
l Am Sorry

During dinner, Nomsa felt something was wrong with "Douglas"

His face was cold and hard most of time. He looked intimidating when he didn't speak. However, Nomsa could tell he was in a bad mood. Nomsa put some fish into his bowl and said, "Try this. I used some pepper. I wonder if you like it."

"Douglas" took it out and threw it on the table. Nomsa thought if she did something to annoy him but she thought she didn't. Could it be that he was angry because she threw her bag at him?  No, he wouldn't be angry at such things. Feeling her gaze, Douglas suddenly raised his head and said, "Where did you go last Friday?"

"What?" Busy avoiding his gaze, she did not hear what he said. Douglas put down his chopsticks and fixed his gaze at her. He said slowly and clearly, "Where did you go and who did you meet last Friday?" Nomsa froze. She looked up at him, "What do you mean?" His interrogation made her uncomfortable. He smiled and said coldly, "Do you feel guilty? Are you cheating on my cousin?"

"What a nonsense!" Although he had joked about if before, he went too far this time. Nomsa threw her chopsticks on the table and stood up. "Even if I was sold to your family for 300 million yuan, it doesn't mean anyone here can judge me." Then she stormed off.

She even bumped into the door frame. She was furious. Douglas lost his appetite. When he put down the chopsticks, his phone rang. It was from Tim. "Mr Emerson, I've emailed you the CCTV footage."

"OK". He hung up the phone and went to the study. The video was taken in a drug store. Other than a doctor who gave her some medicine, there were two other men in the footage. One of them wore a mask and a cap whom he recognized at a glance. It was Adams. The drug store was very close to the suburbs. Nomsa would not go there. The Jarret Group was now focused one household goods. She didn't need to go there to do her job. In the video, Nomsa grabbed Adams's arm, obviously asking for help. Then she was taken away by Adams. The rest of the video showed Nomsa got off from the car when they arrived downtown. They only said a few words. Douglas paused the video where Nomsa took several steps and turned around. He wanted to see what she had said. But the video had been zoomed in. He could only see that she said something. But what she said he didn't know. Douglas turned off the computer and rubbed his eyes. He found himself acting weird these days. Adams only asked about Nomsa, and he thought something happened between them.


Nomsa woke up from hunger at midnight. She regretted leaving the table with an empty belly. She got out of bed and put on warm down coat. She planned to find something to eat. It was quiet at night. Because the villa was built on the hill, she could hear the wind blowing outside. She quickly went into the kitchen. She found some vegetables and tomatoes and wanted to make some noodles.

Just as she was chopping the tomatoes, she felt a chill down her back, as if someone was behind her.

She blinked her eyes. When she gathered her courage to look back, she heard a cold voice from behind, "What are you doing?" It gave her quite a start. The knife in her hand fell on her feet. Fortunately, she was wearing thick cotton shoes.

When he saw the knife fall, his heart skipped a beat. He squatted down to see if she was hurt. Knowing she was fine, he heaved a sigh of relief and stood up. He said in a deep voice, "Stupid woman!"

Nomsa had regained her composure. She picked up the knife and glared at "Douglas." She said while washing the knife, "It must be hard for you to eat food cooked by a stupid woman. I think it's better that I stop cooking tomorrow move out until Leonardo comes back. What do you think?" Nomsa put the knife back and turned around to look at "Douglas" seriously. She had enough of this man. He had helped her, and she was grateful to him. But that didn't mean he could do everything he wanted to her. "No," his face darkened and said coldly, "Are you trying to make Leonardo think I drove you away?" "Whatever." Nomsa lowered her head. She didn't want to argue with him anymore. But Douglas could see every expression on her face from where he stood. She got up in the middle of the night, so her hair was a little wild. She zipped her clothes all the way to her neck. Her face was glowing under the light. But she looked depressed with droopy eyelids. After a long while, Nomsa heard him saying, "I'm sorry for what happened before." "What? Say it again?" Nomsa looked up at  "Douglas" with astonishment. Was he apologizing to her? But "Douglas" would not say it again. He glanced at the tomatoes on the chopping board and said, "I want to eat, too." Nomsa was not angry, but she dissed out of habit, "I put poison in it. Do you still want it?"

Douglas looked at her. "You eat, I eat." What a psycho....                      

Wish to Die

She made tomato and beef noodles. When she chopped the beef, Douglas stood by the side. After a while, he said in a strange tone, "Slow down."

He had no experience in cooking. Nomsa chopped even faster after putting it on a plate, she turned to look at him and said, "Wait outside and don't get in my way." Perhaps people would feel lonely at night. Douglas didn't want to go outside.  He wanted to watch her cook. He found himself an excuse, "I must watch you. What if you do poison me? I don't want to die."

"I'm not that stupid. If I poison you, I will go to prison. So I won't. I'm worth 300 million." Nomsa teased herself nut Douglas took it seriously and tried to defend him. "It was two families that wanted you to get married. My cousin had to agree to it." "I don't blame him. Why are you nervous?" Nomsa looked at "Douglas." "I remember you said he was useless the day I came . Now you speak for him. Do you like him or not?" "Douglas" asked, "What do you think?" Well, she thought he was a psycho. But Nomsa didn't dare to say it. After a while, she put two bowls on noodles on the table. They let their guards down and chatted while eating. But Nomsa talked for most of the time. And what she asked was all about Leonardo. His answers were mostly like "yes", "no" ,"I don't know", and "possible " and so on. Nomsa wondered if they were really cousins.

....  The next day.

Nomsa overslept. She quickly washed up, changed her clothes and ran to the door. She met vigorous "Douglas" at the top of the stairs. They both got up and had noodles at the middle of the night. Why did she look miserable and he energetic? She once again wondered if he was made of iron. When Douglas saw her, he frowned, "Didn't you sleep well?" Nomsa felt he was showing off. She looked at the time and ran downstairs, saying "I'm late. I'm not cooking breakfast today." Douglas stepped forward and grabbed her, "I'll drive you." Nomsa didn't want him to drive her, but she would definitely get late if she took the bus. In the end, a bodyguard drove her to the company. "Douglas" got a phone call and left.


Leonardo went to a private teahouse. Liam was waiting for him at the door. When he saw him coming, he nodded slightly and said, "Sir, Mr Emerson is waiting for you." Then he led him in. In a private room, Michael was sitting in front of the tea tray, looking rather serious. "What do you want with me?" Leonardo sat down on the furthest sofa from Michael. He said indifferently, as if the man in front of him wasn't his father. Michael was used to his attitude. He raised his head and said to Liam, "Show him." Liam held the tablet and handed it to Leonardo. There was this headline news , which was striking. It said, "Mrs Emerson and her cousin-in-law seemed rather close." It was veiled, and yet intriguing. It had many views.  He browsed and found this article was suggesting Leonardo's cousin was having an inappropriate relationship with his wife. There were also two photos below. Douglas and Nomsa  were intimate in the photos, which were taken outside the restaurant yesterday. Michael said, "Explain." Leonardo nodded and said seriously, "It is taken from a bad angle. I can't see .. face. It's a little blurry." "Leonardo!" Michael was so angry that he smashed the cup onto the ground. "You've been angry with me for so many years because of your mother. I turned a blind eye to you, but you're making it harder and harder. You're taking revenge for not being able to save your mother back then, aren't you?" As the patriarch of the family, Michael was powerful and imposing. Liam, who was at the side, instinctively took a step back. However, Leonardo did not have the slightest bit of fear. He stared at Michael and said mockingly, "What are you talking about? My mother died at the hands of the kidnappers . What does it have to do with you? Don't be so anxious to take the responsibility." Before he found out the truth, no one was to blame. But once he found out, no one would get away with it. Hearing his words, Michael looked up at his son carefully. It had been years since they had proper talks because of what happened to his mother. They argued every time they met. "I'm getting old. You'll take over my company in the future. We have to sort it out. And I've seen Nomsa, who is kind and warm. But if you don't like her, you can divorce her after I give you the company." He had a big family. Many relatives had long coveted Michael's position. He arranged Leonardo's marriage because there was talk that Leonardo couldn't perform sexually and produce offspring so that he couldn't take over the company. Ever since Leonardo's mother passed away, not only had not appeared in public, but also some relatives had never seen him again.

Michael had even sent to Leonardo all kinds of women, beautiful, sexy, sweet and gentle, but they all looked miserable when they went out. However, Leonardo did not touch them. Michael had no choice but to force him to get married to shut their mouths. He knew Leonardo was healthy. After a few years when Leonardo understood him, he would naturally be willing to have kids. "What happened between me and Nomsa is between us. I advise you to stop interfering."  Leonardo suddenly remembered that Nomsa probably didn't know about this news when she went out earlier. He had underestimated Vicky's powerful wish to die. She took photos and even sent them to the media.