
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

1376680852 · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 46: Yang Shuxi's Sister

Luo Yihuang's calm gaze remained fixed ahead as she spoke evenly, "If I manage to escape, I'll place a ten billion bounty on your head. If I die, my backers will scour every corner of the world until they find you and tear you apart."

Hearing this, Ye Fengwu gave a wicked smile. "So, either way, I'm dead."

Luo Yihuang shifted slightly, leaning against the rail before saying, "Let me go, and I'll give you ten billion. You can live out the rest of your life in hiding, enjoying it as you please."

Ye Fengwu showed a hesitant expression upon hearing Luo Yihuang's offer.

Luo Yihuang kept her eyes on him, sensing his indecision and contemplation.

After a long pause, Ye Fengwu finally nodded. "It seems I have no choice but to follow your lead. Deal. I'll take you back to Haihua City."

A flicker of surprise crossed Luo Yihuang's eyes. She thought, "He agreed too easily." But ten billion was indeed a substantial temptation.

Shaking her head, Luo Yihuang replied, "Just find a safe place to let me off. Someone will come to pick me up."

Ye Fengwu also shook his head. "No, I can't do that. My future depends on you, so I need to personally ensure you get back to Haihua City. That's the only way to guarantee I get the ten billion."

Luo Yihuang's calm gaze met Ye Fengwu's. After a long pause, she finally nodded, though it was only a temporary agreement. She didn't fully trust that he would truly release her.

At that moment, Ye Fengwu suddenly said, "Call your assistant and tell her not to call the police. Ten billion isn't worth my life."


At the train stop, all passengers were being directed by the train police to a nearby small forest. The bodyguards had also regained consciousness.

Yang Shuxi approached Lin Yu, saying, "Sister, we should call the police."

Lin Yu, having regained her strength, shook her head. "We can't. It would put my boss's life at risk."

"But that man killed everyone in an entire carriage," Yang Shuxi insisted.

Lin Yu glanced at the twenty-some bodies nearby and said, "Those people were probably killers too."

Earlier, the train police had moved the bodies, each of whom had guns and various concealed weapons, and identified them as unknown assailants.

Lin Yu then turned to Yang Shuxi. "I'll give you a million if you pretend you saw nothing. Please."

Lin Yu wasn't calling the police because she was waiting for a call from the assassin, believing that Luo Yihuang would give her some indication.

Yang Shuxi nodded, realizing that calling the police could endanger that beautiful woman. She nodded, saying, "Alright, but I don't want the money."

Just then, Lin Yu's phone rang. It was Luo Yihuang.

Lin Yu quickly answered, "Boss, what should I do?"

Luo Yihuang's voice came through, "Return to Haihua City and take care of what I instructed you to do. Don't do anything else, especially don't call the police."

Lin Yu's expression grew complex. "Will it work?"

Luo Yihuang replied, "He cares about her, so it might."

"I understand." Lin Yu hung up.

In the speeding truck's cargo bed, Ye Fengwu had heard every word of Luo Yihuang's conversation but was puzzled about what she had instructed.

He then sneered, "Having a smart woman around really is exhausting."

Luo Yihuang said calmly, "Don't worry. As long as I get back to Haihua City safely, you'll receive the ten billion."

Ye Fengwu looked at her and remarked, "Smart, wealthy, incredibly beautiful, and well-connected. Truly a dream woman for anyone."

"Even for you?" Luo Yihuang turned to look at him, her eyes filled with a cold arrogance.

Ye Fengwu shook his head playfully. "I don't like scheming women. One day, I might just end up dead in your bed."

Luo Yihuang replied coolly, "That day will never come."

"Is that so?" Ye Fengwu grinned mischievously, then calmly snatched Luo Yihuang's phone and tossed it onto the road.

Luo Yihuang's exquisite face darkened, but she knew any resistance was futile.

Ye Fengwu said, "Your phone was being tracked."

In today's technologically advanced world, tracking a phone is quite easy.


Meanwhile, in Haihua City, hundreds of kilometers away.

Qin Qinghan was still worried about work. She had made a dozen calls that morning, all of which resulted in no job offers, as usual.

Feeling dejected, she resorted to cleaning the house repeatedly, almost scrubbing the paint off the wardrobe.

Her phone suddenly rang; it was an unfamiliar number.

Qin Qinghan put down the cloth and answered, "Hello, this is Qin Qinghan."

"Hello, is this Ms. Qin Qinghan?" a polite woman's voice asked from the other end.

"Yes, it is. Who's calling?" Qin Qinghan replied softly.

"I'm Lin Yu, assistant to the chairman of Luohuang Group," the voice said.

Qin Qinghan was surprised and asked, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Lin Yu explained, "Ms. Qin, we've reviewed your performance at Qin Group and understand you're currently unemployed. On behalf of our board of directors, I'd like to formally invite you to interview with us."

Qin Qinghan was stunned. As a former executive at Qin Group, she knew what a powerhouse Luohuang Group was. It wasn't just top-tier in Haihua City but also well-known across China.

She had never dreamed Luohuang Group would invite her for an interview.

"Hello, Ms. Qin, are you still there?"

Snapping out of her daze, Qin Qinghan managed to contain her excitement. "Sorry, I was just a bit surprised."

"If you're interested in our company, please come to the top floor of Luohuang Tower at 10 AM tomorrow for an interview. How does that sound?"

Overjoyed, Qin Qinghan quickly agreed, "Thank you so much! I'll be there on time."

After hanging up, Qin Qinghan remained ecstatic for a long time, thrilled at the prospect of joining Luohuang Group, even if it meant starting in a low-level position.


After ending her call with Qin Qinghan, Lin Yu noticed Yang Shuxi staring at her, eyes wide with surprise.

"Miss, was that person you just called named Qin Qinghan?" Yang Shuxi asked tentatively.

Lin Yu looked puzzled but nodded. "Yes, our company is recruiting, and she's one of our candidates."

"Is she from Haihua City?" Yang Shuxi asked again.

Lin Yu nodded again and then asked, "Do you know her?"

Yang Shuxi quickly shook her head, avoiding eye contact. "No... I've just heard of her."

But her strange reaction didn't escape Lin Yu's notice, who observed her with a knowing look.

"Qin Qinghan is a pitiable woman," Lin Yu continued. "She was raped at sixteen and is now married to a rapist."

Yang Shuxi's eyes widened in shock.

Lin Yu kept watching her expression. "And that rapist is likely an unidentified killer."

"What... What do you mean?" Yang Shuxi asked instinctively.

Lin Yu replied, "The man who kidnapped my boss is named Ye Fengwu. He's Qin Qinghan's husband."

"What? How is that possible?" Yang Shuxi's jaw dropped, her face filled with worry.

Yang Shuxi glanced at the small forest and said, "I need to find a place to use the restroom."

She then hurriedly ran into the forest.

Watching Yang Shuxi disappear into the trees, Lin Yu murmured, "I'll let you be the one to inform Qin Qinghan about what her husband has done."

Having worked closely with Luo Yihuang for years, Lin Yu's intelligence far surpassed that of a still-ungraduated college student like Yang Shuxi.

When she saw Yang Shuxi's uncontrollable reaction upon hearing Qin Qinghan's name, Lin Yu guessed that this girl knew Qin Qinghan well.

Using Yang Shuxi to inform Qin Qinghan would be more effective.

Luo Yihuang and Lin Yu never intended to harm Qin Qinghan, but they were willing to use her to threaten Ye Fengwu, betting that he cared about her enough to refrain from harming Luo Yihuang.

Once out of Lin Yu's sight, Yang Shuxi took out her phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, Sis, are you married?" Yang Shuxi asked as soon as the call connected.

In Haihua City, Qin Qinghan had just finished her previous call when her phone rang again.