
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

1376680852 · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 41: The Assassin in the Train Carriage

In an instant, Ye Fengwu opened the case, revealing the neatly arranged components of a sniper rifle, including a 10-25x scope.

Ye Fengwu had a fondness for cold weapons but also loved sniper rifles. This particular sniper rifle, named "Wolf God," had been custom-made for him by a military factory. The rifle measured 1.32 meters in length, was entirely black, and used 10.12 mm armor-piercing rounds. Its effective range was 2,500 meters, but Ye Fengwu's most impressive shot was reportedly a 3,500-meter hit on a terrorist organization's satellite dish.

The long case had three layers. The second layer contained two jet-black pistols and two daggers. The pistols had a large caliber and came with two boxes of 9.1 mm steel core bullets.

When he lifted the third layer, he found a long box lying inside, one meter long and fifteen centimeters wide.

Ye Fengwu gently ran his hand over the box as if touching a lover, his eyes filled with confidence.

This was his favorite weapon, a gift from Chen Zuoshan five years ago.

After instructing Lin Qiang and the others to rest and recover, Ye Fengwu returned home with his weapons.

It was midnight by the time he arrived. Not wanting to wake Qin Qinghan, he quietly opened the bedroom door and, using his phone's dim light, placed the case on top of the wardrobe.


The bedside lamp turned on with a soft sound. Qin Qinghan, dressed in her pajamas and leaning against the headboard, looked at Ye Fengwu with a complex expression. Her eyes flicked towards the case on the wardrobe.

Putting away his phone, Ye Fengwu glanced at Jing Si, who was sleeping beside Qin Qinghan, and whispered, "Did I wake you? A friend invited me out for tea and offered me a job."

Qin Qinghan frowned slightly, skeptical of Ye Fengwu's explanation, sensing he was hiding something.

"Let's go to sleep," she said softly, then curled back under the covers.

Qin Qinghan wanted to confess about the ring, to apologize for mistaking it as a counterfeit, but it was too late for discussions; she resolved to speak on it the next day.

The bed was spacious enough for three, and although Qin Qinghan occupied the center, there was plenty of room for Ye Fengwu if he chose to join.

So, Ye Fengwu walked to the bedside, removed his jacket, and lay down on the floor mat Qin Qinghan had thoughtfully prepared.


The next morning, warm sunlight filtered through the curtains, filling the room with a cozy glow.

Qin Qinghan had a restless sleep, sharing the room with a man for the first time, even though he was her husband in name.

Her skin was flawless, her nose high, and lips rosy. Up close, the perfection of her face was more apparent, especially her slightly quivering long eyelashes.

The beauty in her sleep was enchanting, and as the room's sole male, Ye Fengwu did not overlook this beautiful sight.


Suddenly, Qin Qinghan's eyelashes twitched, and her groggy eyes slowly opened.

As her vision cleared, she saw a mouth approaching her face.

Instinctively, Qin Qinghan slapped it away, then retreated under the covers, her eyes wary as she gazed at Ye Fengwu beside the bed.

Ye Fengwu, holding his cheek, looked disappointed; his attempt at a stealthy kiss had backfired.

Seeing Qin Qinghan's angelic face in her sleep, he couldn't resist the impulse for a kiss, but she woke just in time.

"You... you promised not to bully me," Qin Qinghan said from under the covers, her tone tinged with apology.

Ye Fengwu grimaced, "I just landed a new job and have to travel for a few days. I was hoping for a little affection before leaving... alas."

Watching Ye Fengwu's dejected expression, Qin Qinghan felt sympathy but held her ground, gently adding, "Give me some time."

"Then I'll wait for you," Ye Fengwu responded with a smile.

Afterward, he put on his jacket and picked up a meter-long box at his feet, slinging it over his shoulder.

This was the weapon he had secretly taken from the arms case earlier that morning, ideal for his upcoming trip to Jin Hai City.

Observing Ye Fengwu dressing again in his slightly worn camouflage outfit and with the box on his shoulder, Qin Qinghan asked, "Are you going on a business trip?"

Ye Fengwu nodded, "My new boss is quite stylish and insists on fishing together. Got the rod ready. Go back to sleep; I'm heading out now."

Qin Qinghan checked her phone; it was only 6:30 AM. Nodding, she wished, "Be careful."

Feeling warmth at her words, Ye Fengwu thought how lucky he was to have such a gentle and caring wife.


Luo Yihuang's high-speed train departed at 8 AM, so Ye Fengwu had booked a ticket on the same train, arriving at the station by 7:30 AM.

Haihua City was a major station, bustling with travelers. Long lines of passengers went through security, and all luggage was scanned by X-ray machines.

Ye Fengwu knew the box he carried wouldn't pass security, but he calmly queued with the other passengers.

A few minutes later, as he approached the security gate, a security officer stopped him.

"Excuse me, sir, please put your item through the scanner," the officer said, pointing to Ye Fengwu's box.

"Sorry, I forgot," Ye Fengwu replied with an apologetic smile.

As he placed the box on the X-ray conveyor, he discreetly attached a thumb-sized electronic chip to it.

When the box emerged from the other side, the officer monitoring the screen frowned slightly but said nothing.

Ye Fengwu calmly retrieved the box, removing the chip and slipping it into his pocket.

The chip caused a brief malfunction in the X-ray machine, showing a false image of the box's contents.

Because Ye Fengwu's mission was a covert operation, he had no support or funding. He pondered how to request expenses from Luo Yihuang, whom he had never met.

At 7:50 AM, Ye Fengwu boarded the train to Jin Hai City.

His seat was in the ninth car, a business class section, while Luo Yihuang was in the tenth car.

The spacious carriage was less than half full, and Ye Fengwu sat by the window in the first five rows.

Due to his worn camouflage outfit, the other passengers dismissed him as a laborer trying to flaunt a business class ticket.

More frustratingly, a sweet-looking young woman was seated next to him.

The girl, around eighteen or nineteen, wore light blue jeans and knee-high boots, accentuating her long, straight legs.

Her blue coat and long, silky hair, falling to her waist, made her look mature yet sweet and pretty.

Despite the attractive neighbor, Ye Fengwu's eyes never lingered on her.

His calm gaze took in the entire carriage, noting everyone's actions.

Some read magazines, others fiddled with their phones, but their hidden hostility didn't escape Ye Fengwu's keen observation.

The only solace was that the two people Lin Qiang described, proficient in Qi, were not among them.

Deploying so many assassins showed just how significant Luo Yihuang was.

Suddenly, Ye Fengwu's brows furrowed as he noticed the girl next to him behaving oddly—not out of place, but too normal.

Though she looked mature, her appearance was sweet and pleasant, with a faint fragrance of youth.

Damn it, he thought, where did this ordinary person come from?