
No One Wants An Easy Girl

After Nomsa finished her interview, she was badgered by "Douglas" and hadn't watched it online. She turned on her computer and browsed the webpages and she found that the interview was covered by many media and re-posted by quite a number of Weibo influencers. Most people were cursing her, but some relatively rational netizens were analyzing the  words she said.  "I knew that she was hyping. Do those people who said that she was pitiful feel pain in their faces? "  "Why was she acting like a diva? She even wore a mask when she was interviewed."

"I'm the only one who thinks her words against reports are cool?"

"I found that she never admitted that she stole her sister's fiancé..."

Seeing the last comment, Nomsa couldn't help but smile. She didn't answer that question on purpose. If she admitted that she had stolen Vicky's fiancé, who knew if Vicky would continue to make trouble for her because of it? Nomsa was rarely this happy. She continued to flip though the comments.   "Is this drama a serial show?I don't have enough melons for it. I'll go buy some more...Looking forward to the next episode."


When Nomsa saw through the Jarretts, she did not want to obey them like before. So, she would not let this matter go. Not long after, all the comments about  Nomsa's interview on the Internet suddenly became curses. She knew that Vicky had found an army of Weibo trolls. She didn't care about Vicky's small movements. Vicky herself was not innocent. They lived under the same roof. It was too easy to dig up dirt on Vicky.  She would let the Jarretts happy for one more day. Then she would release all the scandals tomorrow. She wanted to make sure that Vicky could never get away with these! After going through the comments for a while, She logged into the mailbox and found that there was an unread email. When she opened it, she was shocked. It was an interview invitation from the Tip Top Media Company! Did she send a résumé to them? She checked her mailbox several times and confirmed that she did not. So, she was extremely puzzled. Suddenly, she remembered that "Douglas" had taken her to dinner with Carl. She looked at the time the e-mail was sent.It was nine in the morning, the time when she was having that interview. After thinking for a while, she decided to ask "Douglas ".


In the living room, Douglas sat on the sofa and played games. Tim was answering the phone behind him.He put Carl on speaker.

Carl was freaking out on the other side, "I just went out to have dinner with Douglas. When I went back to the company, those directors went crazy. Tell him that if he doesn't come back, I will go to the rooftop and jump off the building. " Tim looked at Douglas, who was playing the game. He said calmly, "Mr. Emerson is busy." Of course, Carl didn't believe him, "He's busy my ass! What the he'll is he doing?  You turn on the camera and let me see him!" At this time, Douglas said ,"OK." The corners of Tim's mouth twitched. Mr. Emerson was trying to piss Mr. Jones off! Tim turned on the camera and pointed it to Douglas. When Carl saw Douglas playing games, he jumped up and said angrily,  "I was almost killed by those old guys in the company. You just sit at home leisurely and play games!"  "Yeah," he replied. Then with a casual glance, he found that Nomsa had come downstairs.bHe gave Tim a look. Tim understood and turned off the speakerphone, "Mr.Jones, I have to hang up." Carl also saw Nomsa in the video just now. He was curious about Nomsa and Douglas that he threatened Tim , "If you dare to hang up, I will kill myself!" Tim knew that even if he hung up the phone, Carl wouldn't really die. But for the first time, he didn't hang up the phone, nor shut the camera.

Nomsa saw "Douglas" in the living room on the corridor of the second floor, so she came down to find him. When she get closer, she saw that Tim was also there. However, Tim had been typing on his phone. He looked much focused and did not look over. Only then did she walk towards "Douglas" with confidence.

She sat down opposite "Douglas" and said, "I want to ask you something." He lifted his eyelids, then lowered his head and continued to play the game, "What?"  "You're familiar with Mr Jones of the Tip Top Media Company?" Nomsa said thoughtfully. Douglas' movements paused because of the two seconds of pause, the characters he controlled  in the game were killed by the enemy.  He casually threw his phone to the side and looked at Nomsa with a faint smile, "What, did you take a fancy to him?" Nomsa frowned, "Can you speak properly?" He stretched out his arms and put them on the sofa. He learned back, looking cool, "You sit next to me first."  "Forget it." Nomsa got up and was about to leave. She took two steps away, and then heard Douglas' deep voice, "You're looking for a job. So, you want to ask about the offer, right?" Nomsa suddenly stopped and looked back at him with surprise, "How do you know?"  "Carl told me that the company needs fresh blood, so he picked some college graduates for the company." After he finished speaking, he stared at Nomsa. He sized her up and down, and then he frowned, "Did you receive an offer from their company?" Although his expression did not change much, Nomsa could see contempt on his face. She pursed her lips and put on a fake smile, "I'm not happy to go." After saying that, she left without looking back. Douglas narrowed his eyes and watched her disappear from the staircase. He maintained this posture for a while. How did this ugly woman get the confidence to challenge him? Tim, who was familiar with Douglas, clearly felt that the atmosphere was heavy. Mr.Emerson seemed to be angry. Tim got so nervous that he lowered his head to hang up the phone, only to find that Carl had hung up earlier. The next moment, a phone rang in the living room.

Douglas looked at his phone and found that it was Carl. He picked it up and said coldly, "If you want to jump off the company, just do it. There's no need to notify me."

Unexpectedly, Carl on the other side burst into a great laugh like a freak, "You just keep exploiting me. Now karma has found you. You pulled strings for her, but she doesn't even want to go there. Are you very angry now?"  "When I think of how angry you are now, I'm so happy that I can't stop laughing!"Douglas smiled and said gloomily, "I won't go back until my she enters the company. "Carl was defeated and said, "I was wrong."

In response, the phone was hung up and Carl only heard the busy tone.

At the Jarrett's

Vicky leaned against the sofa and focused on her mobile phone.She paid to get Nomsa's interview to be the top trending topic. She also paid an army of Weibo trolls to curse Nomsa. Even those websites that had held different opinions before began to turn hostile to her. Vicky was photographed by the paparazzi. She always thought that it had something to do with Nomsa. Now that she saw Nomsa being sworn, she was much happier.  So what if the paparazzi recorded a video of them? Their conversation in the video was just empty talk but Nomsa had admitted that she was hyping in front of the media. There was no way that ugly woman could beat her! Vicky went on line for a while and then went to sleep contentedly.  However, when she fell asleep, something unexpected happened at midnight.  She was woken up by a call from her friend, "Vicky, someone just posted a few videos and photos of you. What's going on? Did you offend someone?" When Vicky heard "videos and photos," she had an ominous premonition. She scratched her hair irritably and went on the Internet on her phone. Everyone on the Internet was discussing her. Her indecent photos and videos gone viral online.  Although the Jarrett Group couldn't compare to the Emersons, it was still a well-known enterprise. In Vicky's friend group, many women were indiscreet about their private life although they had happy marriages. In public, they looked like a lady. But actually, they did all sorts of dirty things in secret. Vicky shook her hands and muttered ,"How could they know..." Many netizens sent her private messages to curse her.

"B!tch!  Shameless!"  "How did you get the nerve to ask your sister to clarify and take the blame?" Vicky was trembling with anger.And she swore at them too. Suddenly, she thought of Jerome.  It was midnight, so Jerome wouldn't see these videos and photos now. But if Jerome saw them, they would be screwed. She put on her clothes and knocked on Lynn's door," Dad, help me! We need to remove the trending..."

On the other side, Nomsa was on the bed with her computer. She was chatting with Jessica via video. Jessica was a bully when she was in school. Now that she had become a star, she appeared to be cautious but her love for drama remained unchanged.  She excitedly read the comments of those netizens.  "I knew that Vicky is not a good person.There are so many people helping her get away with it!"

"She looks like a lady. But I didn't expect that she would be so dissolute!"  "Conspiracy Time.Her sister married into the Emersons because they knew that Vicky was messing around outside. I heard that her sister was not good-looking, but she is pure. Vicky is pretty, but she's such an easy girl. Who would want to marry her?"

Jessica also felt that this comment made sense,"Nomsa, I think he has a point. Do you think the Emersons really knew about Vicky's shit earlier?" Nomsa frowned slightly. She hadn't thought of this possibility before.  She smiled and said, "No matter what, this is exactly what Vicky wants. She can be with Jerome without any pressure." Jessica and Jerome were distantly related. Jessica just sneered, "Although Jerome is a moron, he probably isn't  a fan of marrying easy girls."

After chatting with Jessica till midnight, Nomsa woke up little later than usual the next morning. Turning on her computer and going on the Internet, she found that the trending about Vicky's indecent photos and videos had been removed.  The previous topic tags had all turned black. There was no need to guess. She knew that it must be Lynn. Ever since she was a kid, they had barely talked to each other. But Lynn loved Vicky with all his heart. So what if he removed the trending?  Those drama-loving netizens had saved the screenshots. They would spread them to more people. Vicky could never shut it down. Nomsa had just finished washing and changing when she received a phone call from Jessica.

Jessica said angrily, "That b!tch's trending topic has been removed. I'm going to buy another one and send her back up!" Jessica changed the name of Vicky to "b!tch." Nomsa comforted her, "Don't be impulsive. Vicky is notorious now. But you have a new movie coming out recently. It'll get a lot of attention. If someone finds out that you did that, it'll leave a bad influence on you."  Jessica said reluctantly, "OK" Then she said, "Come out for lunch.I'm going back to the movie set tomorrow. I'll pick you up."

"Alright. "


When Nomsa passed by Leonardo's study,she couldn't help but stop.

Yesterday, she did not see Leonardo,  so she didn't know whether "Douglas" was telling the truth about Leonardo being angry.

Suddenly, the door of the study was opened from inside. She took half a step back and raised her head to see the expressionless face of "Douglas." She was shocked and asked, "Is your cousin... Is he here?"

"Why are you looking for him?" Douglas  closed the door and leaned against the doorframe to look at her. His face was a little pale, and he didn't look good. But his pitch-black eyes were still deep. Nomsa shook her head, "Nothing." After she finished speaking, she turned around and went downstairs. Suddenly, a muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from behind her.

She turned around and saw that "Douglas," who had been standing straight earlier, fell to the ground.

Nomsa ran back and wanted to help him up, "Douglas, are you OK?" Although she hated him very much, it was impossible for her to stand there when something happened to him. When she looked at him closely, she found that his face was extremely pale. His eyes were closed. His long eyelashes were like folding fans, casting a shadow under his eyes. He looked much more obedient now. Nomsa touched his forehead. It was very hot.

"Douglas" was 1.9 metres tall.She could not move him at all. She ran to the stairs and shouted, "Is anyone there? Come up. Douglas fainted." Immediately, a bodyguard came up and took Douglas to his room. Soon a doctor came to see him. Nomsa stood at the side and watched they were all busy here but she did not see Leonardo coming. Finding that there was nothing to do, she decided to leave.

Tim hurriedly came in from outside and stopped Nomsa when he saw that she was about to leave, "Mrs Emerson, can you stay and take care of Mr.Emerson?"

This "Mr Emerson " sounded a little strange to Nomsa, but she did not think too much about it. "But I still have things to do Nomsa looked at the time and guessed that Jessica was about to arrive. "Mom,no, please..."  Douglas, who was lying on the bed, suddenly began to speak nonsense. Nomsa turned around and saw a panicked and confused expression on his face. His jaw was clenched and looked a little fragile. Her heart softened and she nodded in the end. There was no maids in the villa.These bodyguards were careless and could not take care of him.