
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

1376680852 · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 43: How Much Is My Life Worth?

At that moment, the restroom door opened, and Yang Shuxi, pouting, stepped out. Just as she was about to return to her seat, she almost collided with the approaching Ye Fengwu.

Yang Shuxi took a step back, leaning against the restroom door. The sweetness and maturity she previously exuded had vanished, replaced by a wary expression on her pretty face as she glared at Ye Fengwu. "What do you want? I'm going to call the police."

Ye Fengwu, with the black box slung over his shoulder, pointed behind Yang Shuxi. "I need to use the restroom."

Hearing this, Yang Shuxi felt embarrassed and moved aside to let him pass.

Ye Fengwu turned back and said, "You should go to the tenth car. There's no one left alive in the ninth car."

Yang Shuxi stuck out her tongue at him and scoffed, "Trying to scare me? I'm not a little girl anymore, hmph!"

She walked back to her seat but noticed something strange. The passengers in the car seemed off—some were slumped in their seats, heads hanging.

Yang Shuxi shook her head and sat down, while Ye Fengwu inspected the restroom. His sharp eyes noticed that the sink had been tampered with, a barely visible sign of disturbance.


Ye Fengwu gripped the edge of the sink and yanked it up, revealing several test tube-like containers filled with a golden liquid beneath it. Attached to the tubes was a timer, counting down from fifty-six minutes.

"This is it," Ye Fengwu muttered, finding the hidden explosive. Carefully, he disarmed it by snipping a red wire, freezing the timer at fifty-four minutes and thirty seconds. He left the bomb in the sink basin and exited the restroom.

Just then, Yang Shuxi called out, "Hey, mister, this car feels creepy."

Ye Fengwu glanced back at her and said, "Go to the tenth car. There are no living people left in the ninth car."

Yang Shuxi's expression turned puzzled as she noticed the strange postures of the other passengers, but she still didn't grasp the gravity of the situation.

When Ye Fengwu entered the tenth car, five black-clad bodyguards immediately stood and approached him. Ye Fengwu feigned surprise and pointed to the empty seats, saying, "I thought these seats were vacant."

Lin Yu stood up and said, "I'm sorry, you'll have to find another car. This one is reserved."

Feigning a pitiful expression, Ye Fengwu replied, "Wow, must be nice to be rich. Us farmers can only look for free seats."

Lin Yu, with a look of impatience, ordered, "Sit there quietly, or you'll be removed."

"Let him stay," a melodious voice interjected. It was Luo Yihuan, still reclining in her seat.

Lin Yu frowned and cautioned, "Miss Luo, we should be careful."

Luo Yihuan, with her eyes closed, calmly replied, "If he's a threat, it's better to keep him where we can see him."

Ye Fengwu, impressed by Luo Yihuan's composure and intelligence, moved to the indicated seat. The bodyguards positioned themselves around him, clearly keeping an eye on him.

Ye Fengwu smiled and said, "Thank you. Miss, where are you from? It's rare to see someone as kind and beautiful as you."

Lin Yu, growing annoyed, snapped, "If you stay quiet, you can remain here until we arrive. Otherwise, you'll be thrown out."

After Lin Yu returned to her seat, Ye Fengwu suddenly stood up and walked towards Luo Yihuan. The bodyguards, focused on the door to the eleventh car, didn't notice him until he sat beside Luo Yihuan.

Lin Yu, alarmed, demanded, "What do you think you're doing? Who allowed you to move?"

Ignoring her, Ye Fengwu addressed Luo Yihuan, "Your bodyguards are too inattentive."

This was Ye Fengwu's first time seeing Luo Yihuan, reputed to be the most beautiful woman in China. Even with just a side profile, her beauty was undeniable.

Luo Yihuan opened her eyes, her serene expression unchanged. "Now I know."

Lin Yu, furious, shouted at the inattentive bodyguards, "What are you doing?"

Ye Fengwu calmly replied, "They're probably asleep."

The guards were indeed unconscious, subdued by Ye Fengwu's expert hand. As three more bodyguards rushed him, Ye Fengwu swiftly disarmed them, rendering them unconscious with precise blows.

Seeing the ease with which he dispatched the bodyguards, Lin Yu realized the danger they were in. In desperation, she attacked Ye Fengwu with a punch aimed at his throat, revealing her skills.

Ye Fengwu, impressed by her ability, easily caught her punch and twisted her arm behind her back, forcing her down. The humiliating position only fueled her rage, leading her to bite him in anger.

"How much is my life worth?" Luo Yihuan's calm voice cut through the tension.

Ye Fengwu, despite the situation, found her composed demeanor remarkable.