
Don't Have The Guts To Step Forward

Nomsa was sober. She could feel that they were two men. They were strong, no matter how she struggled, she was unable to break free from them. "Where are you taking me?" she wanted to shout for help, but her voice was low. Nomsa felt that she had been brought into a room and thrown onto the bed. She bent her arms and struggled to get up, but she was limp. Then she heard their conversations. "She's so ugly. Why did you take her here?" "Although she's ugly, her figure is so well proportioned... "This was a woman's voice. The woman stopped for a while and said viciously, "No matter how you treat her, don't kill her." Nomsa clenched her hands tightly and pinched her palms forcefully. She tried to sober herself. She felt pain and sober. She saw a man and a woman standing by the bed and talking. She couldn't hear clearly. She wanted to get out of bed, but she fell off the bed! The sound attracted the attention of them. The man walked over and threw her onto the bed. He was surprised. He said, "She's amazing. She could move even after taking such a large amount of medicines." "Feed her more medicines."

"Wake her up later..." They pinched her chin. She felt painful. They fed her the cold liquid. Then she fell into a coma.


Douglas worked in the study. He was about to go downstairs to pour a glass of water. Nomsa's room was not far from his study. When he came out, he glanced at her room and found that the door was open. She followed a daily routine like an old lady. Didn't she go to sleep? It was late. Douglas strode towards her room. He pushes the door open.She didn't turn off the lights. She wasn't in the room.

He frowned and raised his wrist to look at his watch. It was almost eleven o'clock. He looked around and noticed that her computer was on the sofa. He needed the password to check the computer. It wasn't difficult for Leonardo.

He turned on her computer easily. He saw the post. He played the video for two seconds and stopped it. Some rich men often gathered to have fun. They invited some young model or stars.They always did that. It was normal. However, it was abnormal that Nomsa hadn't returned. She made the bed. Her pajamas were on the sofa. It was obvious that she was about to take a shower and sleep. What had happened? She went out. He thought of something. He was shocked. He replayed the video and watched it twice. Then he called Carl. It was noisy. Carl asked ,"Why do you call me so late? Do you want to help me drink the alcohol?" Although Tip Top was a large company and Carl didn't need to do businesses by meals, he ate with his partners occasionally. It was Carl's duty. Douglas ignored his questions and asked him, "Where is your unknown star?" He remembered that the unknown star was Nomsa's good friend. He didn't  remember her name. "She isn't an unknown star," Carl said discontentedly, "Jessica will be a movie superstar!" Douglas sneered," The prerequisite for becoming a movie superstar is that she can work in the entertainment industry for a long time." Carl was nervous. He asked, "What do you mean? Don't bully her." Douglas wanted  to throw Carl to Africa. He didn't want such a stupid partner. "Go to the Violet Gold Club." Douglas hung up the phone and drove out. The Violet Gold Club was well-known in Hoover City. It had a bad reputation. It was founded by a group of rich men. They were materialistic. They had many scandals.

It was founded by these rich men, so it was difficult to shut down it. It wasn't a secret in the upper -class circles. Carl knew the Violet Gold Club. He stood up, picked up his coat and walked out. He called Jessica. His hands trembled.


Carl wasn't far from the Violet Gold Club. When Douglas arrived, he had already  arrived. When Carl saw him, Carl asked, "What happened?"

Douglas was solemn. He said, "Nomsa and your unknown star are inside." Carl turned around and ran inside. He was recognized when he entered. "Hello,Mr.Carl." Carl grabbed the man's collar and said ,"Where is the banquet hall?" Douglas had many clubs, but his clubs were more connotative than the Violet Gold Club. He hadn't been here before, so he didn't know where the banquet hall was. When the man saw Carl, he wanted to fawn on Carl. But Carl was in a bad mood, he seemed like to avenge his father's death. The man pointed to the banquet hall and kept silent. Carl let go of the man. He was about to speak to Douglas. Then he realized that Douglas had disappeared. Douglas went to the banquet hall. It was chaotic and unsightly. He was handsome, so when he entered the banquet hall, those women stared at him like a cat seeing a mouse. They were eager to get him. A woman approached him and placed her hand on his shoulders, "Are you alone?" However, Douglas grabbed her arm and threw her far away, "S*ram!" The woman screamed miserably and fainted. The other women stopped. Suddenly, he saw a woman and a man in the corner. The woman had her back to him. She took off most of her clothes and sat on the man. Douglas was familiar with her back. He stopped and didn't have the guts to step forward.

I Will Scratch Your Face If You Don't Tell Me

Carl chased after Douglas. Noticing that he was standing there, Carl looked forward. Carl was shocked. Carl said, "This is No..." Noticing that Douglas was gloomy, Carl changed the topic and said, "She isn't like Nomsa. I'll go over and take a look .She won't be your wife!" Douglas kept silent. Carl knew that he had agreed. Carl was nervous.  He wasn't familiar with Nomsa, but he noticed that the woman was like Nomsa. Douglas stayed with Nomsa every day, so he must have noticed that. Carl was nervous. He knew Douglas well. He was quite fond of Nomsa. Although she wasn't beautiful, perhaps  Douglas liked her because she was kind. Carl walked forward and turned the woman's face over. He had no choice but look at her face.Then he looked away.She wasn't Nomsa.

He glanced at the woman again and said excitedly, "It's not her!" Douglas felt relaxed and strode over. After seeing the woman's face he smiled gloomily, pinched her neck and asked, "Where's Summer?" Vicky didn't expect to meet Leonard's "cousin" here. She wanted to get rid of his hand. But she failed because he was much stronger. The man who held Vicky was interrupted. He was about to scold them. Douglas glanced at him. The man shivered and kept silent. He looked up to Carl who was standing behind Douglas. The man threw Vicky on the ground before leaving, he said, "Mr Carl. Have a good time. I have to go." Tip Top Media Company was the leader of the entertainment industry. The Jones were powerful. Their relationships were complicated. Few people had the guts to provoke Carl. Vicky was interrupted by them and thrown away by the man. She was limp.She looked at Douglas charmingly. Her neck was being pinched. Her voice was intermittent, "I'm prettier than...Nomsa. You're looking for her. Why don't you sleep with me...? Douglas thought she was dirty, so he let go of her. He picked up a goblet and broke it into pieces. He put one piece of the glass on her face and said ,"If you don't  tell me, I'll scratch your face." The glass was pressed on her face as if it could scratch her delicate cheeks at any time. She was scared, but she felt happy.

Vicky smiled, "It's to late. She's being served by a group of men! Are you going to watch the show or join them? Have you slept with her?" Not to mention Douglas, Carl couldn't bear it.

Douglas kicked Vicky to the wall. She felt so much pain that she couldn't cry out, but she smiled. After such a long time, Nomsa must have been ruined by those people. Tomorrow morning, the trending topic would be changed to Nomsa. Vicky couldn't help but laugh. Douglas looked at Vicky coldly. He didn't want to waste time with her. He wanted to find her. After confirming that Nomsa and Jessica weren't in the hall, he and Carl left the hall. Tim brought the subordinates over. "Mr. Douglas, have you found Mrs Emerson?  Search every room. Be quick." Tim was nervous. He knew the Violet Gold Club. Tim didn't say  anything and brought the subordinates to look for Nomsa.

Douglas looked for her with Carl. The Club was big. After Douglas, Carl saw him standing at the end of the corridor against the light. Half of Douglas' face was in the shadows. He had seen Douglas who was so anxious before. Carl walked over, patted his shoulders and said, "I found those people." Douglas looked up and felt relieved.


Carl took him to that room .The subordinates surrounded the room. There were a few naked men squatting on the ground. The bed was in a mess. They smelled the aura of the s3x. Douglas was in a bad mood. He walked forward step by step. He was aggressive. Those men who were arrogant before kept silent. Tim took a step forward and whispered, "Mr.Leonardo, when we entered, we didn't see Mrs Emerson. They said that Mrs Emerson jumped off the balcony. I've  arranged them to look for her." Douglas looked at the men who were squatting on the ground. One of the men collapsed. He knelt and walked to Douglas with his knees. "We didn't touch her. She jumped down from here.It's none of our business, spare us." They didn't touch Nomsa, so the smell in this room belonged to them. Who'd they sleep with...?

Carl glanced at the blood stains on the sheets and felt that his anus hurt. The subordinates came back and said, "We didn't find Mrs Emerson."

It seemed that these men didn't lie. They didn't have the guts, but they might lie. Even if the man begged for mercy, Douglas didn't let them go. He walked to the window and looked down.

This was the seventh floor.If she jumped down, it was dangerous for her. Douglas looked down and saw the balconies of each floor. He said slowly, "Search the rooms that are at the same position as this one on the lower floors below!" None of the Jarretts liked Nomsa. She grew up in a cold and indifferent environment, but she still lived well.

She had an unquenchable thirst for life. She must be fine! Carl let the subordinates to search the first floor, while Tim led the subordinates to search the second floor. On the other hand, Douglas went to third floor. The subordinates kicked open the door. Douglas walked into the room and headed straight for the balcony.

The people on the room were having fun in the bathroom. When they heard the noises, they run out and saw Douglas and his subordinates. They pointed at Douglas and asked, "Who are you? What do you want?" Douglas' subordinates locked the man up in the bathroom. The balcony was empty. She wasn't there. Someone was behind the curtains. He walked over, hesitated and pulled the curtains away. In the corner behind the curtains, she has curled up and slipped into a coma.