
The CEO's Sweet Medicine Girl

Plotted against by his own father Zhen Sihao has a car accident on a treacherous curve of the highway. That caused him to crash into Chen Emmi's life in a twist of fate. His sudden appearance on this cold Autumn night disrupts both their lives. This is a story of a cold and powerful CEO finding love with a sweet girl who grows medicinal herbs.

Daoist668476 · Urban
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67 Chs

Emmi Gets On Stage

Emmi and YaoYao are both drunk after their third gin and tonic . The bartender is wiping a glass watching the two girls as they leave hand in hand to go to the Dance floor. He snickers, what a sly little fox girl...she doesn't really think I believe her little tactic does she? See when she comes for another free drink...haha.

When they get out to the area a pretty woman is on the stage gyrating to a fast paced dance song.

The men crowded in the front of the stage are whistling as she lifts up her shiny silver top revealing her black bra. She dances up to the front of the stage with snakelike twists moving to the song's pulsating beat. The woman is inciting the group of men as she seductively puts her hands down her body as she dances.

When the song finishes she breathlessly looks over at the judges who were pulled from the audience. With a wide smile confident she will win,the woman dramatically throws kisses to the men who are whistling.

YaoYao pulls on Emmi's arm, "Look at those lustful men salivating at her performance! Emmi you can't do it! Don't!"

Emmi starts laughing, "YaoYao, that woman isn't any more provocative than any dancer in a music video or on stage. The last move she did I saw Lili do in her last music video."

"But... look at the men in the audience...disgusting!"

"I can ignore them. Really they are fairly well behaved... no one yelled anything obscene or tried to grab her. Let's see what the next performer looks like."

A pretty girl wearing a short black leather skirt and a back tube top that exposes her trim abdomen walks over to the microphone stand. She stares into the crowd of men and with an air of confidence puts her hands around the microphone. In a breathless voice full of seduction says, "I am going to sing 'So Hot."

Once she begins singing Emmi turns to YaoYao, "She's really pretty. If they judge on looks alone she would win but her voice is lacking. I think I can compete. But, I want another drink first."

YaoYao follows her to the back bar as Emmi orders a drink. "YaoYao, do you want one?"

"No. Are you sure you want another?"

Emmi's green eyes are glassy as she quips, "Haven't you heard liquor is liquid courage..haha.."

The bartender is talking to a man wearing a designer suit at the end of the bar when Emmi and YaoYao walk over. The elegant man looks up at Emmi thinking she looks familiar, but can't place where he has seen her before.

Emmi notices him staring at them and remembers what the bartender told her about this particular area of the bar. Her lips curl up into a sneer looking at the handsome man whose eyes are intensely focused on her face., hmmm..good looking but..scum.. "Excuse me bartender, I will have a gin and tonic."

"I'm busy. You need to wait." He knows she was mistakenly given the Black Dragon stamp and only wants free drinks. She isn't here to entertain any guest.

Mo Yimo is informing the bartender about the men in the Boss' private room. He wants him to send up a couple bottles of expensive wine and women to entertain the Boss' guests before he arrives. The bartender sees Mo Yimo looking at Emmi and YaoYao and informs him, "Yimo, those two aren't escorts. The little chick in pink got the stamp by mistake." He laughs, "She just wants free drinks."

Mo Yimo chuckles, "Too bad. Those two look clean and pure. Lately the women all look the same that come in here. Beautiful and boringly predictable. Anyway, send four women."

As Mo Yimo leaves he languidly walks past Emmi, he wants to ask her name, "Miss.." but before he asks Emmi blurts out , "Forget it Handsome! I only like women." She wraps her slender arm around YaoYao's waist yanking her into her body.

Mo Yimo decides to tease Emmi, "Very good. You didn't let me finish, the bartender already informed me of that fact. I hope you enjoyed your drinks, I have two women who want company in private room 6."

Before he can finish Emmi quickly pushes YaoYao towards the dance floor, "Hurry, hide!"

The bartender and Mo Yimo are laughing uproariously at her flustered reaction. The girl's cute face turned bright red and she lost all her bluster as she ran away like a frightened bunny.

Mo Yimo is still laughing when Zhen Sihao walks up to him, "What is so funny?"

He regains his composure and looks at Zhen Sihao wearing a baseball cap and mask. "Boss?"

"I have a cold."

"Oh. Nothing. Your friends are in your private room. Ming is sending the women now."

"What is going on tonight?" Zhen Sihao came in through the back but needed to talk to the chef. Zhen Sihao glanced at the stage and a woman was dancing in an unsightly manner, but the crowd around the dance floor was cheering. She definitely was not a professional dancer.

"It was Young Master Qin's idea. It is a Talent Show. The prize is 10,000 yuan. Look at the crowd tonight!"

Zhen Sihao grimaces then his voice is tinged with heavy sarcasm. "Yimo, does my exclusive Black Dragon Club need this kind of stupid gimmick?" I don't need the fucking money! I wanted a place to hang out with my friends!

Mo Yimo replies, "Boss, the Club has been boring lately. Same looking women...beautiful.. well dressed...but so boring! Young Master Qin went to a club in Seoul and they had one last week. He said everyone had a great time."

"No more events unless I approve first."

Mo Yimo has sweat beads on his forehead, who knew the Boss would be back from his trip to the Island! Young Master Wang and his friends convinced me and I thought you would never know! When do you go to the dance floor? Never! You go through the back directly to your office or private room!

 By the dance floor YaoYao stops, "Emmi, what was that about?"

"That? well..I will explain later. I think I will put my name in to perform." She walks up to a small table and bluntly asks the woman sitting there. "Miss, is the 10,000 yuan paid in cash? It isn't coupons or gift certificates is it?" Emmi doesn't want to use her real name in case they post the winner's name somewhere.

"..." The woman scoffs, She thinks she will win wearing that dress and with her schoolgirl looks? Doesn't she realize the winner is chosen on sex appeal? Talent is definitely down the list. But she professionally replies, "Cash. Did you want to participate?"

Emmi's green eyes light up, "Yes! The name is Fang Jiao. I will sing."

"Two more women are ahead of you then it is your turn. Wait close by, we don't look for you."

"Okay." She thinks she has time to go to the restroom first, "I am going to the bathroom I will be right back."

"Suit yourself but like I said if we call your name and you aren't here you forfeit your chance to perform."

Emmi sighs, Darnnit! What if I go and there is a line and I miss my turn? She decides to wait and walks over to YaoYao.

"Emmi, are you nervous?"

She puts her arm around YaoYao's shoulder, "No I'm drunk. Haha.."

"There are so many men watching. The last woman wasn't very good and they booed her performance. It was pitiful, she ran off crying."

"I am going to picture playing with the 10,000 yuan on the comfy hotel room bed after I win. I am not going to think about anything else while I sing."

YaoYao laughs, "Emmi, I wish I could feel that carefree when I perform on stage."

Emmi holds her hand, "You are so amazing if you played the piano everyone in the audience would bow down to you! Luckily, you aren't or I wouldn't have a chance of getting my hands on that precious pile of cash. Haha!"

The woman at the small desk calls out, "Fang Jiao..Fang Jiao."

Emmi hurries over she almost forgot the fake name she used. "Here."

"Go. Tell the DJ what song you want to sing."

Emmi trips going up the two steps on the side of the stage and giggles nervously as she approaches the DJ. He feels sorry for Emmi when he sees her innocent appearance and whispers, "You should hike up your dress a little, maybe dance." She is a natural beauty but these Young Masters want to see skin.

She smiles brightly showing her two cute dimples and for a moment the DJ is stunned. She whispers, "Thanks." Thinking that is good advice she twists up the top of her fluffy black tulle skirt until the hem only reaches the middle of her creamy white thighs. She looks up at him, "Is this good?" His Adam's apple rolls, "Good." Still standing next to him she looks up her eyes are sparkling, "Wish me luck."

He can smell a sweet orange fragrance coming off her body and he gulps, "Good luck." He changes his mind, "You don't need to dance."

 Emmi walks up to the microphone, "I am going to sing "Unbreakable Love" she bows, then smiles prettily, " "Please be kind." Taking the microphone from the stand Emmi stares off into space thinking about about the 10,000 yuan.

The DJ stares down at the crowd of men at the bottom of the stage giving them a fierce warning look. If any of you bastards give her a hard time I will fuck you up! 

Emmi begins to sing, getting lost in the melancholy love song. She stretches out her slender white arm with a look of longing on her face. Overcome with emotion a crystal tear falls from her misty green eyes as she sings, "Your are forever the most beautiful thing that has happened to me.." Emmi's sweet sounding voice floats through the crowd that is mesmerized by her emotional rendition of the popular song. Illuminated by the soft light on the stage Emmi looks like a fragile porcelain doll that could be broken by the slightes touch.

The crystals sewn in the black tulle skirt catch the light as she softly moves with the music, making her slender legs look even more eye catching. Emmi's light makeup highlights her delicate features, when her pale face expresses her heartache she is breathtakingly beautiful.

Her dense black eyelashes flutter as her voice trembles towards the end of the song. Even the experienced DJ wants to run over and hug Emmi to console her as her voice trembles singing "the time we were bravely in love."

 Emmi slightly grasping up her skirt with her slender jadelike hand as she sways to the slow beat. Her movement is more alluring than the women before who blatantly flaunted their bodies. Emmi's sweet voice rises and falls subduing the rowdy crowd with her angelic voice singing the soulful lyrics of the beautiful ballad.

Upstairs in Zhen Sihao's private room he was curious so he had been watching the talent show. What a stupid idea. He smirks, Look at that untalented woman and the drooling fools watching. He walks away from the two way glass overlooking the dance floor to talk to his friend Han Weisheng when he hears a sweet voice coming from the stage as a woman enters with a bottle of wine. Hmm..that woman singing now isn't bad.. He says, "Don't close the door."

Zhen Sihao drinks his wine listening enthralled by the captivatingly voice. Curious he walks to the two way glass and looks down to see the woman singing. When he sees the spotlight shining on a delicate looking girl bowing and smiling on the stage his face turns black as the bottom of the pot. Fucking Chen Emmi! Doesn't she know how dangerous this Club can be! The little fool! Putting herself on display for all those lustful second generation bastards!

His friends watch incredulously as he drops his wine glass and rushes out of the room.

Downstairs everyone is immersed in the the beautiful atmosphere from Emmi's song begins clapping. Emmi bows confident of her victory. Who doesn't like 'Unbreakable Love'...YES! you made the right song choice Emmi! I know I will will the 10,000 yuan! Now I need to hurry to the bathroom I have to pee so bad!

Emmi is about to put the microphone back on the stand when suddenly a very tall man wearing a black mask and baseball cap drags her off the stage.

"..." Wang Hao?