
Want to Eat the Food You Cooked

The doctor gave Douglas an injection. His fever was gone.

Nomsa helped "Douglas" wipe his sweat off on a towel. The others had left. She felt strange. Tim saw that she fell into "Douglas's " arms in the restaurant, but Tim didn't say anything and even let her take care of "Douglas." Tim didn't care about any rumors.


"Douglas" began to rave again. Nomsa wiped his sweat off. When she drew back her hand, he grabbed her hand. She struggled to free herself. He grabbed her hand tightly. She failed. She glared at him angrily, "I'm not your Mom. Let go!" However, he was so sleepy that he didn't hear what she said. He grabbed her hand tightly, calmed down and breathed evenly.

Jessica called Nomsa.

"Jessica, have you arrived here?"

"I'm at the entrance of the villa. Where are you?" Nomsa looked down at "Douglas" who was sleeping soundly. She tried to pull her hand back,but he grabbed her hand tightly. She had no choice but to ask Tim to show Jessica the way. When Jessica walked in, she was shocked, "Didn't you say that Leonardo was ugly?  Is he ugly?" Tim stood behind Jessica and left anxious. He explained, "This is Mr.'Douglas."

"Mr.Douglas?" Jessica glanced at Tim and said, "Why does he grab Nomsa's hand? He's her cousin-in-law. This will cause misunderstanding." Tim was speechless. Nomsa couldn't help but look up at Tim.This was what she wanted to ask. Tim thought for a while and explained, "You're his sister-in-law. You 're like his mother." Nomsa faked a smile and looked at Tim, "That's why he called me Mom." Tim wished Douglas would wake up. He couldn't take it anymore! Tim made excuses to leave dejectedly. "Have a seat, We'll go out to eat later." Nomsa patted the chair beside her.

Jessica sat down and observed "Douglas." Even Jessica had met countless handsome men and beauties in the entrainment industry, she couldn't help but explain in admiration when she saw his face, "Holy shit! He's so lucky!  He's so handsome. Is he a human?" She wanted to pinch his face but before she could touch his face, he opened his eyes suddenly. First, he was at a loss. Then his gaze became sharp. Jessica was shocked by his gaze. She drew back her hand and swallowed her saliva. She said,"He is awake." Noticing that Douglas was unfriendly, Nomsa hid Jessica behind her and said to him,"What are you doing? This is my friend!" When Douglas looked at Nomsa, he calmed down. He said in a hoarse voice, "Water." Nomsa raised her hand that was being pulled by him and said angrily ,"Let go!" Douglas looked at their hands and her. Then he let go of her hand. When Nomsa was about to go out, she heard someone was talking outside.

"I'll go in check if he's dead."    "He is sick." She was familiar with their voices, but she could only recognize the later one. The later one was Tim. The door was pushed open. Carl and Tim stood at the door. Carl didn't expect that Nomsa was here. He was surprised. Then he put on his glasses calmly. He said politely, "Hi, Mrs Emerson." Nomsa said, "Hello."  Carl changed his attitude quickly.  "I hear that Douglas is ill, so I want to visit him. He..." Carl was interrupted.

"Carl!" Nomsa turned around and saw Jessica rolling up her selves and walking towards  Carl. She punched Carl's abdomen fiercely. Carl took two steps back. It was painful, but he didn't show it. He was calm. Nomsa was shocked. What was going on? They held their breath. Carl chuckled and said in a low voice, "Jessica, would you take care of me if you hurt me?" Jessica said coldly, "I have warned you! Every time I meet you, I will  beat you up."

Nomsa had never seen that Jessica was so angry. She noticed that Jessica hated Carl. Jessica turned to look at Nomsa and said, "I wait for you outside." Nomsa nodded. After Jessica left, Carl pretended that nothing had happened. He sat down on the bed and stared at Douglas. He asked, "Are you I'll?"

Douglas said that he would go to the company today, so Carl felt that he pretended to be ill.  "Leave me alone!" Douglas frowned and detested Carl. Leonardo looked at Nomsa silently. She understood what he wanted to say, "Let Tim get you some water." She was worried about Jessica, so she went out. Douglas looked at Tim coldly and said, "Get out."  Tim nodded, "I'll get you some water."  Douglas said indifferently, "No."

Tim thought that Douglas was getting weirder.


When Nomsa saw Jessica, she pulled Jessica downstairs and said,"Did you know Carl?"  "Yes," Then Jessica added "He owes me. Even if I killed him, he wouldn't fight back." It sounded like that Jessica and Carl had a deep grudge. Nomsa  let it go and didn't tell her about the invitation on the interview.

They went out to eat. When the dishes were served ,"Douglas" called Nomsa. She didn't keep his number, so she didn't know it was "Douglas."  "When you will be back?" Although "Douglas" said in a feeble voice because of illness, his voice was recognizable. Nomsa recognize his voice. She asked, "What do you want?" He replied," I haven't eaten yet."  "If you had no appetite, let the doctor give you an injection. I ..." She was interrupted by him. He said gloomily, "I want to eat the food you cooked." It was rare for him to be gloomy. He always was arrogant. Summer felt sorry for him. Nomsa didn't know how to reply, so she hung up the phone.

Jessica heard their conversations.

She shook the glass and smiled meaningfully,  "Did that handsome cousin call you?"

Trending Again And Again

Nomsa was unconvinced that Jessica used the adjective "handsome" to describe "Douglas." She said ,"It's useless." Jessica shook her head, "I don't believe that you weren't fascinated by 'Douglas'..." Jessica stretched out her hand and made a gesture. She looked like a hooligan. Was she fascinated by "Douglas" ? Women would be attracted by beautiful flowers, let alone a handsome man like "Douglas."  "I haven't met Leonardo yet. They are the Emersons. If he hadn't been disfigured, he would be handsome." Nomsa felt sorry for her husband that she never met.  "You haven't met him! Are you a fake couple?  You've been married to him for two to three months."Jessica drank a glass of water to calm down. Jessica recalled Douglas's reaction and said, "I think that Douglas treats you differently. When he looked at me, his gaze was cold and fierce. He was much gentler to you." Did "Douglas" treat her gently? Nomsa shook her head, "It's your illusion." Just as Jessica was about to argue her phone rang. Her agent called her. After hanging up the phone, she whimpered, "My agent had me go to the company for an emergency meeting again, in the middle of such a precious time to dine with you." Nomsa comforted her, "You have to go. After you shoot the film, I'll treat you to a meal."


Then Nomsa went back to the villa.

"Douglas" was in the living room. He didn't look well. He wore home clothes. There was a laptop in front of him and a glass of water beside him. He was at work. Nomsa admired that he was stubborn and strong.  When he was shot, he asked her to take the bullet out. When he had a fever and fainted, he continued to work after being given an injection.  He felt someone was looking at him. He looked up at Nomsa. "Hi!" His voice was hoarse, but he was aggressive.  Nomsa glanced at the laptop and asked him from some distance, "Are you working? Are you alright?" Apart from his pale face, he didn't look like a patient.  "I'm fine," he typed and looked at her, "I'm hungry."

Thinking of his previous call, she said ,"You..." She wanted to say that he could ask the bodyguards to cook for him.  "Douglas" knew what she was going to say and interrupted her, "It tastes terrible." He said vaguely, but she knew his meanings. He meant that the food the bodyguard  cooked taste terrible. When Tim walked over with the medicine, he heard what Douglas said.  Tim sneered. Douglas had never said that their food tasted terrible. Ever since he got married, he had become picky.

To tell the truth, apart from her ugly appearance, Tim didn't know why Douglas was interested in her. However, he liked her. As Douglas' subordinates, Tim must respect Nomsa. It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon. Noticing that Tim was here, she was surprised. She asked, "Is Leonardo at home?"

"Yes," "Douglas "answered. Nomsa was surprised. She asked, "Did he have lunch?" Douglas was about to drink water. He stopped and looked up at Tim before drinking the water. "Mr. Leonardo hasn't eaten yet, "Tim was impressed by his own rapid response. Nomsa cheered up and said, "I'll cook and deliver it to him." She went to the kitchen excitedly. Last time, she wanted to cook for Leonardo, but "Douglas" ate the food. Douglas knew her thoughts. He was jealous of "Leonardo. "Tim handed the medicine to Douglas but he didn't take the medicine. He turned  around  and asked seriously, "Do you think she's stupid? Why doesn't she please me and want to please a wreck? Did she do that on purpose?"

Leonardo was a cold person. After he married Nomsa, he always never showed his face to her. Tim questioned Leonardo's  taste. Tim replied obscurely, "You care about her." Douglas sneered. He was smart. He understood what Tim meant. Tim said seriously, "Mrs Emerson shouldn't be stupid. She dealt with Vicky carefully." "Carefully..."

She caused such a big trouble on the Internet. If he didn't help her cope with the aftermath, how could the Emersons who cared about the reputation let her go?


Nomsa didn't believe that "Douglas" said that Leonardo liked to eat spicy food, so she prepared the vegetable porridge and vegetable dishes. No matter what flavor Leonardo liked, it was better to make something light and healthy. She divided each dish into two parts. She placed one part on the tray and  the other part on the dining table. Tim walked in and said with a smile, "Mrs Emerson, I will deliver the food to Mr Leonardo." Nomsa handed the tray to Tim and asked, "Will he go out this afternoon?"  "I'm not sure." Tim lied every day. After Tim left, "Douglas" walked into the restaurant. He sat down and looked at the vegetarian porridge and vegetarian dishes on the dinning table. He frowned and said, "I don't like the light food." She poured a cup of warm water and placed it in front of him forcefully. She said angrily, "You are ill. Do you want to eat a spicy hot pot? If you're dead, is it my fault?" She felt that she shouldn't have said that.  She didn't care! However, "Douglas "didn't lose his temper. Instead, he picked up his chopsticks and began to eat. He had a good appetite. He didn't look like a patient. Perhaps "Douglas" only cared about life and death. He didn't care about illnesses. After he finished eating, the servants would clean up the kitchen. Nomsa went back to the room. Turning on the computer, she noticed that the topic of "Vicky's Sexy Video," which had been withheld in the morning, had become the trending topic again!  She confirmed that it wasn't her illusion. She thought that Jessica had spent money on it.