

Emma Thompson, a talented yet struggling artist, finds herself entangled in a passionate one-night stand with Alexander Collins, a charismatic CEO. Both believing it to be a fleeting encounter, they part ways. However, fate has other plans in store for them when Emma discovers she is pregnant with Alexander's child. To protect his company's reputation, Alexander proposes a marriage of convenience, and Emma reluctantly agrees. As they navigate their unusual arrangement, Emma must endure the disdain of Alexander's high-status friends and family. Amidst the challenges, Emma forms an unexpected bond with Alexander's younger sister, Olivia. Together, they uncover a web of suspicious criminal activities within Alexander's company, setting off a chain of events that will test their courage, loyalty, and love.

Daoisti3CuXs · Urban
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12 Chs


Chapter 3

There stood Emma Thompson, draped in his white shirt, its sheer fabric offering glimpses of her enticing form. The morning sunlight danced upon her skin, accentuating her curves in a way that left Alexander momentarily breathless. But before he could fully comprehend the allure before him, Emma's voice cut through the air, sharp and unabashed.

"Let's be clear, Alexander," she declared, her gaze locked onto his. "I have no feelings for you. This was nothing more than a one-night stand, a fleeting encounter with a stranger." Her words hung in the air, their blunt honesty leaving little room for interpretation.

However, Alexander found himself scarcely registering her words. He hadn't sought a relationship or emotional entanglement with her.

Emma was, to him, a beautiful stranger with whom he had shared a night of undeniable chemistry. He had been captivated by the fleeting connection they had forged, but he harbored no illusions of building something more profound. As Emma's words lingered in the air, Alexander's gaze traveled along the contours of her body, his desire reigniting with each passing moment. He couldn't help himself; he was drawn to her, captivated by the allure she exuded. There was an undeniable magnetism between them, a pull that defied rationality and reason.

With a swift movement, Alexander rose from the bed, his eyes never leaving Emma's form. In a single stride, he closed the distance between them, his intent clear and unyielding. His hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer, and his lips found hers in a passionate, hungry kiss.

Emma's protest was silenced as desire consumed them both. In that moment, words became superfluous, replaced by the unspoken language of the body. As their bodies entwined, they embarked on another passionate encounter, surrendering to the primal desires that coursed through their veins.

Time seemed to blur as their bodies moved together in a dance of pleasure and longing. The room filled with the symphony of their intertwined breaths and whispered moans, each sound a testament to the intensity of their connection.

In that stolen moment, they surrendered to the intoxicating power of physical desire, their bodies seeking solace and release in each other's embrace. The world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them entangled in a web of unspoken desires and unquenchable lust.

I woke up about three hours later feeling the delicious aftermath of our passionate moments. I turned to the side if the bed to find that Alexander was no longer there, he's side of the bed was empty. I got up and went into the bathroom to find that he wasn't there either. He had left me all alone in this huge bedroom.

I looked around me and somewhat familiarized myself with the surroundings since it would most definitely be my last time here when a sudden knock came in from the door. I walked straight over to it and opened it after hesitating for a few minutes. There was a lady dressed in white and black staring back at me. "Good morning Miss. I'm sorry, I thought you would have left by now" she said with her head bowed. I studied her intently and concluded that she must be a cleaner.

"U-um I was just an to take my bath" I explained. "Well, your boyfriend had asked me to give you this number" she spoke and handed me a note with a few digits written on it. 'it must be his number' I thought calmly. "Well he also said to inform you that if you actually needed anything in the future he would be willing to help, but he doesn't want there to ever be a reason for both of you to cross paths again. I-im sorry miss, don't worry; you'll find some other guy that would care and love you" she tried to make me feel better but little did she know; I couldn't care less about those love crappy stuff. My whole world revolves around my art and art only.

I thanked her for the note and then shut the door behind me. Deciding to have my bath, I walked to the middle of the room and began stripping carefully and slowly. I peeled off Alexander's loose clothing cover ing my skin. And then with my feet, I pulled them to the side and slowly walked into the washroom. I went in and turned on the tap, letting the tub slowly and slowly fill up. While waiting, I walked back into my room and picked up my phone then walked back into the washroom. The tub was almost filled up to it's brim when I turned off the tap. I grabbed onto my soap and poured out some of its liquid content into the tub then slowly slid in.

I made sure my phone stayed up as it isn't waterproof. I rested my head at the head of the tub trying to relax my mind and body. I raised it back up to have a look at my phone. I thought for a while about what I was doing, I had actually spent a night with Alexander Collins and then my thoughts trailed back to what my psychiatrist had been advising me on. I took a deep sigh and found that I had just received a text from Natalie, my psychiatrist.

"Emma. I do not know if you have ever had a boyfriend before. But you should know having an actual partner is actually good to relieve the stress and weight on you. You are such a beautiful woman and you and I know that there are a lot of your colleagues and possibly friends that are interested in you. Get someone to fulfil your sexual desires. You are 23 for goodness sake and you have only had sex four times, your hormones are causing your stress and it's not beneficial for your health, neither is your art helping you relieve them. You need a boyfriend for pleasure and inspiration too, having a love life will help you get more inspiration on your art"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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