
The CEO's Secret Bride

Alex just a office woman... "Excuse me...?" Bourn the CEO of her company suddenly ask her to marry him.

DaoistG4wU0v · Urban
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12 Chs


Alex Andrea sat nervously in the sleek waiting room, her palms clammy and her heart racing. This was the moment she had been waiting for her entire life, and she wasn't going to let it slip away. She took a deep breath and glanced down at her resume, checking and re-checking every detail to make sure it was perfect.

"Ms. Andrea, Mr. Bourn will see you now," the receptionist said, interrupting her thoughts.

Alex stood up, smoothed out her skirt, and walked briskly to the door. She pushed it open and stepped into the expansive office, taking in the impressive views of the city skyline.

"Ms. Andrea, it's good to finally meet you," a deep, gravelly voice said from behind the large mahogany desk.

Alex turned to face the man who held her entire future in his hands. Michael Bourn, the CEO of the most successful company in the country, was looking at her with a mix of interest and skepticism.

"It's an honor to meet you too, Mr. Bourn," Alex replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

Michael leaned back in his leather chair and studied her for a moment. "Your resume is quite impressive, Ms. Andrea. But I'm more interested in what you can do for my company."

Alex nodded, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on her. "I understand, Mr. Bourn. I'm confident that I can bring a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to your team."

They talked for what seemed like hours, discussing everything from Alex's previous work experience to Michael's vision for the future of the company. Alex found herself surprisingly at ease, matching Michael's intensity and drive with her own.

As the meeting came to a close, Michael stood up and walked around the desk to shake her hand. "I'm impressed, Ms. Andrea. You have a lot of potential. I think you'll fit in well here."

Alex couldn't believe it. This was it, the opportunity of a lifetime. "Thank you so much, Mr. Bourn. I won't let you down."

As she walked out of the office, Alex felt like she was walking on air. But she also knew that the hard work was just beginning. She was determined to make the most of this opportunity, to prove herself to Michael Bourn and everyone else at the company. Little did she know that her journey would be filled with unexpected twists and turns, including a secret she never could have imagined.

Very polite to each other though...

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