
You're Nomsa

Nomsa looked at the full of gloom 'Douglas' and had a glimpse of his bloody hand,  her eyes were opened wide with shock, "You..." She didn't put anything strange into her dishes, how could it make him run out and cripple himself? Douglas didn't respond to her and was about to leave when his cell phone rang.He glanced at the unknown number and immediately cut the call.At this moment, he raised his sight and looked at Nomsa, "Go in."

His voice was low, cold and suppressive with a hint of gloom.

Nomsa was very sensitive and felt that this 'Douglas' was scary. She slowly backed into the room. One hand was holding onto the door and was contemplating whether to lock the man outside. Douglas didn't notice her hesitation because his cell phone rang again and this  time, the display wasn't an unknown number instead, it was the name, Tim Knight.

He didn't hesitate to answer the call and Nomsa wasn't around, he asked, "Why is he looking for me?"

Tim simply said," He wants you to bring his daughter-in-law home for dinner, tonight.""Ah?" Douglas laughed, "Next time you don't have to bother about his call."Tim agreed, "Okay, he doesn't pay my salary." After ending the call, Douglas saw that Nomsa was still hesitating at the door. "Eavesdropping on my call?"Nomsa shook her head rapidly, "No." She felt that she'd better not offend 'Douglas' "Then why don't  you go inside? " Douglas finished and stepped forward a step. He looked down upon her and said tenderly , "Or was it that you thought through and are willing to leave my cousin and follow me?" On hearing what he said, Nomsa turned and closed the door, without hesitating. Douglas didn't flinch when he saw that he was locked out heartlessly.

He will be staying here for the next two days because he wanted to find the person he chased . Since he wasn't here, then there is no reason to stay at Nomsa's place.

This new wife was smart , kind , and should not do anything that will interfere with him. That's why he decided not  to bother with her.


At the entrance to the alley , Douglas saw Tim, immediately

as Tim saw Douglas, he walked over in big strides. His resolute expression had a trace of worry, "hey, how are you doing?" Tim reached over to support him but Douglas waved him off, "I'm alright."Tim opened the car door and he sat inside. He leaned back into the seat and said without emotion, "Tim, has he been calling you these couple of days?" Tim knew who Douglas was referring to. He nodded and said, "Mr.Emerson said that you've blocked his number. He changed the number and called you but you didn't answer. So the only thing he could do was to call me." "Okay." It wasn't the first time.  "Just now before you came, Mr Emerson called and said that if you don't bring Missus back for dinner,  he'll call her directly." The good old man wants to call  that woman to go back to the Emerson residence for dinner? Tim waited for a while before hearing Douglas say softly, "Up to him."


Nomsa returned to her room to finish her dinner. As she was about to wash the dishes, her cell phone rang. It was an unknown number.  It rang for a while,  it shouldn't be a prank call. "Hello, I'm Nomsa"

"I'm Leonardo's father,  Michael Emerson."


Emerson...Leonardo's dad?  The rich and  noble man who attracted countless women in Hoover City at his young age, Michael? 

Nomsa was shocked for several seconds and came to her senses and said,"How are you?" She could not say the word "Dad"

"If you are available, let's eat together tonight." Michael's voice was calm and firm tempered with  years of trials. Though it sounded like an order, it wasn't offensive.

Nomsa understood that although Michael gave her a choice, she can not but agree. She quickly replied, "Sure."

"I'll send the driver to pick you up, see you tonight."  He hung up after completing it. From the beginning to the end, Michael's tone was calm, but no one could refuse him. Nomsa threw aside the cell phone and quickly ran out the door and took a taxi towards Leonardo's villa.

Michael said that the driver will pick her up. Then the driver would go to Leonardo's villa to pick her up.

A Few Hours Later

Nomsa stood at the main door, raised her head to look at Leonardo's villa.The villa was build along the side of the hill.There are few people around. The white villa stands quietly  in the forest, making it look strange. The last time she was here she didn't take notice of the exterior of Villa but now the more she saw it , the more it looks sinister.A cold breeze raised from her feet.

It was a winter day and Nomsa's face was pale due to the cold. She held back from entering the villa and decided to wait at the main entrance.  After a while, a black colored car stopped at the Villa's entrance and stopped. Nomsa was curios and then she saw a gentle middle-aged man existing the car.

He looked at Nomsa, there was a sparkle in her eyes but he didn't show it. He stood in front of Nomsa, "Missus, I'm Liam , Mr Emerson sent me over to pick you up for dinner."It was the driver sent by Michael to pick her up for dinner.

"Sorry to bother you." Nomsa joked and laughed out loud. She looked silly.  Liam's expression was slightly surprised but soon it returned proper. He turned and opened the door,"Missus,  please enter the car." Thereafter,  he walked around and sat in front and drove away. When the car was a distance away , the second floor of the villa which had a slight opening in the curtains, "Swoosh", and the curtains parted.

Tim looked at the car and then asked , "Boss, you're letting Missus meet Mr. Emerson just like that?"

"What else can I do?" His voice was deep and sullen. He put both his hands into the pocket and said, "She's  just a silly and dumb ugly woman. What can Michael do to her?""But, Missus is just pretending!"  "If she can pretend so well, then it's  also a kind of skill. "When he finished talking, he turned and left.


Nomsa was sent to a high-class restaurant. Liam escorted her to the private room. He invites her to enter the room, "Mr Emerson is waiting for you inside." 

"Okay." Nomsa said and quickly added, "Thanks Mr Liam."

Liam saw her going in, closed the door. He thought about something and gently shook his head.At the table, the elegant and commanding middle-aged man was flipping through the menu. When he heard some movement, he placed the menu down and looked up.

Nomsa thought that her simpleton dressing will let him frown. Instead, he politely asked, " You are Nomsa?"