
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

1376680852 · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 2: Forced Marriage

In a nearby corner, a middle-aged couple, a man and a woman in their forties, sat with expressions of deep distress.

"Qinghan, listen to your mother. I know it's hard to part with Jingsi, but if you place her in a good family, you can marry the son of the Zhang family without any worries. Your life will be much better," Yang Yu implored, looking at Qin Qinghan with earnest eyes.

Yang Yu was the wife of Qin Guangnan's second son, Qin Zhi. Over the years, she had endured endless humiliation and shame because of Qin Qinghan. Her daughter had been raped and gave birth to the rapist's child amidst scorn and derision from everyone.

So, Yang Yu not only loathed the rapist but also harbored resentment towards her granddaughter, who shouldn't have been born. She had even contemplated abandoning the child.

Qin Qinghan placed a piece of vegetable on the little girl's plate and looked up, "Mom, I accept my fate, but I'd rather live on the streets than let Jingsi leave me."

Seeing Qin Qinghan's stubbornness, Qin Zhi sighed, "Qinghan, Jingsi is indeed a good child, but she is still the daughter of a rapist. You can't raise her forever."

Qin Qinghan's face changed, her brows furrowed. "Dad, how can you say that? I know her biological father is a scoundrel, and I don't even know his face or name. But Jingsi is my daughter. I brought her into this world. She has a bad father. Do you want her to have a heartless mother too?"

Tears welled up in Qin Qinghan's eyes as she continued. No one could understand the humiliation she had endured all these years.

Raped, without a friend's sympathy or a family's understanding, only endless ridicule and scorn. She knew her life was ruined by that man.

She had despaired, even considered ending her life, but Jingsi's birth gave her hope. She bore all the humiliation just to raise her daughter, despite hating the rapist who ruined her life.

The little girl pursed her lips. Though young, she was unusually perceptive and could sense that everyone, except her mother, despised her.

She took out a tissue and handed it to Qin Qinghan, her voice choked with emotion. "Mom, I made you sad again. It's all my fault. Please don't send me away. I'll be good."

Qin Qinghan's tears flowed uncontrollably as she hugged Jingsi tightly, "Never, I will never give you up."

"Ladies and gentlemen, please quiet down. Qin Laoyezi has an announcement to make."

At that moment, a middle-aged man stood up at the head of the table and spoke.

This was Qin Guangnan's eldest son, Qin Fei. His only son, Qin Shou, cast a mocking glance at Qin Qinghan's family.

Although Qin Qinghan's reputation was tarnished, she was still one of the most beautiful women in Haihua City. If she weren't his cousin, he might have wanted her for himself.

The hotel fell silent as Qin Guangnan, dressed in a Tang suit, stood up slowly and smiled, "Today is my birthday, and I thank you all for coming. I also wish to announce the engagement of my granddaughter, Qin Qinghan."

Qin Guangnan then looked at a frail man in his thirties sitting at a neighboring table, "Young Master Zhang, thank you for not minding my granddaughter's past. From now on, she is yours."

Zhang Ge stood up quickly, smiling, "Qin Laoyezi, it's my honor to be associated with the Qin family. However..."

He turned to look at Qin Qinghan, his eyes shining with admiration. He had long admired her and was thrilled that he would soon marry such a beauty.

But then his eyes landed on Jingsi, and a look of disdain appeared, "Qin Laoyezi, my father said we can accept Qinghan's past, but this child cannot enter our Zhang family."

Qin Qinghan's anger flared at these words. She had opposed this marriage from the start, knowing her grandfather was forcing her into it.

She would endure anything if he accepted Jingsi, but if not, she would rather live on the streets than agree.

Qin Guangnan smiled at Zhang Ge, "Don't worry, I've already promised your father that the child will not follow Qinghan into your family. I will find her a foster home."

"Thank you, Qin Laoyezi," Zhang Ge replied, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Qin Qinghan's anger boiled over, and she stood up, "Grandfather, I cannot control my fate, but I have one condition. If Jingsi leaves me, I will leave the Qin family."

"Impudent!" Qin Guangnan slammed the table, "You've brought enough shame to the Qin family. Zhang Ge doesn't mind your past, and the Zhang family is willing to tolerate you. You should feel grateful."

He then ordered his grandson, Qin Shou, "Take that child away and find her a foster family."

"Leave it to me, grandfather," Qin Shou replied, licking his lips.

As Qin Shou approached, Qin Qinghan's face turned pale with fear. She clutched Jingsi tightly, the little girl trembling in her arms.

"Grandfather is doing this for your own good. Give her to me," Qin Shou said, grabbing Jingsi's arm roughly.

"Let go of my daughter! Let go!" Qin Qinghan screamed, hitting Qin Shou's arm. But her frail strength was no match for him.

"Stop resisting," Qin Shou said angrily, yanking Jingsi away. The force sent Jingsi flying, and she landed two meters away.

Qin Qinghan crashed into her mother, Yang Yu, who held her back, "Qinghan, this is for your own good. Don't let this child drag you down."

"Did it hurt?"

As Qin Shou reached for Jingsi, he saw a tall, handsome man crouching beside her, gently helping her up.

Ye Fengwu's sudden appearance stunned everyone, including Qin Qinghan, who stared at the stranger in shock.

Jingsi's eyes filled with tears, but she held back her sobs. She looked at Ye Fengwu and shook her head, "It doesn't hurt."

"What's your name?" Ye Fengwu asked softly, touched by the little girl's courage.

"My name is Qin Jingsi," she replied sweetly.

Ye Fengwu smiled, "Where are your parents?"

"I don't have a father. That's my mom," Jingsi said, pointing at Qin Qinghan.

"And they say my dad is a bad person, but mom says he's a hero."

"Who do you believe?" Ye Fengwu asked.

"I believe my mom," Jingsi answered without hesitation.

Ye Fengwu's heart warmed. A loving mother would never let her child live in darkness, no matter her own pain.

He liked this little girl, but he wasn't sure if she was his and Qin Qinghan's daughter.

Qin Shou's mocking laugh broke the moment, "A hero? Your father is a rapist, not a hero."

The word "rapist" snapped Ye Fengwu's calm demeanor. His face turned icy, his eyes filled with a deadly coldness, like a predator.

Qin Shou flinched, instinctively stepping back.

Ye Fengwu turned to Jingsi, "Is your mother's name Qin Qinghan?"

Jingsi nodded, "Uncle, do you know my mom?"

"Indeed..." Ye Fengwu's eyes softened with guilt, which quickly turned into a fierce resolve.

Jingsi was his daughter, and now, he would protect her and her mother at all costs.