.

Half an hour later, Douglas went upstairs to invite Nomsa   for dinner. He went into the room and found the bed empty. He stopped at the door for a moment and turned around . Then he saw Nomsa standing behind him out of nowhere. She looked at him expressionlessly, "Why can't open the door to my room?" She had just wanted to go back to her room, but she had failed in spite of her utmost effort . "The lock on the door is broken," Douglas said calmly. She couldn't tell if he was lying. Nomsa looked at him suspiciously.

Wasn't it just fine last night when she went out?

Noticing that she was behaving normally, Douglas guessed that she had already known nothing had happened between them. "Let's eat." With that, he went downstairs. She had lost her appetite because of the thought that she and "Douglas" had done something. In fact, she had been starving.

In the dining room.

Nomsa and Douglas sat face to face as a bodyguard brought them the food. She had always been curious about why there were only bodyguards in the villa and no servants. The maids were better at taking care of others. She tentatively asked Douglas,  "Does your cousin hate women?" Hearing that, Douglas   paused. Was it that obvious? He put down the spoon and looked up at her,  "Why do you ask that?" Nomsa also put down her spoon, "It seems that he has never wanted to see me and there are no maids in the villa." Douglas smiled and remained silent. She felt as if she had forgotten something, rubbing her head. Then she suddenly sat up straight and asked , "Is Jessica alright?" Then she remembered that although Douglas had seen Jessica before,  He might not know her. She added, "She came to the villa to find me the other day. She and Carl know each other. As he thought about last night, Douglas' expression darkened slightly "She's fine." She was in the mood to care about others? If he hadn't been there last night, she wouldn't have escaped from the Violet Gold Club. Nomsa was still worried, and reached for her phone. But then she remembered that the phone fell in pieces when she jumped off the building last night. Douglas caught a glimpse of her movements and took out a box from behind him, placing it in front of her. "What is it? " She asked curiously. Douglas didn't say anything. He glanced at her and signaled her to open it.

Nomsa opened the box and found that there was a brand-new women's phone.