
The CEO's Rebellious Woman

Evina Chen is a young career woman who is not afraid to defy her superiors. She would even risk her personal life to defend her colleagues from tyrannical bosses. Meanwhile, Gabriel Yang is a ruthless dominant CEO who would sacrifice anything for the sake of the growth of their company. He would crush anyone who would dare stand in his way. She hates authorities. He hates rebels. Is it possible for love to spark between these two in their endless clash for power? ****** NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: > Photo is not mine. > Forgive me in advance for the mistakes. I don't have an editor yet. :') > Feel free to get in touch with me at FB and IG @7arabella7 > Thank you for giving this story a chance. I hope you like it! :*

AraBella · Urban
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14 Chs

A Master Thief Or A Damsel In Distress

On the other side of the district, Gabriel was having a business meeting with the CEO of Astro Inc.

"Congratulations, Mr. Yang. We appreciate your initiative to reach out to us first." The CEO of Astro, Inc. bowed down to Gabriel as he shook his hand.

"It is actually the Chairman's aspiration to be in partnership with a world-class company such as Astro, Inc." Gabriel stooped down to him as well.

Gabriel just landed the deal. It is a project that The Elysian Inc. has been investing in for months. It put Gabriel in a good mood as he whistled while going to the parking lot at the basement of the Astro. Inc's building.

"The Chairman would be so proud of me," he smiled to himself as he was nearing his car.

Paul seemed to sense the positive result of the transaction. With a broad smile on his face, he opened the car door for him.

As he did so, Gabriel's eyes caught on the dent on its side. His face transformed into a frown as he remembered the culprit behind it.

"Evina Chen," he spoke her name as he recalled the feisty woman whom he had encountered at Sapphire Building's parking lot. It was still vivid to him how he was almost got hit by a car if she didn't pull him like grease lightning

"I wonder if she's all right," he went in and seated himself while Paul went to the driver's seat and immediately started the car.

Even though she had damaged his precious car that his father gave him as a gift, her situation was more complicated than the average employee. "Should I just call her now?" He thought as his hand patted on the top of his coat to see if her card was still there.

He was about to insert his hand in his side pocket when Paul opened a conversation with him.

"The Chairman was asking for you, boss. He couldn't contact you a while ago, so he called me instead," he informed Gabriel while he was driving.

Gabriel pulled his hand back as he was reminded that he has more serious matters to attend to.

"Did he leave a message?" he asked as his gaze darted outside the window. They were already out of the Astro Inc's area and were now traveling back home. Since it's traffic in the main road, they decided to make a detour and used the subsidiary roads instead.

"Yes, boss. He was asking to meet with you tomorrow night," Paul answered.

Gabriel couldn't help but draw in a deep breath as he contemplated the special request of the Chairman. It's been days since he was discharged from the hospital. The Chairman must be expecting him to present a secretary or a wife by now.

Thinking about it made Gabriel slumped from his seat. He could deal with solving a dilemma in making major decisions for the corporation. He could manage the overall operations and resources in the company. However, a minor detail like this was one of the hardest things he had to deal with.

What can he do if his secretaries can't live up to his expectations? And having a girlfriend or a wife is just additional responsibility from what he has already at hand. It was making his head ache.

Gabriel closed his eyes as he tried to sleep it off. He was already dozing when Paul woke him up with a louder than normal voice.

"Boss, there's a strange woman on the roadside," Paul burst out, his voice reflecting that he was disturbed by what he saw.

Gabriel opened his eyes to see what he was referring to. A few meters away from them, there was a woman who was waving her hands frantically at them.

He recalled the news that he has watched recently regarding theft crimes along the roads. There were women in the side roads who pretended to be damsels in distress. But once they got inside, they would point a gun at the owner and steal from them.

"Leave her be." Gabriel said in an irritated tone as he closed his eyes.

"She looks like she needs help, boss." Paul continued on as they were nearing the lady in desolation. But he still obeyed his master.

Gabriel wanted to ignore him. He still has to talk to his subordinates about the next project that they would pursue after their finished negotiation with Astro. And they have to make a good impression with the start of their new acquisition. With all that's coming and his body still in the process of recovering, he needed all the strength he could muster.

However, he was still curious if the woman was indeed a woman in jeopardy or not. He opened his eyes and checked the location where they were at. They were on Jeyong Town. And as far as he knew, there were no residential or commercial structures in the area.

If this woman is indeed a lady who was lost in this place and not a thief, it would be terrifying for her if they leave her here. His eyes darted to the setting sun in the west. Different scenarios entered his mind as to what could happen to the strange damsel. He decided to just save the lady and prepare for the consequences.

"Ready your gun and stop the car!" Gabriel commanded Paul, which he immediately followed. Paul slowed down and pulled the car to the side of the road. However, they already passed her, so they have to go backwards to get near her.

Gabriel pivoted to check the woman. And as he did so, he noticed that a car at the end of the road where she came from was following after her. His jaw clenched as he immediately opened the car in haste.

"Give me your gun!" He bellowed at Paul, which shocked his driver. But he instantly handed his gun to him.


You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time.

Who's happy to see Gabriel in the same road that Evina is? :)

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Have a great day! :)

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