

At first I thought she would be the same as the previous employees. Those who go to work with the intention of teasing their boss or who work half-heartedly and do not try to improve the quality and efficiency of their work.

One of human nature is lust, whether it's lust for money, lust for position or against the opposite sex. I've met many different kinds of people. But only this time I was made curious.

It's not just that I can't read her mind. Everything she does is so perfect as I wanted it to be. Her work is good and every word she says is just about work, never talking about unnecessary small talk. Even though she said this was her first time working.

"Boss, after this meeting is over, there are no more scheduled events for today. Thank God, you can rest early today."

"You can go home first. I have some work to finish at the office."

"Don't you need my help?"

"No, just go."

"Okay! I'll get my stuff first at the office."

Arriving at the office, David was seen waiting alone at the door of the boss room.

"The night is still long, why are you rushing to tell Luna to come home early?"

"I need your help." Daniel's face looked like he was in pain.

"Luna wait a minute okay? Don't go home yet." David asked as he ran into Daniel's room.

Meanwhile in the room. David picked up a pair of scissors on Daniel's desk and then he used it to cut his own wrist. Immediately the blood flowed from his hand, then David poured the blood into a glass and gave it to Daniel who was in pain. Daniel reached for the glass, and within seconds the blood was past his throat in one gulp.


"How long are you going to depend on me? Wouldn't it be better if you just drank Ariella's blood? I don't want to keep giving my precious blood to you. My beautiful slaves at home always only get leftovers because of you. Luckily you don't have to bite me, imagine being bitten by a fellow male vampire would really damage my reputation."

Even though they are born twins, their behavior is opposite. David has an easy going, expressive nature and even seducing girls has become his hobby, except for his own employees. Even his house has become like a harem, where there are several female slaves that he deliberately collects at his house. Meanwhile, Daniel is more inclined to be cold in nature, difficult to express his feelings and does not like being in crowds. Of course, these differences make them even more complementary.

"You know that I never accepted the matchmaking. I have no interest in being in a relationship with a woman. They're troublesome."

"Sometimes I don't even think that you are my twin. Because our interests in women are completely opposite."

Daniel is often in pain when his werewolf and vampire sides collide inside him. The contrasting power made his body ache and his chest tightened. How not, like a human being, a werewolf has a warm body temperature and of course a healthy beating heart.

Meanwhile, vampires, who are often dubbed the undead, don't need a heart to survive. The two different bloods can be described as animals fighting for a territory, but it happens in the body.

There was one way to relieve the pain when it happened, which was to drink the blood of another vampire origin. Ariella is an origin vampire who was set up for Daniel by the Vampire Lord, the oldest living vampire. But with Daniel's behavior of course he never agreed to it. Moreover, Daniel really doesn't like Ariella's character who is too talkative and childish.

"How about the three of us go for a drink? Well, you could say this is an event to welcome Luna. Do you agree?"

"Yeah maybe this could be my chance to find out her true nature." David smiled at his brother's answer. He knew Daniel very well. If he wasn't interested, he would definitely reject it.

His words just now indicated that he was interested in Luna, but his pride was too high to admit that. Then they immediately left the room to say that to Luna. Luna seems to be sitting in her chair and playing with her cellphone. Then she stood up when she saw her two bosses starting to approach her.

"Do you have an event today?" David asked Luna.

"No, sir. What's wrong?"

"We're going out for a drink. Can you come with us?"


"Yes, you. Actually I wanted to make a welcoming party for you but because the boss is not the type of person who likes to party with a lot of people, so it's just the three of us, no problem, right?"

"If that's the case, of course I have to go with it."

"Perfect! Alright then let's go!"

The three of them went in David's car. During the trip they chatted a little. Daniel just realized that actually Luna also talks quite a lot, maybe while being with him, Luna just adjusts to Daniel who doesn't really like talking nonsense. Luna can make herself compatible with whoever she is talking to, according to Daniel it is an added value.

Arriving at a cafe with a modern classic nuance with a combination of black and white, the style of today's youth, David chose a seat in the far corner to avoid the crowds.

"We'd better eat before we start drinking." Daniel suggested.

"Haven't you had dinner yet, Luna?" David asked Luna.

"Um, yeah."

"Ah, I see." said David, glancing at his brother.

David had been feeling strange ever since Daniel suggested eating before drinking. David thought, 'for what? he doesn't act like this usually'. It turned out that the reason for his proposal was aimed at Luna. Daniel gave the menu book to Luna, "Choose what you want to eat." David was again astonished to see his brother's behavior just now. This is a step moment, and the first time for a Daniel, to care about women, other than for business reasons.

The night is getting late and so is Daniel's feelings for Luna. They managed to get Luna drunk. But it's not like he found anything bad intentions. Instead, she revealed the reason she chose to work far from where she came from.

They both listened to Luna tell stories like a radio announcer. Sometimes she tells stories while crying, then wipes her tears with her own hands and returns to telling stories full of enthusiasm.

It was already midnight, Daniel asked David to call a taxi for him and Luna. After that David looked for a replacement driver for himself. Even if he doesn't feel drunk, it's better to just be careful it won't hurt either, he thought.