
Chapter 1

CLAIRE OPENED her eyes slowly. Still disoriented, she closed her eyes again and opened them again. One thing is for sure, she is not in her room. She saw the IV on her side and some bruises on her arms and hands. She is in the hospital! She is still trying to remember what just happened when the door opened and a handsome man walked towards her.

“Oh! You are awake! Good!” He said arrogantly.

Who is this man? She looked at him puzzled and confused.

“What? Cats got your tongue?” He said impatiently when she did not even say a word.

“W-Who are you?” She asked.

He laughed sarcastically and looked at her intently. “I’ve talked to the doctor and she just said that you are okay and your condition is stable. So, spare me with your old antics!”

Now she is having a headache. Who is this man and why does she have a feeling that he hated her?

“I-I really don’t know what you are talking about.” She said, confusion is visible on her face.

"You will never get tired of this, won't you?" He said mockingly.

She can see that the man is losing his patience. On the other hand, does he really have patience? But she really does not have any idea of what he is talking about.

“What is your name?” Suddenly he asked.

“Claire.” She answered even though she did not understand why he asked.

“When is your birth date?” He asked again.

“August 21, 1992.” She answered without even thinking.

“Just exactly what I thought!” The man said. “I am already fed up with all your shows Claire! What is this new drama that you are cooking?” You even want to pretend that you don’t know me!” He said almost shouting.

Claire was not used to situations like this. She has never been treated like this by anyone, especially a man she does not know!

Strange but she can feel her eyes are burning up. But why would she cry? She is telling the truth. She does not know this man.

“Now what? You will cry? Claire, we’ve been married for six years now. And did you honestly think that these old antics of yours will still affect me? I will tell you now that it will not work on me!”

On everything that he said, the only thing that registered in her mind was they are married for 6 years now! But how is it possible that she is married to this man? She doesn't even know his name! Yeah, he looked familiar but----Yeah, why did this man look familiar? She is still confused and she can’t even think properly.

“Claire, when will you stop torturing me?” Suddenly the man asked. He sounded tired all of a sudden.

“I-I’m not your wife Mister. Maybe you just---”

“Stop this nonsense Claire! If you want to get away from this marriage then try another way! I will not divorce you!” He roared! Now the arrogant man is back.

She does not know what to say now. She is intimidated and whenever she tries to speak this man interrupts her and worse does not even believe what she was saying.

“Can’t you see? This scheme of yours failed again! What do you want to do? You want to run away from me? You did not even think of Zack?”

Now she is thinking, if this is the treatment that she will get from her husband, then yes, she will run away from him! And who is this Zack? Oh! Gracious heaven! She just woke up from the accident and this information is too much for her.

“I-I don’t know what---”

“Claire please! Stop it!” He said and put his face on his palm.

Seeing him like that, her heart went out for him. She wants to help him but how can she help him if he mistakenly took her for a different person. She cannot even say a single word because it seems that she is just making him more upset.

But how could this man mistook her for his wife? Do they really look alike? And what about her name and birth date? Do they have the same name and birth date as well? Was that even possible? Now she got more confused.

She is trying to figure out everything when the door opens and a nurse walks towards them.

“Hello Mr. Castillejo, I’m Ana, I will be Mrs. Castillejo’s nurse for today.” Said the nurse to the man. The man just nodded and took his phone out from his pocket and from the look of it, it seemed that he was about to call someone.

“Hello Mrs. Castillejo, I’m Ana, how are you feeling right now?” The nurse asked while she was checking her vital signs.

“I’m okay, I guess.” She said softly. But the truth is, she is not okay. She doesn't even know what is going on. She remembered that she met an accident before she woke up but the moment she woke up and this man went to her ward everything does not make sense at all!

“That’s great.” The nurse said and smiled at her sweetly.

“Yes, This is John Blaire Castillejo II. Yes, she is my wife.” Claire heard the man while talking to the other line. Their eyes met when she looked at him. “One moment please.” He said then put down his phone. “I’ll be back.” He said and went out the ward.

“You must be very lucky.” The nurse said while writing on her record sheet.

She just smiled because she doesn't even know what she is talking about.

“Everyone is dying to be the wife of the rich and handsome Mr. John Blaire Castillejo of JBC Corporation.” She continued.

Her mouth literally dropped. What? That man is John Blaire Castillejo? The CEO of the JBC Corporation? She is not really interested in what is going on in the business world but she heard about his name few times. Though she does not have any idea what he looks like, people usually describe him as the handsome young CEO.

“But, do I really look like his wife?” Claire was not aware that she said that loudly.

“What are you saying Mrs. Castillejo? Of course you do! Actually you are both perfect. You really look good together.” The nurse claimed. “You are beautiful, even without make-up, you have some bruises and wounds now due to the accident but they will heal in time.” She added.

The nurse thought that her self esteem had shaken because of her wounds and bruises but it is not what she meant. She is still puzzled how come after the accident she became Mrs. Castillejo? She simply takes a glance of herself in the mirror wall on her side. She still looks the same apart from some wounds and bruises, yes, she is Claire. The ordinary Claire and not the wife of this handsome and rich CEO!

“Okay. I will let you rest for now. Maybe in two days we can discharge you already.”

“H-How long have I been here?” She asked before she turned her back from her.

“Like, 3 hours ago.” She replied.

Claire nodded and uttered her gratitude to the nurse. “Thanks Ana.”

“You are most welcome Mrs. Castillejo.” She said and left.

This whole thing is making her crazy. She is sure that her memories are intact! She does not have a husband and she is only an ordinary woman striving in life for the medication of her grandmother! Upon thinking of her grandmother, she tried her best to remember what happened a few hours before the accident.