
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

1376680852 · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 35: This is Just Too Much

The clerk glanced at Qin Qinghan with a hint of disdain and said, "Follow me."

She led Qin Qinghan to a large glass window and called out to a middle-aged man inside, "She's here to redeem an item. Take care of it."

With that, the clerk moved to the side and started playing with her phone.

The middle-aged man extended his hand indifferently towards Qin Qinghan, saying, "Give me the receipt."

Qin Qinghan quickly handed over the receipt. However, upon glancing at it, the man's expression suddenly changed.

He called out to the clerk, "Manager Li, come here."

The clerk seemed a bit annoyed but entered through a side door. Qin Qinghan watched as the middle-aged man and the clerk conversed, occasionally glancing her way. Her intuition told her something wasn't right.

Soon, the clerk returned, handed the receipt back to Qin Qinghan, and said expressionlessly, "We don't have your ring."

Qin Qinghan frowned and took the receipt, asking, "But this receipt is clearly from Xihu Pawn Shop. Can you please check again?"

The clerk's impatience grew, and she sneered, "There's nothing to check. If you keep causing trouble, I'll call security."

Two security guards with rubber batons began slowly approaching Qin Qinghan.

Realizing something was wrong, Qin Qinghan suspected they didn't want her to redeem the fake ring.

"Miss, please leave," one of the guards said coldly as they reached her.

Qin Qinghan stepped back, unwilling to give up. She bit her lip and said, "I... I'll pay extra. I just want my ring back."

Seeing her persistence, the clerk replied coldly, "There's no ring. No amount of money will change that. Leave now, or I'll have security throw you out."

The two guards put away their batons, leering at her. It was clear they wouldn't mind a physical confrontation.

As they moved towards her, a commanding male voice rang out, "What's going on here?"

Everyone turned to see four men in suits emerging from the pawnshop. The leading man was slightly thin but exuded an intimidating presence.

The clerk and guards immediately greeted him respectfully, "Hello, Chairman Chen."

The atmosphere grew tense as even Qin Qinghan felt nervous under the man's gaze.

Chairman Chen glanced at Qin Qinghan, seemingly struck by her beauty, before turning to the clerk and asking, "What's going on?"

The clerk stammered, "Chairman Chen, this woman is here to redeem a ring."

Chen frowned and said, "Idiots, it's just a small ring. Why make it difficult for a customer?"

The clerk turned pale and replied, "But... we never took her ring. She's making it up."

Chen's gaze turned sinister as he looked at Qin Qinghan. At that moment, the middle-aged man inside came up and whispered something to Chen.

Chen's expression darkened further, and he said to Qin Qinghan, "Do you realize who I am? You dare to fabricate stories in my shop?"

Upon hearing the name Xihu Black Wind, Qin Qinghan's face turned pale. Though she had never met him, she knew his ruthless reputation.

Qin Qinghan stepped back, her resolve wavering but still determined. She said, "You're just bullying customers. Check the security footage. If I'm wrong, I'll apologize publicly."

Chen's voice grew harsher, "Even police officers don't dare talk to me like this. Throw her out."

One of Chen's bodyguards stepped forward and swung his hand towards Qin Qinghan's face.


Suddenly, the shop's glass door shattered. A shard flew through the air, piercing the guard's hand and stopping his assault.

"Chen Yuanzhong, still up to your old tricks. Bullying a woman. Some things never change."

A cold, familiar voice echoed from the broken door. Qin Qinghan turned to see Ye Fengwu approaching, his face set in cold anger.

Chen Yuanzhong's expression turned serious, and he said, "Ye Fengwu, so you're out of prison."

Ye Fengwu smiled coldly, "Thanks to you. How's your son's leg?"

Ye Fengwu's words dripped with sarcasm. Years ago, he had been drugged and implicated in hurting Qin Qinghan, orchestrated by Chen Yuanzhong and his son, Chen Sheng.

Two of Chen's bodyguards moved to attack, but Chen stopped them. He said, "No need. I hired the best doctors."

Ye Fengwu smirked, "Good. I'd hate to break his legs again."

Chen's eyes flashed with anger, but he controlled it. He said, "Ye Fengwu, causing a scene and injuring my guard—what's your goal?"

Ye Fengwu walked over to Qin Qinghan, put an arm around her waist, and said, "I'm here for my wife. I saw your 'famous' Black Wind bullying her."

Chen felt a chill from Ye Fengwu's icy stare and said, "There seems to be a misunderstanding about the ring."

Seeing Chen back down, his guards and the clerk were shocked. This man must be powerful to make Chen yield.

Ye Fengwu said, "I heard about a ring. How much did you pay for it?"