

Emma Thompson, a talented yet struggling artist, finds herself entangled in a passionate one-night stand with Alexander Collins, a charismatic CEO. Both believing it to be a fleeting encounter, they part ways. However, fate has other plans in store for them when Emma discovers she is pregnant with Alexander's child. To protect his company's reputation, Alexander proposes a marriage of convenience, and Emma reluctantly agrees. As they navigate their unusual arrangement, Emma must endure the disdain of Alexander's high-status friends and family. Amidst the challenges, Emma forms an unexpected bond with Alexander's younger sister, Olivia. Together, they uncover a web of suspicious criminal activities within Alexander's company, setting off a chain of events that will test their courage, loyalty, and love.

Daoisti3CuXs · Urban
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12 Chs

Girl's Only Day

Chapter 9

The complexity of it all weighed heavily on my heart. The tragedy didn't end there, as my father's second wife had later orchestrated his death, causing a ripple effect of despair and loss. And she was now presently jailed for her crime for life.

The mere thought of my own origins, intertwined with such sorrow, sent a shiver down my spine. It was a chapter of my life that had haunted me, a burden I carried silently. But in that moment of introspection, I realized that my past need not dictate my future. I had the power to break the cycle, to shape my own destiny.

A newfound clarity washed over me, a decision crystallizing within my core. I couldn't let the ghosts of my past dictate the course of my present and future. I had the strength and resilience to rise above the circumstances that had shaped me. I refused to let fear and despair dictate the choices I made.

With a deep breath, I resolved to embrace the unknown, to face the challenges ahead with an unwavering spirit. I would not let the scars of my past determine my worth, nor would I allow them to cloud my judgement in this critical moment of decision. The flicker of hope within me burned brighter than ever before leaving zero doubts left in my mind.

In that moment, I made a choice. I would embrace the life growing within me, nurture it with love and care. I would not let fear or the daunting responsibilities ahead overshadow the miracle of new life. It was a decision that went beyond my own ambitions, my career, and financial stability. It was a decision rooted in the belief that every life, regardless of circumstance, held inherent value. 

As I pushed myself up from the floor, a newfound strength infused my every step.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I reached for my phone, switched it back on, and stared at the text from Alexander. It was time to face him, to have an honest conversation about our shared future. I typed a reply, choosing a time and place to meet, but didn't press send yet.

I got off the bed and strolled to my bed and sat on it, slowly taking in deep breaths. As I sat on the edge of my bed, I made my final decision. I was going to keep this pregnancy, regardless of whether Alexander wanted to be a part of it or not. With a heavy heart, I reached for my phone and read the text I was about to send to him.

"Alex. Let's meet up this tomorrow evening. Elm cafe, 7 pm. I have come to my final decision."

I pressed send, my thumb trembling with a mix of apprehension and determination. I knew that this conversation would change everything between us, but I had made up my mind. I had to do what was best for myself and the life growing within me.

After sending the message, I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I needed to wash away the evidence of my tears and gather my strength for the rest of the day ahead. I splashed cold water on my face, taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart. It was time to face the world with a brave face.

As I emerged from the bathroom, my friends Natalie and Laila were taken aback by my sudden appearance. I wondered when exactly they had gotten into my room. Hadn't I already told them I needed space. They exchanged worried glances, clearly concerned about my emotional state. But I had decided to keep my meeting with Alexander a secret for now. I wanted this day to be about us, about celebrating our friendship and finding strength in each other.

"Hey, girls," I said, mustering a smile. "I've got an idea. Let's get all dressed up and head to the mall. It's time for a girls' day out, just the three of us."

Natalie and Laila looked surprised but also relieved by the change of plans. They understood that I needed the distraction and support, even if they weren't aware of the full extent of what I was going through. They both agreed enthusiastically, and a spark of excitement ignited within me.

We spent the next hour rummaging through our wardrobes, selecting outfits that made us feel confident and empowered. Each of us chose something unique, reflecting our individual personalities. As we stood before the mirror, admiring our reflections, I felt a sense of unity and strength. We were ready to conquer the day together. As powerful ladies.

With our outfits on point and our spirits lifted, we made our way to the mall. Laughter filled the air as we strolled through the shops, trying on clothes, and sharing stories. We explored new boutiques, pampered ourselves at the beauty counters, and indulged in delicious treats at the mall's café.

We encouraged each other, offering words of support and reassurance. Though the weight of my decision lingered in the back of my mind, I knew that I had made the right choice. I had chosen to embrace this new chapter of my life.

As the evening drew near, we found ourselves sitting in a cozy corner of the mall's food court, savoring our last bites of dessert. Natalie and Laila exchanged glances, their eyes filled with curiosity and concern. It was clear that they wanted to ask about the reason behind my emotional state earlier, but they respected my decision to keep it private for now. In hopes that they would also understand the purpose for my silence even without me giving them a hint about it. I their company, I felt relieved. My true family was a mess up but this here is my true family. A family bound by trust and love. My baby would complete this little family of mine. With that I came to a decision on who would become my son's godmother and who will be his aunt. His godmother is....

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